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已有 2926 次阅读 2014-7-15 09:15 |个人分类:消息场|系统分类:科研笔记


Observation of hard scattering in photoproduction events with a large rapidity gap at HERA

M. Derrick, D. Krakauer, S. Magill, B. Musgrave, J. Repond, J. Schlereth, R. Stanek, R.L. Talaga, J. Thron, F. Arzarello, R. Ayad, G. Bari, M. Basile, L. Bellagamba, D. Boscherini, A. Bruni, G. Bruni, P. Bruni, G. Cara Romeo, G. Castellini, M. Chiarini, L. Cifarelli, F. Cindolo, F. Ciralli, A. Contin, S. D'Auria, F. Frasconi, I. Gialas, P. Giusti, G. Iacobucci, G. Laurenti, G. Levi, A. Margotti, T. Massam, R. Nania, C. Nemoz, F. Palmonari, A. Polini, G. Sartorelli, R. Timellini, Y. Zamora Garcia, A. Zichichi, A. Bargende, J. Crittenden, K. Desch, B. Diekmann, T. Doeker, M. Eckert, L. Feld, A. Frey, M. Geerts, G. Geitz, M. Grothe, H. Hartmann, D. Haun, K. Heinloth, E. Hilger, H.-P. Jakob, U.F. Katz, S.M. Mari, A. Mass, S. Mengel, J. Mollen, E. Paul, Ch. Rembser, R. Schattevoy, D. Schramm, J. Stamm, R. Wedemeyer, S. Campbell-Robson, A. Cassidy, N. Dyce, B. Foster, S. George, R. Gilmore, G.P. Heath, H.F. Heath, T.J. Llewellyn, C.J.S. Morgado, D.J.P. Norman, J.A. O'Mara, R.J. Tapper, S.S. Wilson, R. Yoshida, R.R. Rau, M. Arneodo, L. Iannotti, M. Schioppa, G. Susinno, A. Bernstein, A. Caldwell, J.A. Parsons, S. Ritz, F. Sciulli, P.B. Straub, L. Wai, S. Yang, Q. Zhu, P. Borzemski, J. Chwastowski, A. Eskreys, K. Piotrzkowski, M. Zachara, L. Zawiejski, L. Adamczyk, B. Bednarek, K. Eskreys, K. Jeleń, D. Kisielewska, T. Kowalski, E. Rulikowska-Zarȩbska, L. Suszycki, J. Zaja̧c, A. Kotański, M. Przybycień, L.A.T. Bauerdick, U. Behrens, J.K. Bienlein, S. Böttcher, C. Coldewey, G. Drews, M. Flasiński, D.J. Gilkinson, P. Göttlicher, B. Gutjahr, T. Haas, W. Hain, D. Hasell, H. Heßling, H. Hultschig, Y. Iga, P. Joos, M. Kasemann, R. Klanner, W. Koch, L. Köpke, U. Kötz, H. Kowalski, W. Kröger, J. Krüger, J. Labs, A. Ladage, B. Löhr, M. Löwe, D. Lüke, O. Mańczak, J.S.T. Ng, S. Nickel, D. Notz, K. Ohrenberg, M. Roco, M. Rohde, J. Roldán, U. Schneekloth, W. Schulz, F. Selonke, E. Stiliaris, T. Voß, D. Westphal, G. Wolf, C. Youngman, H.J. Grabosch, A. Leich, A. Meyer, C. Rethfeldt, S. Schlenstedt, G. Barbagli, P. Pelfer, G. Anzivino, G. Maccarrone, S. De Pasquale, S. Qian, L. Votano, A. Bamberger, A. Freidhof, T. Poser, S. Söldner-Rembold, J. Schroeder, G. Theisen, T. Trefzger, N.H. Brook, P.J. Bussey, A.T. Doyle, I. Fleck, V.A. Jamieson, D.H. Saxon, M.L. Utley, A.S. Wilson, A. Dannemann, U. Holm, D. Horstmann, H. Kammerlocher, B. Krebs, T. Neumann, R. Sinkus, K. Wick, E. Badura, B.D. Burow, A. Fürtjes, L. Hagge, E. Lohrmann, J. Mainusch, J. Milewski, M. Nakahata, N. Pavel, G. Poelz, W. Schott, J. Terron, F. Zetsche, T.C. Bacon, R. Beuselinck, I. Butterworth, E. Gallo, V.L. Harris, B.H. Hung, K.R. Long, D.B. Miller, P.P.O. Morawitz, A. Prinias, J.K. Sedgbeer, A.F. Whitfield, U. Mallik, E. McCliment, M.Z. Wang, S.M. Wang, J.T. Wu, Y. Zhang, P. Cloth, D. Filges, S.H. An, S.M. Hong, S.W. Nam, S.K. Park, M.H. Suh, S.H. Yon, R. Imlay, S. Kartik, H.