遗传学先驱孟德尔及其植物学老师Franz Unger (1800--1870)
The founder of modern genetics Gregor Johann Mendel (1822--1884) and his botany teacher--Austrian palaeobotanist Franz Joseph Andreas Nicolaus Unger (1800--1870)
Psalm 60:4
Thou hast given a banner to them that fear thee, that it may be displayed because of the truth. Selah.
(King James Version)
quia factus es spes mea turris fortitudinis a facie inimici (The Latin Vulgate w/ Apocrypha)
现代遗传学之先驱--孟德尔(Gregor Johann Mendel, 1822--1884)是科学史上具有史诗意义的传奇人物。1851--1853年,孟德尔在维也纳大学进修。他的植物学老师是奥地利著名学者Franz Joseph Andreas Nicolaus Unger院士 (1800--1870)。Franz Unger学识渊博,他的突出学术贡献主要是古植物学。Franz Unger的学术思想、科研成就和教学实践对孟德尔有哪些启发和影响?长期以来,这些问题并未受到学术界的重视。为了深入探讨有关问题本项工作旨在概述Franz Unger的学术生平和贡献,兼述孟德尔在维也纳大学的学习情况。
∮1 关于19世纪的奥地利
Fig.1. Map of the Austrian Empire between 1816 and 1867
Cited from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Austrian_Empire
奥地利古植物学家Franz Unger和他的学生孟德尔(Gregor Johann Mendel)所生活的时代是奥地利比较强盛的19世纪。1804—1867年为奥地利帝国时期(The Austrian Empire)。1867年建立奥匈帝国(The Austro-Hungarian Empire),直到1918年解体。
奥地利帝国(The Austrian Empire): 1804—1867
奥地利匈牙利帝国(奥匈帝国—The Austro-Hungarian Empire): 1867--1918
∮ 2 奥地利古植物学家Franz Unger (1800--1870)
Fig.2. Austrian palaeobotanist Franz Joseph Andreas Nicolaus Unger (1800--1870)
Cited from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Franz_Unger
1800年,Franz Unger出生于奥地利Styria州的Leutschach小镇。Franz Unger早年曾在格拉茨大学(University of Graz, Austria)学习法律。【注1:格拉茨大学是一所很古老的大学,约建于1585年。】
1820年,Franz Unger到维也纳大学学医。【注2:维也纳大学成立于1365年。】1822年,他到布拉格的查尔斯大学学习(Charles University, Prague)。【注3:查尔斯大学创建于1348年。】
1823年,Franz Unger返回维也纳大学,于1827年获得医学博士学位。之后,他开始行医数年。
1836年,Franz Unger在格拉茨的一所大学(Karl-Franzens-University of Graz)获得教职,担任植物学教授,还在别的大学兼职。
∮ 3 Franz Unger和孟德尔在维也纳大学
∮ 3-1
1850年前后的维也纳大学名师云集。如:数学家和物理学家Andreas Freiherr von Ettingshausen (1796--1878)担任维也纳大学的物理学教授和高等数学教授。
【注4:Andreas Freiherr von Ettingshausen 的儿子--Constantin Freiherr von Ettinghausen(1826--1897)是奥地利著名的古植物学家,儿子比父亲先当院士!】
数学家、物理学家和天文学家Christian Andreas Doppler教授 (1803--1853)于1850年担任维也纳大学新成立的物理研究所所长。
植物学家、古植物学家Franz Unger于1849年被提名为维也纳大学的植物生理学教授,翌年就职。Franz Unger是维也纳大学历史上的第一位植物生理学教授,他推动了该大学植物生理学研究所(Institute of Plant Physiology, University of Vienna)的建设和发展。
∮ 3-2
Fig.3. Gregor Johann Mendel (1822--1884),a founder of modern genetics
Cited from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gregor_Mendel
1850年,在捷克Brünn担任高中代课教师的修道士--孟德尔在该地区高中教师资质考试中失利,主要原因是口试部分没有通过。有位考官叫Baron von Baumgartner男爵(Andreas Freiherr von Baumgartner , 1793--1865),他建议孟德尔到维也纳大学“镀金”,学习自然科学。
1851年,受圣·托马斯修道院 (Königskloster或 St.Thomas-Augustinerkloster Alt Brünn) 院长、Brünn神学院旧约及东方语言学教授Cyrill Franz Napp(1792--1867)的派遣,时年29岁的孟德尔(Gregor Johann Mendel) 到维也纳大学深造,接受为期两年的正规教育。
【注5:“圣·托马斯修道院院长”的英文名称--Abbot Augustinian St. Thomas Monastery—Brünn】;
