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新实验能够证实宇宙中物质的第五种状态 精选

已有 6592 次阅读 2022-3-22 15:53 |个人分类:新观察|系统分类:海外观察




FIG. 1. Diagrammatic representation of the positron–electron annihilation process. (a) Standard positron–electron annihilation process that produces two 511 keV gamma photons only and (b) positron–electron annihilation process that produces two 511 keV gamma photons and two additional low energy photons from information erasure. Credit: AIP Advances (2022). DOI: 10.1063/5.0087175

英国朴茨茅斯大学(University of Portsmouth2022321日提供的消息,新的实验可以证实宇宙中物质的第五种状态(New experiment could confirm the fifth state of matter in the universe)。朴茨茅斯大学的梅尔文·沃普森(Melvin M. Vopson202234日在《美国物理联合会进展》(AIP Advances)杂志网站发表的一篇论文——Melvin M. Vopson. Experimental protocol for testing the mass–energy–information equivalence principle. AIP Advances, 2022, 12(3): 035311. DOI: 10.1063/5.0087175. Published Online: 04 March 2022. https://doi.org/10.1063/5.0087175.其中描述了一项实验,该实验可以证实宇宙中物质的第五种状态,并改变我们所知道的物理学。

物理学家梅尔文·沃普森博士已经发表的研究表明,信息(information)具有质量,所有的基本粒子(elementary particles),即已知的宇宙最小的组成部分,都存储着关于自己的信息,就像人类拥有DNA一样。


梅尔文·沃普森博士说:“这将是一个顿悟的时刻,因为它将改变我们所知道的物理学,并扩展我们对宇宙的理解。但它不会与任何现存的物理定律相冲突。”“它与量子力学(quantum mechanics)、电动力学(electrodynamics)、热力学(thermodynamics)或经典力学(classical mechanics)并不矛盾。它所做的只是用一些令人难以置信的新东西补充物理。”

梅尔文·沃普森博士之前的研究表明,信息是构成宇宙的基本元素(fundamental building block),具有物质质量(physical mass)。

他甚至声称,信息可能是构成宇宙近三分之一的难以捉摸的暗物质(elusive dark matter)。

他说:“如果我们假设信息是物理的,有质量,而且基本粒子有关于自身的DNA信息,我们如何证明它?我最近的论文是关于对这些理论进行测试,这样它们就能被科学界(scientific community)认真对待。”

梅尔文·沃普森博士的实验提出了如何通过粒子-反粒子碰撞来检测和测量基本粒子中的信息。他说:“一个电子中的信息比其质量小2200万倍,但我们可以通过删除它来测量其信息含量(information content)。”


湮灭过程将粒子剩余的质量转化为能量,通常是伽马(γ)光子(gamma photons)。任何含有信息的粒子都被转换成低能的红外光子(infrared photons)。




Amount of information in visible universe quantified


The mass–energy–information equivalence principle proposed in 2019 and the information content of the observable matter in the universe estimated in 2021 represent two important conjectures, called the information conjectures. Combining information theory and physical principles of thermodynamics, these theoretical proposals made specific predictions about the mass of information as well as the most probable information content per elementary particle. Here, we propose an experimental protocol that allows for empirical verification of the information conjectures by confirming the predicted information content of elementary particles. The experiment involves a matter–antimatter annihilation process. When an electron–positron annihilates, in addition to the two 511 keV gamma photons resulting from the conversion of their rest masses into energy, we predict that two additional low energy photons should be detected, resulting from their information content erasure. At room temperature, a positron–electron annihilation should produce two 50 μm wavelength infrared photons due to the information erasure. This experiment could, therefore, confirm both information conjectures and the existence of information as the fifth state of matter in the universe.


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