-J. Kim, R.R. McNeil, W. Metcalf, V.K. Nadendla, F. Barreiro, G. Cases, R. Graciani, J.M. Hernández, L. Hervás, L. Labarga, J. del Peso, J. Puga, J.F. de Trocóniz, G.R. Smith, F. Corriveau, D.S. Hanna, J. Hartmann, L.W. Hung, J.N. Lim, C.G. Matthews, P.M. Patel, L.E. Sinclair, D.G. Stairs, M.St. Laurent, R. Ullmann, G. Zacek, V. Bashkirov, B.A. Dolgoshein, A. Stifutkin, G.L. Bashindzhagyan, P.F. Ermolov, L.K. Gladilin, Y.A. Golubkov, V.D. Kobrin, V.A. Kuzmin, A.S. Proskuryakov, A.A. Savin, L.M. Shcheglova, A.N. Solomin, N.P. Zotov, S. Bentvelsen, M. Botje, F. Chlebana, A. Dake, J. Engelen, P. de Jong, M. de Kamps, P. Kooijman, A. Kruse, V. O'Dell, A. Tenner, H. Tiecke, W. Verkerke, M. Vreeswijk, L. Wiggers, E. de Wolf, R. van Woudenberg, D. Acosta, B. Bylsma, L.S. Durkin, K. Honscheid, C. Li, T.Y. Ling, K.W. McLean, W.N. Murray, I.H. Park, T.A. Romanowski, R. Seidlein, D.S. Bailey, G.A. Blair, A. Byrne, R.J. Cashmore, A.M. Cooper-Sarkar, D. Daniels, R.C.E. Devenish, N. Harnew, M. Lancaster, P.E. Luffman, L. Lindemann, J. McFall, C. Nath, A. Quadt, H. Uijterwaal, R. Walczak, F.F. Wilson, T. Yip, G. Abbiendi, A. Bertolin, R. Brugnera, R. Carlin, F. Dal Corso, M. De Giorgi, U. Dosselli, S. Limentani, M. Morandin, M. Posocco, L. Stanco, R. Stroili, C. Voci, J. Bulmahn, J.M. Butterworth, R.G. Feild, B.Y. Oh, J.J. Whitmore, G. D'Agostini, M. Iori, G. Marini, M. Mattioli, A. Nigro, E. Tassi, J.C. Hart, N.A. McCubbin, K. Prytz, T.P. Shah, T.L. Short, E. Barberis, N. Cartiglia, T. Dubbs, C. Heusch, M. Van Hook, B. Hubbard, W. Lockman, J.T. Rahn, H.F.-W. Sadrozinski, A. Seiden, J. Biltzinger, R.J. Seifert, A.H. Walenta, G. Zech, H. Abramowicz, G. Briskin, S. Dagan, A. Levy, T. Hasegawa, M. Hazumi, T. Ishii, M. Kuze, S. Mine, Y. Nagasawa, T. Nagira, M. Nakao, I. Suzuki, K. Tokushuku, S. Yamada, Y. Yamazaki, M. Chiba, R. Hamatsu, T. Hirose, K. Homma, S. Kitamura, S. Nagayama, Y. Nakamitsu, R. Cirio, M. Costa, M.I. Ferrero, L. Lamberti, S. Maselli, C. Peroni, R. Sacchi, A. Solano, A. Staiano, M. Dardo, D.C. Bailey, D. Bandyopadhyay, F. Benard, M. Brkic, M.B. Crombie, D.M. Gingrich, G.F. Hartner, K.K. Joo, G.M. Levman, J.F. Martin, R.S. Orr, C.R. Sampson, R.J. Teuscher, C.D. Catterall, T.W. Jones, P.B. Kaziewicz, J.B. Lane, R.L. Saunders, J. Shulman, K. Blankenship, J. Kochocki, B. Lu, L.W. Mo, W. Bogusz, K. Charchuła, J. Ciborowski, J. Gajewski, G. Grzelak, M. Kasprzak, M. Krzyżanowski, K. Muchorowski, R.J. Nowak, J.M. Pawlak, T. Tymieniecka, A.K. Wróblewski, J.A. Zakrzewski, A.F. Żarnecki, M. Adamus, Y. Eisenberg, C. Glasman, U. Karshon, D. Revel, A. Shapira, I. Ali, B. Behrens, S. Dasu, C. Fordham, C. Foudas, A. Goussiou, R.J. Loveless, D.D. Reeder, S. Silverstein, W.H. Smith, T. Tsurugai, S. Bhadra, W.R. Frisken, K.M. Furutani

