

Umbrella of American Palaeobotany-75: Gar W Rothwell

已有 3714 次阅读 2015-1-18 01:27 |个人分类:古植物学的故事-Story of Palaeobotany Ser ...|系统分类:人物纪事| American, Umbrella, Gar, Rothwell

Umbrella of American palaeobotany—75: Gar W Rothwell

    俄亥俄大学环境与植物生物学系(Department of Environmental and Plant Biology, the Ohio University, Athens, OH)退休教授Gar W. Rothwell 是国际著名古植物学家。

1 教育背景:

M.S.,University of Illinois at Chicago circle, 1969 [硕士学位论文知道教师为:Thomas W. Taylor(现为美国科学院院士)];

Ph.D., University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, 1973 [博士学位论文知道教师为:Wilson Nichols Stewart (1917--2004)]。

    GarW Rothwell的博士论文基本信息如下:

Vegetative structures of the Callistophytaceae (Pteridospermopsida). 1973. Gar William Rothwell. Ph.D. Dissertation, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta. 126 pp

2 学术成就:

    Gar W. Rothwell教授退休前主要供职于俄亥俄大学。Gar W. Rothwell主要研究煤核(coal ball)、植物系统发育等。Gar WRothwell发表了大量研究论文。他和Wilson Nichols Stewart合作出版了一本古植物学教科书--Paleobotany and the evolution of plants,该书深受国际同行和青年学生欢迎。

Nadon,G.C., A.M.F. Tomescu, L. Pratt, and G.W. Rothwell. 2013.  Differentiatingamong depositional environments with C/S. Data: An example from the Late Ordovician,south-central Pennsylvania, USA. Paleoecology, Paleogeography,Paleoclimatology, in revision.

Rothwell,G.W. and R.A. Stockey. 2013. Evolution and phylogeny of gnetophytes: evidencefrom the anatomically preserved seed cone Protoephedrites eamesii sp. nov. International Journal of Plant Sciences, in revision.

Serbet,R., B. Bomfleur and G.W. Rothwell. 2013.  Cunninghamia taylorii sp.nov. a structurally preserved cupressaceous conifer from the Upper Cretaceous(Campanian) Horseshoe Canyon Formation of Western North America. InternationalJournal of Plant Sciences, in press.

Stockey,R.A., G.L. Hoffman, and G.W. Rothwell. 2013. Paleobotany and paleoecology ofGao Mine, a Late Paleocene fossil locality near Red Deer, Alberta, Canada.Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, in press.

Stockey,R.A. and G.W. Rothwell. 2013. Pararaucaria carrii sp. nov., anatomicallypreserved evidence for the conifer family Cheirolepidiaceae in the NorthernHemisphere.  International Journal of Plant Sciences, in press.

Escapa,I.H., N.R. Cuneo, G.W. Rothwell and R.A. Stockey, 2013. Pararaucariadelfueyoi from the Late Jurassic Cañadón Calcáreo Formation, Chubut,Argentina: insights into the evolution of Cheirolepidiaceae. International Journal of Plant Sciences, in press.

Ryberg,P.E., R.A. Stockey, J. Hilton, G. Mapes, J.B. Riding and G.W. Rothwell.2012.  Reconsidering relationships among stem and crown group Pinaceae:Oldest record of the genus Pinus from the Early Cretaceous of Yorkshire,UK. International Journal of Plant Sciences, in press.

Rothwell,G.W., G. Mapes, R.A. Stockey and J. Hilton. 2012. The seed cone Eathiestrobusgen. nov.; fossil evidence for a Jurassic origin of Pinaceae.  AmericanJournal of Botany 99: 708-720.

Escapa,I.H., G.W. Rothwell, R.A. Stockey, and N.R. Cuneo. 2012. Seed cone anatomy ofCheirolepidiaceae (Coniferales): Reinterpreting Pararaucaria patagonicaWieland.  American Journal of Botany 99:1058-1068.

Dunn,M. and G.W. Rothwell. 2012. Phenotypic placticity of the hydrasperman seed fernTetrastichia bupatides Gordon. International Journal of Plant Sciences157:823-834.

Hillier,K.G. and G.W. Rothwell. 2012. Senftenbergia oregonensis (Arnold) Comb.Nov., (Filicales); delimiting relationships among Paleozoic Tedeleaceae.International Journal of Plant Sciences 173: 549-557.

Sanders.H., G.W. Rothwell and S.W. Wyatt. 2011. Parallel Evolution of Auxin Regulationin Rooting Systems. Plant Systematics and Evolution 291: 221-225.

Klymiuk,A., G.W. Rothwell and R.A. Stockey. 2011. The first organismal concept for anextinct species of Pinaceae: Pinus arnoldii Miller. InternationalJournal of Plant Sciences 172: 294-313.

Rothwell,G.W., R. A. Stockey, G. Mapes, and J. Hilton. 2011. Structure and relationshipsof the Jurassic conifer seed cone Hughmillerites juddii gen. et comb.nov. : implications for the early evolution of Cupressaceae.  Review ofPalaeobotany and Palynology164: 45-59.

Jud,N.A., G.W. Rothwell and R.A. Stockey. 2010. Paleoecological and phylogeneticimplications of Saxicaulis meckertii gen. et sp. nov.: a bennettitaleanstem from the Upper Cretaceous of western North America. International Journalof Plant Sciences. 171: 915-925.

Stevens,L.G., J. Hilton, A.R. Rees, G.W. Rothwell and R.M. Bateman. 2010. Systematics,phylogenetics, and reproductive biology of Flemingites arcuatus sp.nov., an exceptionally preserved and partly reconstructed Carboniferousarborescent lycopsid. International Journal of Plant Sciences 171: 783-808.

Rothwell,G.W. and R.A. Stockey. 2010. Independent evolution of seed enclosure inBennettitales: Evidence from the anatomically preserved cone Foxeoideaconnatum gen. et sp. nov.  Pp. 51-66. In C.T. Gee [ed.], Plants inMesozoic Time: Innovations, Phylogeny, Ecosystems (Ted Delevoryasfestschrift).  Indiana University Press, Bloomington and Indianapolis.


Stewart,W.N. and G.W. Rothwell. 1993. Paleobotany and the evolution of plants.Cambridge University Press, 521 pp.

    2000--2008年, Gar W Rothwell教授担任国际协会秘书[The International Organization of Palaebotany (IOP)];2008—2012年担任IOP主席。




Story of Palaeobotany Series (No.271) [The 272nd issue in total]

Umbrella of American palaeobotany—75:Gar W. Rothwell (1944--)

Amherican palaeobotanist—Gar W. Rothwell

2015-1-18 01:272015-1-18 01:27



Gar WRothwell

American palaeobotanist--Thomas W. Taylor (NAS) [In Chinese]

北美古植物学名Wilson Nichols Stewart 1917--2004

Distinguished palaeobotanist Wilson Nichols Stewart 1917--2004[In Chinese]

2012-7-6 23:38


Presidents and other officers of IOP---International Organization of Palaebotany

Catalogueof Umbrella of American Palaeobotany

Umbrella of American palaeobotany--1: Anunfinished list of American palaeobotanists

上一篇:Umbrella of American Palaeobotany-74: Andrew H. Knoll
下一篇:Bristish palaeobotanist--Michael Charles Boulter
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