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已有 2899 次阅读 2014-2-27 19:14 |系统分类:科研笔记

I got this message from Johan Schot, the new director of SPRU. Certainly it is not special for me, but for all members in SPRU.  Yes, inviting a manuscrip from prestigious organization will certainly guarante the quality of the paper that was published as an open-access ways.


Messagefrom the SWPS editors
In our efforts to communicate as best as we can the very interesting and different research that SPRU is undergoing -- at both the faculty and the PhD level -- we think that working papers are an exceptional occasion (i) to showcase the research done in SPRU; (ii) to make immediately available work that is awaiting long revisions and publication time; (iii) to circulate the work done by PhD student and collect more comments on their thesis work; (iv) to attract colleagues from other institutions to our own research; (v) to reinforce SPRU image with good quality work; (vi) and also for ourselves to know and discuss the work that all our colleagues and students are doing across SPRU -- particularly in a period in which we seem to grow at high rate, and in which it becomes more and more difficult to keep track of all the good stuff we are writing.

Between October 2013 and January 2014, papers from the SWPS were downloaded 893 times, only through REPEC (http://logec.repec.org/scripts/seriesstat.pf?item=repec:sru:ssewps). This is a very encouraging result: the more good quality papers we include, the more colleagues and policy makers will be attracted to using the series for reading interesting works and find new ideas to develop. Please note that REPEC provides statistics also at single paper level, i.e. if your paper is in the SWPS then you will have access to information such as how many times the abstract was viewed or the full paper downloaded.

In short, we believe that making your paper available to the SWPS series is mutually beneficial for the single research and SPRU as whole.

We therefore hope that every output that is intended to be submitted to a journal or a book chapter, is also sent for consideration to the be posted in the SWPS. Unless the publisher explicitly requires that no other version is posted online before submission. In this case, the output can be submitted to the SWPS, in its earlier form, after it has been accepted for publication. If, instead, the publisher requires that once the paper is published, there should be no older versions available to open access, you can simply inform he SWPS editors, who will ask to delete the file, and add instead that the paper is now published, adding a link to the journal page.
Please remember that you can check journals' policies here: http://www.sherpa.ac.uk/romeo/

The SWPS is currently indexed in RePEc/IDEAS and we are trying to get it into SSRN as well. If you want to suggest more indexing, please do so to the editors, or the area editors.

In order to submit a paper, please refer to the SWPS page (http://www.sussex.ac.uk/spru/research/swps) or read below.

How to submit a paper
Simply send an email with the paper attached to one of the two editors, who will distribute it to area editors, depending on the topic of the paper.
We ask the seminar organisers (Alex, Phil, Angela, Daniele and Tommaso) to ask the presenters if they want to submit their paper to the series, as these may also be included.
Papers that were already accepted by journals, in the pre-proofs form to avoid IPR issues, are also welcome.

The SWPS is subject to a light double review, which should take no more than 3 weeks and should make sure that a minimum quality is met and that the paper is relevant to the series. It is unlikely that the referees will enter the details of the paper, which remain responsibility of the authors.
When you submit a paper, please let us know if it has already undergone a round of revisions for a journal/book, as in this case we may skip the refereeing process.
Of course this implies that you may be approached by area editors asking you for a quick review and comments. The good think about the light review is that it will give all of us a chance to know more about our colleagues' work, and you will have our full gratitude (we will acknowledge your work in the series), plus that of the author, who may be willing to buy you a beer. Both faculty and PhD are asked to provide their comments.

Template & Format
Not much required. Please make sure that the first page looks more or less like the third page of the papers currently online
The paper can be in word, pdf or latex (provided you send as well all the corollary files and weird packages you might be using)

Tommaso and Daniele

Area Editors:

(i) Science & Technology Policy: Paul
(ii) Development: Matias
(iii) Economics of Technological Change: Maria and Mariana
(iv) Energy: Florian
(v) Transitions: Andy
(vi) Technology Innovation Management: Joe and Carlos
(vii) Civil military interface: Caitriona


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