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艾滋病(HIV/AIDS)大数据 精选

已有 19694 次阅读 2014-12-2 15:56 |个人分类:健康生活|系统分类:科普集锦| 中国, 全世界, 艾滋病(AIDS), 艾滋病毒(HIV)



      世界卫生组织(World Health Organization: WHO)于19881月将每年的121定为世界艾滋病日(World AIDS Day),号召全世界关注艾滋病。


    在全球范围内, 2013年底艾滋病毒(HIV)携带人数在3500万人左右即在3320万~3720万之间。尽管艾滋病的传染在不同国家和地区之间相差很大,但是全世界平均而言,年龄在1549岁的成人中估计有0.8%艾滋病毒感染者。撒哈拉以南的非洲地区(Sub-Saharan Africa)是艾滋病毒感染的重灾区,20个成年人中就有一人艾滋病毒感染者, 全球艾滋病毒携带者总数的近71%就生活在此。全球年龄在1549岁的成年人中艾滋病毒患病率分布图如下


中国HIV/AIDS 50万,死亡15.4



The op-ed was published on WorldAIDS Day, a day after the National Health and Family Planning Commissionsaid that by the end of October, a total of 497,000 people in China had been diagnosed withHIV/AIDS since the country's first case in 1985.


中国AIDS/STD防控中心(China's National Center for AIDS/STD Control and Prevention2013年估计:中国艾滋病(HIV/AIDS)人数有81万,其中包括实际患者但尚未被诊断出的。

China's National Center for AIDS/STD Control and Prevention last year estimated that as many as 810,000 people areliving with HIV/AIDS in the country, including those who have not yetbeen diagnosed, out of a total population of 1.36 billion.





全球HIV/AIDS 3500万,年增210







Global HIV/AIDS Overview
35 million people worldwide are currently living with HIV/AIDSThe vast majority of people living with HIV are in low- and middle-income countries, particularly in sub-Saharan Africa3.34 million children worldwide are living with HIV. Most of these children were infected by their HIV-positive mothers during pregnancy, childbirth or breastfeeding.
The Global HIV/AIDS Epidemic

HIV, the virus that causes AIDS, is one of the world’s most serious health and development challenges:

  • According to the World Health Organization (WHO), Exit Disclaimer there were approximately 35 million people worldwide living with HIV/AIDS in 2013. Of these, 3.2 million were children (<15 years old).

  • According to WHO, Exit Disclaimer an estimated 2.1 million individuals worldwide became newly infected with HIV in 2013.  This includes over 240,000 children (<15 years). Most of these children live in sub-Saharan Africa and were infected by their HIV-positive mothers during pregnancy, childbirth or breastfeeding.

  • A UNAIDS reportExit Disclaimer shows that 19 million of the 35 million people living with HIV today do not know that they have the virus.

  • The vast majority of people living with HIV are in low- and middle-income countries. According to WHO, Exit Disclaimer sub-Saharan Africa is the most affected region, with 24.7 million people living with HIV in 2013. Seventy-one percent of all people who are living with HIV in the world live in this region.

  • HIV is the world’s leading infectious killer. According to WHO, Exit Disclaimer an estimated 39 million people have died since the first cases were reported in 1981 and 1.5 million people died of AIDS-related causes in 2013.

  • Even today, despite advances in our scientific understanding of HIV and its prevention and treatment as well as years of significant effort by the global health community and leading government and civil society organizations, most people living with HIV or at risk for HIV do not have access to prevention, care, and treatment, and there is still no cure. However, effective treatment with antiretroviral drugs can control the virus so that people with HIV can enjoy healthy lives and reduce the risk of transmitting the virus to others.

  • The HIV epidemic not only affects the health of individuals, it impacts households, communities, and the development and economic growth of nations. Many of the countries hardest hit by HIV also suffer from other infectious diseases, food insecurity, and other serious problems.

  • Despite these challenges, there have been successes and promising signs. New global efforts have been mounted to address the epidemic, particularly in the last decade. Prevention has helped to reduce HIV prevalence rates in a small but growing number of countries and new HIV infections are believed to be on the decline. In addition, the number of people with HIV receiving treatment in resource-poor countries has dramatically increased in the past decade. According to WHO, Exit Disclaimer at the end of 2013, 12.9 million people living with HIV were receiving antiretroviral therapy (ART) globally, of which 11.7 million were receiving ART in low- and middle-income countries. About 740,000 of those were children. This is a 5.6 million increase in the number of people receiving ART since 2010. However, almost 22 million other people living with HIV, or 3 of 5 people living with HIV, are still not accessing ART.

  • Progress has been made in preventing mother-to-child transmission of HIV and keeping mothers alive. According to WHO, in 2013, 67% of pregnant women living with HIV in low- and middle-income countries (970,000 women) received ART to avoid transmission of HIV to their children. This is up from 47% in 2010.

Adults and children estimated to be living with HIV

This overview compiled with information from WHO, Exit DisclaimerUNAIDS, Exit Disclaimer and the Kaiser Family Foundation’sExit Disclaimer Global Health Policy Division.

  • The United States supports a wide range of activities—from research and development to technical assistance and financial support to other nations—to combat the global HIV/AIDS pandemic.  Read about PEPFAR and the U.S. Government’s global HIV/AIDS activities.

  • Read our blog posts on the U.S. Government’s response to the global HIV/AIDS epidemic.

  • View our video conversation with Mary Mahy of UNAIDSExit Disclaimer at AIDS 2014 about the Gap Report.

  • On World AIDS Day 2013, the White House released a new fact sheet detailing our nation’s efforts to address the HIV epidemic, both domestically and globally. Read the fact sheet


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