我所观察的美国某所中学实际上是一所仅拥有两个年级(7年级和8年级)的“middle school”,相当于中国大陆的初中(初中一年级和二年级)。针对青春期孩子们的生理与心理特点,这所美国中学提出了他们的核心价值(core values):有责任感(Accountable)、学会尊重(respectful)、积极主动(motivated)以及安全至上(safe)。学校把核心价值的理念写进《学生与家长手册》,期望学生和家长们要仔细阅读。根据我的了解,有些华裔学生的家长没有花时间认真阅读《学生与家长手册》。
(1) To be accountable by taking responsibility for their own learning and work habits, decisions and actions.
(2) To be respectful by showing awareness and consideration for ourselves, others and our surroundings. This includes being mindful of each person’s right to learn in an environment that is free from disruption; the right to expect that cultural diversity, individuality, and the choices and rights of others are honored; and the right to a comfortable and supportive physical environment.
(3) To be motivated to continually put forth their own best effort to learn and help others learn.
(4) To be safe by making the physical and emotional wellbeing of themselves and others a priority.
教育的目的是什么?1957年,Bertrand Russell (FRS, 1872--1970,罗素)在一篇序言中写到:
“I should wish to see a world in which education aimed at mental freedom rather than at imprisoning the minds of the young in a rigid armor of dogma calculated to protect them through life against the shafts of impartial evidence. The world needs open hearts and open minds, and it is not through rigid systems, whether old or new, that these can be derived.””
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