

命途多舛的捷克真菌学家和古植物学家August Corda (1809-1849)

已有 2846 次阅读 2016-9-25 12:10 |个人分类:古植物学的故事-Story of Palaeobotany Ser ...|系统分类:人物纪事| Paleobotany, 496th

命途多舛的捷克真菌学家和古植物学家August Karl Joseph Corda (1809—1849)

SPS-495-Czech August Karl Joseph Corda (1809--1849)-rev4.pdf

  捷克学者August Karl Joseph Corda院士(1809—1849)19世纪上半叶著名的真菌学家和古植物学家,成就卓著,但命途多舛。

       1809年,August Karl Joseph Corda出生于捷克北部的Liberec市(德语- Reichenberg)。August Karl Joseph Corda出生后数周,其父母去世。August Karl Joseph Corda成为孤儿,他的成长和教育历经坎坷。约在1827年,August Karl Joseph Corda在布拉格学医(外科手术)。之后,他在医院工作,担任外科医生的助手。

      1832August Karl Joseph Corda辞去医疗工作,对植物学产生了兴趣。不久,应捷克国家博物馆创始人、著名博物学家Kaspar Maria von Sternberg (1761--1838)之邀,August Karl Joseph Corda到该馆工作,主要研究真菌。[注:Kaspar Maria von Sternberg 时常被称作为现代古植物学创始人之一]

       AugustKarl Joseph Corda关于现代植物研究的代表作是6卷本《真菌彩色图谱大全》(Incones fungorum hucusque cognitorum);关于化石植物研究的代表作Beiträge zur Flora der Vorwelt主要描述了晚古生代的许多植物化石。        

      1835年,August Karl Joseph Corda当选为德国科学院院士(Member of German Academy of Sciences--Leopoldina)1848年,他卷入布拉格的政治斗争,远走美国。1849年,August Karl Joseph Corda在归国途中不幸死于海难,年仅40岁。


Brief chronology of Czech physician, mycologist and palaeobotanist  August Karl Joseph Corda (1809—1849)

--1809: Born in Reichenberg (now Liberec), Bohemia on November 15, 1809 and became an orphan when his parents passed away several weeks after his birth;

Reichenberg (Liberec, northern Czech)

--Attended  Normale School in Reichenberg;

--1821: Went to Prague and attended the Lyceum of New Prague;

--1824: Left the Lyceum to attend the Polytechnical School, and studied physics, chemistry, mineralogy, botany,etc.;

--1827: Left Polytechnical School to work in a chemical factory in Prague for a short time, then study surgery at the University of Prague;

--Served as an assistant surgeon at the General Hospital in Prague;


Monographia rhizospermarum et hepaticorum ; Monograph onroots and hepatica: Die Wurzelfarren und Lebermoose nach ihren Gattungen undArten, organographisch-phytotomisch bearbeitet

Corda , August Karl Joseph

Prag: Gedruckt in der SommerschenBuchdr.

--1832: Gave up the medicine job;

--Initiated interests in botany;

--1834: Published

Cordaenthusiastically responded by writing De incrementostipitis plantarum with nearly 100 accompanyingillustrations which he completed in 1834

monographon the "Anatomy of the Rhyzosperms

--Hired as Curator of theDivision of Zoology at the Czech National Museum at the invitation of KasparMaria von Sternberg (1761--1838), a Czech naturalist and one of the founders of modernpalaeobotany; August Karl Joseph Corda beganto work on the fungi;

--1835: Elected to the GermanAcademy of Sciences (Leopoldina);

--1837—1854: Published—

Incones fungorum hucusquecognitorum ; Illustrations of known fungi
Corda , August Karl JosephPrague: Calve

--1838: Published

Algae and related subjects: -collected works]Corda, August Karl Joseph


Pracht-Flora europaeischer Schimmelbildungen.
Corda,A. C. J. (August Carl Joseph), 1809-1849.Leipzig, G. Fleischer, 1839.


Flore illustrée demucédinées d'Europe ; Illustrated flora of European mucedineaeCorda , August Karl JosephLeipzig: G. Fleischer


Anleitung zum studium dermycologie, nebst kritischer beschreibung aller bekannten gattungen, und einerkurzen geschichte der systematik.
Corda,A. C. J. (August Carl Joseph), 1809-1849.Prag, F. Ehrlich, 1842.--1845: Published
Beiträge zur Flora der Vorwelt
Corda,A. C. J. (August Carl Joseph), 1809-1849.

Prag : J.G. Calve'sche Buchh., 1845.

--1847: Published

Contribution to the knowledgeof the different kinds of brand in the cereals and blight in grain
Corda, August Karl Joseph

Albany: Printed by J. Munsell

--1848: Involved into the political agitation in Prague and began exile life;

--1849: Died (at age of 40) during the shipwreck on the way back to Czech from Texas of the United States.


Qigao Sun (孙启高):


Story of Paleobotany Series (No.495) [The 496th issue in total]

The Epic ofPalaeobotany-495

Czech physician,mycologist and palaeobotanist  AugustKarl Joseph Corda (1809—1849)

捷克真菌学家和古植物学家August Karl Joseph Corda 院士(1809—1849)

September 24,2016


Czech physician,mycologist and palaeobotanist  AugustKarl Joseph Corda (1809—1849)

KasparMaria von Sternberg(1761--1838), a Czech naturalist and one of the founders of modern palaeobotany


Some publications of August Joseph Corda’s palaeobotanical reseach--

Corda, August Joseph, 1840, Diploxylon Em neuesGeschiecht urweitncher

Pflanzen : Gesell. vaterl. Mus BohmenVerb.., p. 20-26, pi. 1, Pl'fljgUe.

Corda, August Joseph, 1842a, [Arbeiten iiber fossilePflanzen] ; Bohmen Gesen. wiss. Ber. vern., 1841, p. 9-10,Prague.

Corda, August Joseph, 1842b, A.ra.ucaria sternbergrii. Eine neue fossile conifere aus dem Rolileiisandsteine zuRadnitz in Bohmen: Gesell. vaterl. Mus. Bohmen Verh.,

p. 63-67, pi. 1, Prague.

Corda, August Joseph, 1845, Flora Protogaea Beitrage zurFlora der Yorwelt : 128 p., 60 pis., Berlin.

Corda, August Joseph, Corda, August Joseph, 1847, tiber fossile Pflanzenreste ; Bohmen Gesell, Wiss, ADH., Barm p. lfc-18, Prague.


上一篇:博物家族-5: 德国植物学家Andreas F. W. Schimper (1856--1901)
下一篇:有古植物学成就的德国职业军官August von Gutbier (1798-1866)
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