吴晔的复杂网络学术博客分享 http://blog.sciencenet.cn/u/bupt1419 研究方向复杂网络建模,复杂网络动力学,人类动力学等。



已有 6473 次阅读 2010-9-16 22:14 |个人分类:科研笔记|系统分类:科研笔记| 复杂网络

答辩顺利通过,遇到一个非常好的答辩主席 :)研究生涯到现在已公开发表或接收学术论文13篇

13. Ye Wu, Changsong Zhou, Jinghua Xiao, Jurgen Kurths, Hans Joachim Schellnhuber, “Evidence for a bimodal distribution in human communication”, Accepted by PNAS. (2010)

12. Ye Wu, Changsong Zhou, Maoyin Chen, Jinghua Xiao, “Human comment dynamics in on-line social systems”, Accepted by Phys. A, DOI information: 10.1016/j.physa.2010.08.049. (2010)

11. Yuehua Chen, Jinghua Xiao, Ye Wu, Lixiang Li, Yixian Yang, “Optimal windows of rewiring period in randomly coupled chaotic maps”.  Phys. Lett. A. 374, 3185 (2010)

10. Ping Li, Maoyin Chen, Ye Wu and Jürgen Kurths,"Matrix measure criterion for synchronization in coupled map networks", Phys. Rev. E,79, 067102 (2009)

9. Li Mingjie , Wu Ye, Liu Weiqing, Jinghua Xiao, "An investigation on short message spreading in complex networks and longevity of short message", Acta Physica Sinica, 58(8) 5251-5258 (2009)

8. Ye Wu, Ping Li, Maoyin Chen, Jinghua Xiao, Jürgen Kurths,"Response of scale-free networks with community structure to external stimuli",Physica A , Volume 388, Issue 14, Pages 2987-2994 (2009)

7. Maoyin Chen, Yun Shang, Changsong Zhou, Ye Wu, and Jürgen Kurths, "Enhanced synchronizability in scale-free networks",Chaos 19, 013105 (2009)

6. Ye Wu, Yun Shang, Maoyin Chen, Changsong Zhou, and Jürgen Kurths, "Synchronization in small-world networks" Chaos 18, 037111 (2008)

5. Weiqing Liu, Ye Wu, Wei Zou, Jinghua Xiao, and Meng Zhan, "Pattern with kinks and pulses in coupled periodic map lattices" , Phys. Rev. E 76, 036215 (2007)

4. Meng Zhan, Jihua Gao, Ye Wu, and Jinghua Xiao, "Chaos synchronization in coupled systems by applying pinning control", Phys. Rev. E 76, 036203 (2007)

3. Ye Wu, Weiqing Liu, Jinghua Xiao, Meng Zhan, "Chaos desynchronization in strongly coupled systems", Phys. Lett. A. Volume 369, Issues 5-6, Pages 464 (2007)

2. Wu Ye, Xiao Jinghua, Zhan Meng, "Approximate synchronization of strongly coupled chaotic systems” Acta Physica Sinica, 2007,56(9):5119-5123

1. Wu Ye, Xiao Jinghua, Wu Zhiyuan, Ma Baojun, Yang Junzhong, "Research on the growing process of short message networks" Acta Physica Sinica, 2007,56(4):2037-2041


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