Argonne National Laboratory Argonne, IL, USA4040Supported by the US Department of Energy.; F. Arzarello,; G. Bari,; M. Basile,; L. Bellagamba,; D. Boscherini,; A. Bruni,; G. Bruni,; P. Bruni,; G. Cara Romeo,; M. Chiarini,; F. Cindolo,; F. Ciralli,; A. Contin,; S. D'Auria,; F. Frasconi,; I. Gialas,; P. Giusti,; G. Iacobucci,; G. Laurenti,; G. Levi,; A. Margotti,; T. Massam,; R. Nania,; C. Nemoz,; F. Palmonari,; A. Polini,; G. Sartorelli,; R. Timellini,; A. Zichichi; University and INFN Bologna, Bologna, Italy3030Supported by the Italian National Institute for Nuclear Physics (INFN).; A. Bargende,; J. Crittenden,; K. Desch,; B. Diekmann,; T. Doeker,; M. Eckert,; L. Feld,; A. Frey,; M. Geerts,; M. Grothe,; H. Hartmann,; K. Heinloth,; E. Hilger,; H.-P. Jakob,; U.F. Katz,; S.M. Mari,; A. Mass,; S. Mengel,; J. Mollen,; E. Paul,; Ch. Rembser,; D. Schramm,; J. Stamm,; R. Wedemeyer; Physikalisches Institut der Universität Bonn, Bonn, Germany2727Supported by the German Federal Ministry for Research and Technology (BMFT).; S. Campbell-Robson,; A. Cassidy,; N. Dyce,; B. Foster,; S. George,; R. Gilmore,; G.P. Heath,; H.F. Heath,; T.J. Llewellyn,; C.J.S. Morgado,; D.J.P. Norman,; J.A. O'Mara,; R.J. Tapper,; S.S. Wilson,; R. Yoshida; H.H. Wills Physics Laboratory University of Bristol, Bristol, UK3939Supported by the Particle Physics and Astronomy Research Council.; R.R. Rau; Brookhaven National Laboratory Upton, L.I., USA40; M. Arneodo,; L. Iannotti,; M. Schioppa,; G. Susinno; Calabria University, Physics Dept. and INFN, Cosenza, Italy30; A. Bernstein,; A. Caldwell,; J.A. Parsons,; S. Ritz,; F. Sciulli,; P.B. Straub,; L. Wai,; S. Yang,; Q. Zhu; Columbia University, Nevis Labs. Irvington on Hudson, N.Y., USA4141Supported by the US National Science Foundation.; P. Borzemski,; J. Chwastowski,; A. Eskreys,; K. Piotrzkowski,; M. Zachara,; L. Zawiejski; Inst. of Nuclear Physics, Cracow, Poland3434Supported by the Polish State Committee for Scientific Research (grant No. 204209101).; L. Adamczyk,; B. Bednarek,; K. Eskreys,; K. Jeleń,; D. Kisielewska,; T. Kowalski,; E. Rulikowska-Zarȩbska,; L. Suszycki,; J. Zaja̧c; Faculty of Physics and Nuclear Techniques, Academy of Mining and Metallurgy, Cracow, Poland34; A. Kotański,; M. Przybycień; Jagellonian Univ., Dept. of Physics, Cracow, Poland3535Supported by the Polish State Committee for Scientific Research (grant No. PB 861/2/91 and No. 2 2372 9102, grant No. PB 2 2376 9102 and No. PB 2 0092 