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已有 5311 次阅读 2012-3-29 16:01 |系统分类:科普集锦| 微生物, 皮肤, 蚊子, 成年男性, 驱蚊

    2011年12月28日发表在《PLoS ONE》上的论文表明蚊子咬不咬你可能由你皮肤共生微生物决定。这个研究很有意思,他们找了20-64岁之间的成年男性,实验前禁止饮酒,吃蒜,洋葱等辛辣食物,禁止用香味物质沐浴。给他们穿经过杀菌消毒过的尼龙袜子。采集左脚上的气味物质让蚊子闻,记录对它们的吸引力,之后采集被试左脚底板皮肤上的菌样进行16sRNA分析。研究发现皮肤上面的菌表现高丰度,低多样性的个体更吸引蚊子。高吸引性个体中葡萄球菌Staphylococcus含量是低吸引性个体的2.62倍,而在低吸引性个体身上假单胞菌Pseudomonas的含量是高吸引性个体的3.11倍。贪食菌属Variovorax spp.和假单胞菌属Pseudomonas spp.与低吸引性群体显著相关。纤毛菌属Leptotrichia spp., Delftia spp.和放线菌Gp3属Actinobacteria Gp3 spp.与高吸引性群体显著相关。
    这个结果也算是对“卫生假说”的一个扩展,身体上菌的种类多了,丰富了,身体才能更健康,甚至连蚊子都不咬了,也就很少得疟疾。 如果这一结论是真的的话,将来可以从补充皮肤细菌种类角度开发驱蚊产品,如开发提高皮肤细菌多样性的菌的食物或增殖剂,或者直接喷上与人体皮肤共生的多种细菌。

Composition of Human Skin Microbiota Affects Attractiveness to Malaria Mosquitoes

Niels O. Verhulst, Yu Tong Qiu, Hans Beijleveld, Chris Maliepaard, Dan Knights, Stefan Schulz, Donna Berg-Lyons, Christian L. Lauber, Willem Verduijn, Geert W. Haasnoot, Roland Mumm, Harro J. Bouwmeester, Frans H. J. Claas, Marcel Dicke, Joop J. A. van Loon, Willem Takken, Rob Knight, Renate C. Smallegange

The African malaria mosquito Anopheles gambiae sensu stricto continues to play an important role in malaria transmission, which is aggravated by its high degree of anthropophily, making it among the foremost vectors of this disease. In the current study we set out to unravel the strong association between this mosquito species and human beings, as it is determined by odorant cues derived from the human skin. Microbial communities on the skin play key roles in the production of human body odour. We demonstrate that the composition of the skin microbiota affects the degree of attractiveness of human beings to this mosquito species. Bacterial plate counts and 16S rRNA sequencing revealed that individuals that are highly attractive to An. gambiae s.s. have a significantly higher abundance, but lower diversity of bacteria on their skin than individuals that are poorly attractive. Bacterial genera that are correlated with the relative degree of attractiveness to mosquitoes were identified. The discovery of the connection between skin microbial populations and attractiveness to mosquitoes may lead to the development of new mosquito attractants and personalized methods for protection against vectors of malaria and other infectious diseases.


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