

拒当牧师的瑞士古植物学巨匠Oswald Heer (1809--1883)

已有 4824 次阅读 2016-10-24 21:57 |个人分类:古植物学的故事-Story of Palaeobotany Ser ...|系统分类:人物纪事| series, story, Issue, Paleobotany, 504th

拒当牧师的瑞士古植物学巨匠Oswald Heer (1809--1883)



Psalm 60:4

Thou hast given a banner to them that fear thee, that it may be displayed because of the truth. Selah (King James Version); quia factus es spes mea turris fortitudinis a facie inimici (The Latin Vulgate w/ Apocrypha)

SPS-503-Oswald Heer-rev12.pdf

Fig.1. The map of the position of Matt in northeast Switzerland

1 生于阿尔卑斯山、长于阿尔卑斯山

    19世纪瑞士博物学家Oswald Heer (1809--1883)是一位了不起的古植物学大师,而且是有成就的古昆虫学家。他于1809年出生于瑞士东北Sankt Gallen地区的一个小山村Niederutzwyl [ Sankt Gallen, Ostschweiz,northeast Switzerland] (47° 26' 0" N, 9° 7' 0" E)。他的父亲是一位牧师【注:Heer家族是牧师世家】。1816年,Oswald Heer跟随父亲到Glarus地区的一个小山村—Matt [Glarus,Ostschweiz, Switzerland] (46° 58' 0" N, 9° 10' 0" E)

Fig.2. The skyline of Matt, northeast Switzerland,_Switzerland

幼年时期的Oswald Heer身体孱弱。他的启蒙教育和基础教育均由其父亲在家中灌输的。作为神职人员的父亲期望Oswald Heer当牧师。然而,也许是壮美的阿尔卑斯山(The Alps)激发了Oswald Heer对大自然的热爱。Oswald Heer喜欢草木昆虫,少年时代采集过大量的植物及昆虫标本。为了科学鉴定标本他开始与博物学家交往,如瑞士植物学家Johannes Jacob Hegetschweiler (1789--1839)

2 在德国Halle学神学和自然科学

1828Oswald Heer听从父亲的旨意到德国Halle大学(University of Halle, Germany)学习神学。可是Oswald Heer不忘自己对自然科学的兴趣。那时Halle大学云集了一批著名的博物学家,如植物学家Kurt Polycarp Joachim Sprengel (1766--1833) Georg Friedrich Kaulfuss (1786--1830), 昆虫学家Ernst Friedrich Germar (1786 --1853)Christian Ludwig Nitzsch (1782--1837)等。Christian Ludwig Nitzsch 不仅研究昆虫,而且研究鸟类和硅藻。Oswald Heer跟随这些教授学习自然科学知识。

∮3 拒绝蒙召、走科学之路

1831Oswald Heer结束了在德国Halle大学的学习生活,返回瑞士。同年,他通过了神职人员的资质考试。

   1832Oswald Heer拒绝蒙召,不当牧师。他很幸运谋到一份他感兴趣的工作,即:在苏黎世担任Escher-Zollikofer的私人昆虫馆藏的管理和研究人员。[注:我个人理解“Escher”指的是瑞士富商Heinrich Escher (1776–1853)他是著名政治家Johann Heinrich Alfred Escher vom Glas (Alfred Escher 1819—1882的父亲Zollikofer”指的是: Lydia Zollikofer (1797–1868)Alfred Escher的母亲。约在1831年,Heinrich Escher捐献了很多植物及昆虫标本。Oswald Heer担任过Alfred Escher的家庭教师。]

1834年,Oswald Heer开始终生供职于新成立的苏黎世大学(University of  Zürich),主要从事植物学和昆虫学的教学和科研。同年,他开始化石植物的收藏工作,并建立苏黎世大学植物园

1835年,Oswald Heer完成了他的博士学位论文。同年,受聘苏黎世大学副教授。1852年,受聘苏黎世大学正教授。

Oswald Heer中年之后,身体健康欠佳,曾患有结核病。但是他坚持教学和科研。1855Oswald Heer开始兼任苏黎世联邦理工学院(Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zürich简称ETH ZürichETHZ)植物学教授。1883年,Oswald Heer去世,他在ETH Zürich的教授职位由他的学生Carl Joseph Schröter (1855--1939)继任。

∮4 卓越的学术成就

Oswald Heer的研究领域包括植物地理学、现代昆虫学、古昆虫学以及古植物学。

1835年,Oswald Heer完成的博士学位论文,主要研究了瑞士Glarus东南部的植被,系瑞士阿尔卑斯山地区的首部植物地理学专著。

在古昆虫学研究领域Oswald Heer研究了产自瑞士Öhningen及克罗地亚Radoboj等地区的昆虫化石。在1847年出版的《ÖhningenRadoboj第三纪昆虫动物群》(Theinsect fauna of Tertärgebilde of Oeningen and Radoboy) Oswald Heer描述了460多种化石昆虫。

        Oswald Heer的突出科学贡献在于古植物学。他一般聚焦中新世地层的植物化石的研究。代表作有:1855—1859年出版的3卷本《瑞士第三纪植物》(Floratertiaria Helvetiae)描述了产自瑞士境内的植物化石约720;与瑞士博物学家Eduard Heinrich Graeffe or Gräffe (1833--1916)等人合作于1868—1883年出版7卷本《北极植物化石》(Flora fossilis arctica)

Heer,Oswald and Eduard Heinrich Graeffe or Gräffe1868-1883.  Florafossilis arctica - Die fossile Flora der Polarländer; Steenstrup's finds inVol. VII, 1883

