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研究人员发现引用存在偏差,并有证据表明这个问题在不断恶化 精选

已有 7608 次阅读 2022-6-3 19:12 |个人分类:新观察|系统分类:海外观察




Comparing global citational distortion over time. a, The average national citational distortion in Ldistortion plotted across fields on the y axis and over time on the x axis for select countries. b, The average national citational distortion plotted for core countries and peripheral countries on the y axis and over time on the x axis. The gap in the average distortion in the citational well is growing between core and periphery countries. The shading around the trends denotes the standard errors of these averages. Note that citational distortion should be interpreted as the difference in the number of standard deviations between edges in the citation network (measured in terms of standard deviations relative to the edge weights in the citation network) and those in the text similarity network (measured in terms of standard deviations relative to the edge weights in the text similarity network). Credit: Nature Human Behaviour (2022). DOI: 10.1038/s41562-022-01351-5

据物理学家组织网(Phys.org202261日报道,来自美国纽约市立大学(City University of New York简称CUNY皇后学院(Queens College简称QC)、加州大学洛杉矶分校(University of California, Los Angeles)和斯坦福大学(Stanford University)的三位研究人员发现,研究论文中存在引用偏差(citation bias),而且这个问题越来越严重(Researchers find citation bias in published papers and evidence that the problem is getting worse)。

查尔斯·戈麦斯(Charles J. Gomez)、安德鲁·赫尔曼(Andrew C. Herman)和保罗·帕里吉(Paolo Parigi) 2022530日在《自然人类行为》(Nature Human Behavior)杂志网站上发表的论文——Charles J. Gomez, Andrew C. Herman, Paolo Parigi. Leading countries in global science increasingly receive more citations than other countries doing similar research. Nature Human Behaviour,  2022. DOI: 10.1038/s41562-022-01351-5. Published: 30 May 2022. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41562-022-01351-5.在此文中,描述了他们对数百万篇研究论文的分析,以及他们在引用偏差方面看到的情况。


研究人员从已发表研究论文(research papers)的资料库中提取数据,并使用特殊算法进行分析。总的来说,他们分析了1980年至2012年期间150个领域的研究人员发表的近2000万篇论文的数据,发现研究论文存在强烈的引文偏见。他们将那些研究人员有望获得更多引用的国家描述为“高度过引(highly overcited)”。他们还发现,一些国家被简单的过引了,比如荷兰、瑞士和德国,还有一些国家被明显低引(clearly undercited)了。研究人员还指出,在研究期间,偏见的程度有所增加。



研究人员表示,引用偏向倾向于资源更丰富的国家,如美国、欧洲和亚洲部分地区。他们指出,这些国家往往拥有最好的大学,拥有最多的诺贝尔奖得主和最多的期刊编辑。他们进一步指出,引文偏见导致许多研究被国际社会(international community)忽视,阻碍了世界范围内的科学发展。

这项工作得到了美国国家科学基金会(NSF: award no. 2022395): 全球科学研究的不平等:对产品改进的新颖性和创新之影响 (‘Inequality in Global Scientific Research: Implications for Novelty and Innovation’ PI: CUNY-QC)的资助。


Women are undercited and men are overcited in communication


Citations and text analysis are both used to study the distribution and flow of ideas between researchers, fields and countries, but the resulting flows are rarely equal. We argue that the differences in these two flows capture a growing global inequality in the production of scientific knowledge. We offer a framework called ‘citational lensing’ to identify where citations should appear between countries but are absent given that what is embedded in their published abstract texts is highly similar. This framework also identifies where citations are overabundant given lower similarity. Our data come from nearly 20 million papers across nearly 35 years and 150 fields from the Microsoft Academic Graph. We find that scientific communities increasingly centre research from highly active countries while overlooking work from peripheral countries. This inequality is likely to pose substantial challenges to the growth of novel ideas.


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