9101).; L.A.T. Bauerdick,; U. Behrens,; J.K. Bienlein,; C. Coldewey,; G. Drews,; D.J. Gilkinson,; P. Göttlicher,; B. Gutjahr,; T. Haas,; W. Hain,; D. Hasell,; H. Heßling,; H. Hultschig,; Y. Iga,; P. Joos,; M. Kasemann,; R. Klanner,; W. Koch,; U. Kötz,; H. Kowalski,; J. Labs,; A. Ladage,; B. Löhr,; M. Löwe,; D. Lüke,; O. Mańczak,; J.S.T. Ng,; S. Nickel,; D. Notz,; K. Ohrenberg,; M. Roco,; M. Rohde,; U. Schneekloth,; W. Schulz,; F. Selonke,; T. Voß,; D. Westphal,; G. Wolf,; C. Youngman; Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY, Hamburg, Germany; H.J. Grabosch,; A. Leich,; A. Meyer,; C. Rethfeldt,; S. Schlenstedt; DESY-Zeuthen, Inst. für Hochenergiephysik, Zeuthen, Germany; G. Barbagli,; P. Pelfer; University and INFN, Florence, Italy30; G. Anzivino,; G. Maccarrone,; S. De Pasquale,; S. Qian,; L. Votano; INFN, Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati, Frascati, Italy30; A. Bamberger,; A. Freidhof,; S. Söldner-Rembold,; J. Schroeder,; G. Theisen,; T. Trefzger; Fakultät für Physik der Universität Freiburg i.Br., Freiburg i.Br., Germany27; N.H. Brook,; P.J. Bussey,; A.T. Doyle,; I. Fleck,; V.A. Jamieson,; D.H. Saxon,; M.L. Utley,; A.S. Wilson; Dept. of Physics and Astronomy, University of Glasgow, Glasgow, UK39; A. Dannemann,; U. Holm,; D. Horstmann,; T. Neumann,; R. Sinkus,; K. Wick; Hamburg University, I. Institute of Exp. Physics, Hamburg, Germany27; E. Badura,; B.D. Burow,; L. Hagge,; E. Lohrmann,; J. Mainusch,; J. Milewski,; N. Pavel,; G. Poelz,; W. Schott,; F. Zetsche; Hamburg University, II. Institute of Exp. Physics, Hamburg, Germany27; T.C. Bacon,; R. Beuselinck,; I. Butterworth,; E. Gallo,; V.L. Harris,; B.H. Hung,; K.R. Long,; D.B. Miller,; P.P.O. Morawitz,; A. Prinias,; J.K. Sedgbeer,; A.F. Whitfield; Imperial College London, High Energy Nuclear Physics Group, London, UK39; U. Mallik,; E. McCliment,; M.Z. Wang,; S.M. Wang,; J.T. Wu,; Y. Zhang; University of Iowa Physics and Astronomy Dept., Iowa City, USA40; P. Cloth,; D. Filges; Forschungszentrum Jülich, Institut für Kernphysik, Jülich, Germany; S.H. An,; S.M. Hong,; S.W. Nam,; S.K. Park,; M.H. Suh,; S.H. Yon; Korea University, Seoul, South Korea3232Supported by the Korean Ministry of Education and Korea Science and Engineering Foundation.; R. Imlay,; S. Kartik,; H.-J. Kim,; R.R. McNeil,; W. Metcalf,; V.K. Nadendla; Louisiana State University, Dept. of Physics and Astronomy Baton Rouge, LA, USA40; G. Cases,; R. Graciani,; J.M. Hernández,; J. del Peso,; J. Puga,; J.F. de Trocóniz; Univer. Autónoma Madrid, Depto de Física Teóríca, Madrid, Spain3838Supported by the Spanish Ministry of Education and Science through funds provided by CICYT.; G.R. Smith; University of Manitoba, Dept. of Physics, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada2525Supported by the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada.; F. Corriveau,; D.S. Hanna,; J. Hartmann,; L.W. Hung,; J.N. Lim,; C.G. Matthews,; P.M. Patel,; L.E. Sinclair,; D.G. Stairs,; M.St. Laurent,; R. Ullmann,; G. Zacek; McGill