【注7:1840—1843年孟德尔曾在Olmütz就读于Palacky大学(Palacky University, Olomouc)学习了物理学、实用哲学等。 Olomouc (德语-Olmütz)--今属捷克 Moravia地区的一个城市】;
∮ 3-3
孟德尔在维也纳大学跟随Andreas Freiherr von Ettingshausen和Christian Andreas Doppler等人学习物理学和数学。他跟随Franz Unger学习植物解剖学和植物生理学,还学习了显微镜的使用等。1853年夏,孟德尔结束了在维也纳大学的学习生活,返回捷克Brünn的圣·托马斯修道院,在当地担任物理学教师,后来从事了史无前例的豌豆实验。而Franz Unger一直在维也纳大学工作,直到1866年退休。
∮ 4 Franz Unger的学术成就
纵观Franz Unger一生的学术成就,他的研究领域是广泛的,学术影响是多方面的。Franz Unger早年学习法律,后来学医。他是医学博士,做过医生。从论著发表情况看,Franz Unger在1836年担任植物学教授后开展了卓越的古植物学研究。他的代表作有:
Unger,Franz, 1845, Synopsis plantarum fossilium : 330 p., Leipzig.
Unger,Franz, 1850a, Genera et species plantarum fossilium: 627 p., Vienna.
除了古植物学,Franz Unger在植物生理学、细胞理论、生物地理学、植物杂交等领域都有建树。在19世纪30年代,Franz Unger率先探讨了植物与土壤的关系。1850年,Franz Unger担任维也纳大学植物生理学教授以后,他转向植物生理学和解剖学,特别注重细胞及原生质等新动向的教学。Franz Unger是细胞学说和生物进化论的热情支持者。1852年,在《植物发展简史》(Botanische Briefe)一书中,Franz Unger专辟一章以阐述植物的进化。
关于植物性状遗传,Franz Unger假设:植物细胞内的单一因子之组合可以决定性状遗传。这种思想对他的学生孟德尔日后进行豌豆实验似乎有很大的影响。
1833年,Franz Unger当选为德国科学院院士(Member of German Academy of Sciences--Leopoldian)。他还是奥地利科学院院士。关于Franz Unger的主要古植物学论著,请参见附录(Appendix)。
∮ 5 Franz Unger的简要生平
Brief chronology of Austrian palaeobotanist Franz Joseph Andreas Nicolaus Unger (1800--1870)
--1800: Born in Leutschach, a small town of Austrian state of Styria;
Leutschach, a small town of Austrian state of Styria
--Studied law at the University of Graz in Austria;
Graz, the capital of Styria State, Austria
The University of Graz, Austria
--1820: Studied medicine at University of Vienna (Universität Wien);
The University of Vienna
--1822: Studied at the Charles University in Prague;
Charles University in Prague
--1823: Returned to University of Vienna;
--1827: Received a doctorate degree of medicine from the University of Vienna, and then practiced as a doctor in Stockerau near Vienna;
--1830: Worked a regional court physician in Kitzbühel of Tyrol;
--1833: Elected to the German Academy of Sciences—Leopoldina;
--?? Year: Elected to the Austrian Academy of Sciences;
--?? Year: Elected to the Prussian Academy of Sciences;
--1836: Appointed as a professor of botany at Karl-Franzens-University of Graz; and also taught at the Joanneum [later Universalmuseum Joanneum and the Graz University of Technology];
--1849: Nominated professor for physiological botany of Vienna University;
--1850: Appointed as a Professor of plant physiology at the University of Vienna; [Gregor Johann Mendel(1822--1884), a founder of modern genetics, failed in the oral parts of the exams for high school teacher certificate. Baron von Baumgartner, i.e. Andreas Freiherr von Baumgartner (1793--1865), was one of the examiners and suggested that Gregor Johann Mendel should go to the University of Vienna to study natural sciences.]
