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学峰诗选- 九里香、随心而动(英诗)

已有 1349 次阅读 2023-9-30 14:27 |个人分类:潘学峰诗选|系统分类:诗词雅集


You make me a small land using body

Providing peace and hiding privacy

My heart thus stretches with relaxation

And quietly tasting your strong fragrance  

As holy and sweet as pure honey 

You define me as being a windless river 

Sucking the fragrant milk from the sun

She likes the lover's kiss and her whisper 

Trying to ripple the wiggling stream of mine

How much could confusion lose a man?

Taking on the moralities and obligations 

To be sanctified as a qualified human 

How many options should one be given?


Following Your Heart

Everyone wants to cognize the earthly facts
The nature's hide and humans' knots tied
Untie them has long been the life's subject
The performers are right on the stage

All plays were collected in a history book
Wrong or right still awaits to decide
Dreams last and run streams alike
Afar or near yet to be carefully identified

Our earthly parents are stuck in the Garden
They are awaiting your honest feedback
Messages from heaven winding into a guide
Either blessed-go-lucky or salvaged-from-sad

Firmly believed by his honest followers
Searching everywhere for the cross-links
As following guidance by hearts and legs
Rather than flirting with  mouth and eyes

Copyright © Xuefeng Pan | Year Posted 2023


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