


已有 6811 次阅读 2010-6-1 11:39 |个人分类:古植物学的故事-Story of Palaeobotany Ser ...|系统分类:科研笔记| John, 徐仁, Birbal, Sahni, Walton

Story of Palaeobotany Series (No.41): Some questions about the studies on the academic history of Jen Hsü (Xu Ren, 1910–1992) (by Qigao Sun)  (in Chinese with English questions)
关键词:徐仁;Birbal Sahni; John Walton
关于徐仁先生的学术历史研究,我们仍有不少工作要做。有一种说法:张景钺教授(1895—1975)曾推荐徐仁到英国University of Glasgow跟随John Walton(1895-1971)学习古植物学。 John Walton曾在剑桥大学跟随Sir Albert Charles Seward(1863--1941)学习。1928年John Walton在NATURE等刊物上撰文介绍他发明的“撕片法”(cellulose acetate peel)。这种方法可应用于大型石化材料(如:煤核)的解剖学研究,这是John Walton为推动现代古植物学研究所做出的最重要贡献。1930—1962年John Walton担任University of Glasgow植物学教授(Regius Professor of Botany),他在古生代植物化石研究领域取得了重要成就。John Walton被遴选为爱丁堡皇家学会院士Fellow of the Royal Society of Edinburgh)和美国植物学会通讯会员(Corresponding Member of the Botanical Society of America)。
由于战争和路费等问题,徐仁原来准备赴英国University of Glasgow留学的计划没有成行。后来,他于1944年到印度Lucknow University跟随Birbal Sahni FRS (1891--1949)学习古植物学。Birbal Sahni和John Walton是师兄弟,他们都是Albert Charles Seward在剑桥大学的学生。1946年徐仁学成回国。1948年徐仁第二次赴印度,于1952年回国。
徐仁先生在印度学习和工作的时间长达7年。这段时光对徐仁的学术生涯乃至整个人生都极为重要,因为这7年的摔打和磨练使他真正走上古植物学研究的道路,也使他逐步走向国际学术舞台。在此期间徐仁的生活很充实很丰富。徐仁在印度Lucknow University完成了有关古植物学研究的系统训练,获得博士学位;他参与Birbal Sahni古植物学研究所的筹建工作;他在印度结识了一些国际著名古植物学家,如Thomas Maxwell Harris (1903--1983)等。1950年徐仁从印度到欧洲,先赴瑞典参加了在斯德哥尔摩举行的第七届国际植物学大会。当时许多著名的古植物学家都参加了这个大会的Palaeobotanical Section。[John Walton可能参加了此次大会。我要进一核实。] 会后,徐仁第一次访问英国有关学术机构。
(1) Who recommended Jen Hsü to study with Professor Birbal Sahni (1891–1949)? Can we search and find the recommendation letters in the Library or relevant archives of Lucknow University?
(2) Can we search and find any communication letters between Jen Hsü and Birbal Sahni or Dept of Botany of Lucknow University?
(3) Which agency or foundation supported Jen Hsü to study and work in India?
(4) Can we search and copy the Jen Hsü’s records in the archives of Lucknow University and Birbal Sahni Institute of Palaeobotany?
(5) Can we search and copy the departmental documents during Jen Hsü’s study in Lucknow University?
(6) Jen Hsü went to Lucknow University in 1944 and he got his Ph. D. degree in 1946. Unfortunately, it is not clear about his thesis title. I really need a photocopy of his Ph. D. thesis. I visited the website of the Library of Lucknow University (, but gleaned very little information. Is it possible for us to search and find Jen Hsü’s Ph. D. thesis (hopefully housed in the Library)?
(7) Is it possible for us to look for the specimens collected by Jen Hsü when he studied in the Lucknow University?
(8) Can we find an exact date when Jen Hsü left India for China in 1946?
(9) Can we find an exact date when Jen Hsü left China and arrived in India in1948?
(10) What is the main purpose of Jen Hsü’s second visit to India? What is his main job from 1948-1952? What is his exact position then?
(11) It is said that Jen Hsü took an executive directorship after Birbal Sahni’s sudden demise. Is that true? In December of 1949, Thomas Harris began his two-month visit to Birbal Sahni Institute of Palaeobotany.
(12) In 1950 Jen Hsü went Stockholm and attended the 7th International Botanical Congress with a Palaeobotanical Section. After the conference Jen Hsü made  a short academic visit to the UK. Can we search and find relevant information in Birbal Sahni Institute of Palaeobotany?
(13) What is the exact date when Jen Hsü left India back for China in 1952? What is the real reason?
(14) Can we search and find some information in Indian Embassy in China or visa agency in India, or Chinese Embassy in India?
(15) When Jen Hsü stayed in India he brought his family members with himself. Can we find some channels to search relevant information about his family life in India?

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