--1851—1853: From 1851 to 1853 Gregor Johann Mendel studied at the Universityof Vienna. He studied physics, mathematics, botany, etc. Mendel studied the anatomy and physiology of plants and the use of the microscopy under botanist Franz Unger;
--1853: In the summer of 1853 Mendel returned to the Brünn monastery currenty in Czech Republic;
--1856—1863: Mendel conducted his experiments on pea plants in the monastery garden of Brünn between 1856 and 1863 while Fran zUnger was working at the University of Vienna;
--1866: Franz Unger got retired;
--1870: Died in Graz.
Qigao Sun (孙启高):
Story of Paleobotany Series (No.500) [The 501st issue in total]
The Epic of Palaeobotany-500
Gregor Johann Mendel (1822--1884) and his botany teacher--Austrian palaeobotanist Franz Joseph Andreas Nicolaus Unger (1800--1870)
遗传学先驱孟德尔及其植物学老师Franz Unger (1800--1870)
(This manuscript: completed on October 1, 2016 and revised on October 4, 2016.)
Austrian palaeobotanist Franz Joseph Andreas Nicolaus Unger (1800--1870)
Martin Gross, 1999. Die phytopaläontologische Sammlung FranzUNGER am Landesmuseum Joanneum. Joannea Geol. Paläont., 1: 5-26.
Sander Gliboff, 1998. Evolution, Revolution, and Reform in Vienna: Franz Unger’s Ideason Descent and their Post-1848 Reception. Journal of the History of Biology 31,(no. 2): 179–209.
Sander Gliboff, 2015. Franz Unger and Developing Concepts of Entwicklung.” In Einheit in der Vielfalt: FranzUngers (1800–1870) Naturforschung im internationalen Kontext, edited byMarianne Klemun. Göttingen: Vienna University Press of V & R Unipress.
孟德尔(Gregor Johann Mendel, 1822--1884), a founder of modern genetics
Andreas Freiherr von Baumgartner (1793--1865), Baron von Baumgartner [an Austrian physicist and stateman]
Cyrill Franz Napp (1792--1867), Abbot Augustinian St. Thomas Monastery—Brünn between 1824 and 1867
Brünn, Czech
St Thomas's Abbey (Brünn, Czech) (or the Königskloster) is an Augustinian churchlocated in Brno in the Czech Republic. The geneticist and AbbotGregor Mendel was its most famous religious leader to date, who between 1856and 1863 conducted his experiments on pea plants inthe monastery garden. Hisexperiments brought forth two generalizations which later became known as Mendel's Laws of Inheritance.
Christian Andreas Doppler (1803--1853), an Austrian mathematician and physicist
Andreas Freiherr von Ettingshausen (1796--1878), a German mathematician and physicist
Constantin Freiherr von Ettinghausen(1826--1897), an Austrian palaeobotanist
饶毅:孤独的天才--孟德尔(Johann Gregor Mendel,1822--1884)。
2010-11-8 12:44
饶毅:一意孤行的伯乐FrantišekCyril Napp, 1792--1867 http://blog.sciencenet.cn/blog-2237-383849.html
2010-11-15 08:20
A list of palaeobotanists associated with Austria
传奇古植物学家Adolph Carl Noé(1873--1939)与煤核在美国的重大发现
Story of Palaeobotany Series (99):
Adolph Carl Noé (1873--1939), a famous American palaeobotanist from the late 19thcentury to the 1930s [English information with Chineseintroduction]
发表于 2011-1-5 23:55:05
Story of Palaeobotany Series (No.294)[The 295TH issue in total]
奥地利维也纳大学古植物学退休教授David K. Ferguson(1942--)
David K. Ferguson (1942--), Emeritus Professor of Palaeobotany, University of Vienna, Austria
2015-2-2 05:28
Story of Palaeobotany Series (No.348)[The 349th issue in total]
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美国植物学家、古植物学家—Theodor Karl Just (1904--1960)
American botanist and palaeobotanist--Theodor Karl Just (1904--1960)
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The Epic of Palaeobotany-482
Slovak geologist, palaeontologist and palaeobotanist Dionyz Štúr (1827--1893)
斯洛伐克杰出地质古生物学家DionysStur (1827--1893)
2016-8-10 04:13
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