University, Dept. of Physics, Montreal, Quebec, Canada252626Supported by the FCAR of Quebec, Canada.; V. Bashkirov,; B.A. Dolgoshein,; A. Stifutkin; Moscow Engineering Physics Institute, Moscow, Russia3636Partially supported by the German Federal Ministry for Research and Technology (BMFT).; G.L. Bashindzhagyan,; P.F. Ermolov,; L.K. Gladilin,; Y.A. Golubkov,; V.D. Kobrin,; V.A. Kuzmin,; A.S. Proskuryakov,; A.A. Savin,; L.M. Shcheglova,; A.N. Solomin,; N.P. Zotov; Moscow State University, Institute of Nuclear Physics, Moscow, Russia3737Supported by the German Federal Ministry for Research and Technology (BMFT), the Volkswagen Foundation, and the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft.; S. Bentvelsen,; M. Botje,; F. Chlebana,; A. Dake,; J. Engelen,; M. de Kamps,; P. Kooijman,; A. Kruse,; A. Tenner,; H. Tiecke,; W. Verkerke,; M. Vreeswijk,; L. Wiggers,; E. de Wolf,; R. van Woudenberg; NIKHEF and University of Amsterdam, Netherlands3333Supported by the Netherlands Foundation for Research on Matter (FOM).; D. Acosta,; B. Bylsma,; L.S. Durkin,; K. Honscheid,; C. Li,; T.Y. Ling,; K.W. McLean,; W.N. Murray,; I.H. Park,; R. Seidlein; Ohio State University, Physics Department Columbus, Ohio, USA40; D.S. Bailey,; A. Byrne,; R.J. Cashmore,; A.M. Cooper-Sarkar,; R.C.E. Devenish,; N. Harnew,; M. Lancaster,; L. Lindemann,; J. McFall,; C. Nath,; A. Quadt,; H. Uijterwaal,; R. Walczak,; F.F. Wilson,; T. Yip; Department of Physics, University of Oxford, Oxford, UK39; G. Abbiendi,; A. Bertolin,; R. Brugnera,; R. Carlin,; F. Dal Corso,; M. De Giorgi,; U. Dosselli,; S. Limentani,; M. Morandin,; M. Posocco,; L. Stanco,; R. Stroili,; C. Voci; Dipartimento di Fisica dell' Universita and INFN, Padova, Italy30; J. Bulmahn,; J.M. Butterworth,; R.G. Feild,; B.Y. Oh,; Pennsylvania State University, Dept. of Physics University Park, PA, USA41; G. D'Agostini,; M. Iori,; G. Marini,; M. Mattioli,; A. Nigro,; E. Tassi; Dipartimento di Fisica, Univ. ‘La Sapienza’ and INFN, Rome, Italy30; J.C. Hart,; N.A. McCubbin,; K. Prytz,; T.P. Shah,; T.L. Short; Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, Chilton, Didcot, Oxon, UK39; E. Barberis,; N. Cartiglia,; T. Dubbs,; C. Heusch,; M. Van Hook,; B. Hubbard,; W. Lockman,; J.T. Rahn,; H.F.-W. Sadrozinski,; A. Seiden; University of California Santa Cruz, CA, USA40; J. Biltzinger,; R.J. Seifert,; A.H. Walenta,; G. Zech; Fachbereich Physik der Universität-Gesamthochschule Siegen, Germany27; H. Abramowicz,; G. Briskin,; School of Physics,Tel-Aviv University, Tel Aviv, Israel2929Supported by the German Israeli Foundation, and by the Israel Academy of Science.; T. Hasegawa,; M. Hazumi,; T. Ishii,; M. Kuze,; S. Mine,; Y. Nagasawa,; T. Nagira,; M. Nakao,; I. Suzuki,; K. Tokushuku,; S. Yamada,; Y. Yamazaki; Institute for Nuclear