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已有 1413 次阅读 2023-10-11 09:23 |个人分类:潘学峰诗选|系统分类:诗词雅集

The Wild Iris

I  noticed them in the morning 

As few people were looking for me

It seemed that they were waiting 

For not being ignored by me

Since falling into the life's orbit 

I've met a few flowers with no expect

Either being overflowing with fragrance 

Or standing tall, slim with pride 

We are not known but with familiar 

As acquaintances meet with surprise 

I assured that they were soft and quiet 

As desires  flowing  out of their eyes 

They might be as noble as  queens   

Once the creator makes the intention 

Giving hopes to any helpless passers-by

of a lucky and joyful  blessed life

Copyright © Xuefeng Pan | Year Posted 2023


A Paradox of War

People with powers used to  conceive a war 

As the simplest way of  erasing any conflicts  
Covering various differences in people's ideas
Beliefs right or wrong or lives dim or bright 

The truth is that  wars will  end in the life-killing
Erasing people's lives and their valuable hopes 

 For happy-go-lucky and rich-go- healthy living


If there is no more aliveness briskly walks 

 What could upright the dignity, and freedom  

 And how devil for having wars to gain all  them

Copyright © Xuefeng Pan | Year Posted 2023



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