1883Oswald Heer的第7《北极植物化石》问世。不久,他在瑞士西南部名城洛桑(Lausanne)辞世。

Oswald Heer在国际学术界享有很高的声誉。他于1876年当选为俄罗斯科学院通讯院士(Corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences in St. Petersburg);1877年当为美国人文与科学院外籍荣誉院士(Foreign Honorary Member of American Academy of Arts and Sciences);1879年当选为德国科学院院士(Member of the German Academy of Sciences—Leopodina)

∮5 英文生平

Brief chronology of Swiss naturalist Oswald Heer (1809--1883)

--1809: Born in Niederutzwyl, Canton of St. Gallen, northeastern Switzerland;

--1811: Heer’s family moved to Glarus, the center of Canton of St. Gallen;

--1816: Heer’s father moved to Matt, a small mountain village of GlarusOstschweiz, Switzerland46° 58' 0" N, 9° 10' 0" E), and worked as a pastor there;

Matt, northeastern Switzerland,_Switzerland

--Heer was taught by his father at home and expected to become a pastor;

--1825: Heer was interested in natural sciences, particularly in botany and entomology, and began to collect plant specimens;

--1828: Attended the University of Halle in Germany to study theology and natural sciences;

--1831: Passed a Protestant state exam with ordination in Switzerland;

--1832: Heer refused the call of the Pastora office in a small place "Schwanden", canton Glarus; Johannes Jacob Hegetschweiler (1789--1839), a Swiss physician and botanist, introduced Heer to the "Naturforschende Gesellschaft in Zürich" (NGZ--naturesplorsocieto in Zuriĥo, founded 1746);

--1832: Hired as curator of the enormous, private Escher-Zollikofer Collection in Zürich; worked as a private teacher at home;

--1834: Became habilitated or a free docent of botany and entomology at the newly established university in Zürich; promoted to associate professor at Zurich; established palaeobotanical collection forthe project "Flora tertiaria";

--1834—1882:  Served as the first director of the botanical garden of University of Zürich;

--1835: Completed his dissertation, i.e."Beiträge zur Pflanzengeographie, mit einem Gemälde der Vegetationsverhältnisse des Kantons Glarus"; appointed as an extraordinary professor of botany and entomology;

--1838: Married Margaretha Trümpy;

--1840: Initiated paleobotanical studies;
--1845: Founded the Zurich's society of agriculture and horticulture and actedas president;
--1850--1851: Spent time in Madeira to recover from tuberculosis;

--1850—1868: Became a member of the Zürich cantonal parliament;

--1852: Promoted to a full professor of University of Zürich with lectures on general and specialbotany, paleobotany, economic botany & entomology;

--1853: Founded " agricultural school ŝnuregobieno "(German " Landwirtschaftliche Schule Strickhof " ) in Zürich; and served as president of observation commission about the Ŝnuregobieno-school between 1853 and 1863;

--1855: Also worked as a professor of special botany of ETH Zürich, and began to teach taxonomic botany at the Technische Hochschule in Zürich; [ETH Zürich--Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zürich]

--1855--1859: Published his Flora tertiaria Helvetiae in three volumes;

--1856 & 1861: Made field trips to Austria, Italy, England and Holland together with Swiss geologists,such as Arnold Escher (1807--1872), Peter Merian (1795--1883);

--1868--1883: Co-worked with Eduard Heinrich Graeffe or Gräffe (1833--1916) and published his Flora fossilis arctica in seven volumes;

--1871: Suffered from a tuberculosis again;

--1874: Received the Wollaston Medal from the Geological Society of London;

--1876: Published his Flora fossilis Helvetiae;

--1876: Elected a corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences in St. Petersburg;

--1877: Elected a Foreign Honorary Member of American Academy of Arts and Sciences;

--1879: Elected to the German Academy of Sciences—Leopodina;

--1883: Heer finished the 7th volume of "Flora fossilis arctica" - Floral fossil Arctic, and died in Lausanne, southwest Switzerland.


Qigao Sun (孙启高):


Story of Paleobotany Series (No.503) [The 504thissue in total]

The Epic of Palaeobotany-503

Swiss naturalist Oswald Heer (1809--1883)

拒当牧师的瑞士古植物学巨匠Oswald Heer (1809--1883)

October 24, 2016


Oswald Heer (1809--1883), a Swiss geologist and naturalist,_Oswald



Story of Paleobotany Series (No.500) [The 501st issue in total]

The Epic of Palaeobotany-500

The founder of modern genetics Gregor Johann Mendel (1822--1884) and his botany teacher--Austrian palaeobotanist Franz Joseph Andreas Nicolaus Unger (1800--1870)

遗传学先驱孟德尔及其植物学老师--奥地利古植物学家Franz Joseph Andreas NicolausUnger  (1800--1870)


Psalm 60:4 --Thou hast given a banner to them that fear thee, that it may be displayed because of the truth. Selahquia (King James Version); factuses spes mea turris fortitudinis a facie inimici (The Latin Vulgate w/Apocrypha)

2016-10-4 20:15


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How did American palaeobotany rise? (Part I)

Charles Léo Lesquereux (1806—1889), a founder of American palaeobotany[English information with Chinese introduction]

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上一篇:F·培根(Francis Bacon, 1561--1626)论自然哲学和自然历史
下一篇:文艺复兴时期的植物学家(3) –Joachim Jung (1587--1657)
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