Study, University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan3131Supported by the Japanese Ministry of Education, Science and Culture (the Monbusho) and its grants for Scientific Research.; M. Chiba,; R. Hamatsu,; T. Hirose,; K. Homma,; S. Kitamura,; S. Nagayama,; Y. Nakamitsu; Tokyo Metropolitan University, Dept. of Physics, Tokyo, Japan31; R. Cirio,; M. Costa,; M.I. Ferrero,; L. Lamberti,; S. Maselli,; C. Peroni,; R. Sacchi,; A. Solano,; A. Staiano; Universita di Torino, Dipartimento di Fisica Sperimentale and INFN, Torino, Italy30; M. Dardo; II Faculty of Sciences, Torino University and INFN - Alessandria, Italy30; D.C. Bailey,; D. Bandyopadhyay,; F. Benard,; M. Brkic,; M.B. Crombie,; G.F. Hartner,; K.K. Joo,; G.M. Levman,; J.F. Martin,; R.S. Orr,; C.R. Sampson,; R.J. Teuscher; University of Toronto, Dept. of Physics, Toronto, Ont., Canada25; C.D. Catterall,; T.W. Jones,; P.B. Kaziewicz,; J.B. Lane,; R.L. Saunders,; J. Shulman; University College London, Physics and Astronomy Dept., London, UK39; K. Blankenship,; J. Kochocki,; B. Lu,; L.W. Mo; Virginia Polytechnic Inst. and State University, Physics Dept. Blacksburg, VA, USA41; W. Bogusz,; K. Charchuła,; J. Ciborowski,; J. Gajewski,; G. Grzelak,; M. Kasprzak,; M. Krzyżanowski,; K. Muchorowski,; R.J. Nowak,; J.M. Pawlak,; T. Tymieniecka,; A.K. Wróblewski,; J.A. Zakrzewski,; A.F. Żarnecki; Warsaw University, Institute of Experimental Physics, Warsaw, Poland34; M. Adamus; Institute for Nuclear Studies, Warsaw, Poland34; C. Glasman,; A. Shapira; Weizmann Institute, Nuclear Physics Dept., Rehovot, Israel2828Supported by the MINERVA Gesellschaft für Forschung GmbH, and by the Israel Academy of Science.; I. Ali,; B. Behrens,; S. Dasu,; C. Fordham,; C. Foudas,; A. Goussiou,; R.J. Loveless,; D.D. Reeder,; S. Silverstein,; W.H. Smith; University of Wisconsin, Dept. of Physics Madison, WI, USA40; T. Tsurugai; Meiji Gakuin University, Faculty of General Education, Yokohama, Japan; W.R. Frisken,; K.M. Furutani; York University, Dept. of Physics, North York, Ont., Canada25
    Physics Letters B 01/1995;    DOI: 10.1016/0370-2693(95)00022-D          

ABSTRACT Events with a large rapidity gap and total transverse energy greater than 5 GeV have been observed in quasi-real photoproduction at HERA with the ZEUS detector. The distribution of these events as a function of the γp centre of mass energy is consistent with diffractive scattering. For total transverse energies above 12 GeV, the hadronic final states show predominantly a two-jet structure with each jet having a transverse energy greater than 4 GeV. For the two-jet events, little energy flow is found outside the jets. This observation is consistent with the hard scattering of a quasi-real photon with a colourless object in the proton.


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