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千次循环锂-硫电池可以使电动汽车行驶里程增加5倍 精选

已有 4733 次阅读 2022-1-17 10:24 |个人分类:新科技|系统分类:博客资讯




Fig.1 A diagram of the battery shows how lithium ions can return to the lithium electrode while the lithium polysulfides can’t get through the membrane separating the electrodes. In addition, spiky dendrites growing from the lithium electrode can’t short the battery by piercing the membrane and reaching the sulfur electrode. Credit: Ahmet Emre, Kotov Lab


Fig. 2 At the beginning of the experiment, the lithium polysulfides are only on the left side of the battery cell, for both the industry Celgard membrane (left) and the U-M aramid nanofiber membrane (right). Credit: Ahmet Emre, Kotov Lab


Fig. 3 Just half an hour on, the Celgard membrane (left) leaks lithium polysulfides. However, the U-M membrane (right) completely blocks the lithium polysulfides 96 hours later. Image credit: Ahmet Emre, Kotov Lab

Nicholas A. Kotov.jpg

尼古拉斯·科托夫(Nicholas A. Kotov)教授

据美国密歇根大学(University of Michigan)网站2022112日报道,一种新型的生物激发电池膜(biologically inspired battery membrane)使一种电池的容量达到工业标准锂离子设计的5倍,能够运行超过1000次的循环,为一辆电动汽车提供动力(1,000-cycle lithium-sulfur battery could quintuple electric vehicle ranges)。相关研究结果于2022112日已经在《自然通讯》(Nature Communications)杂志网站发表——Mingqiang WangAhmet E. EmreJi-Young KimYiting HuangLi LiuVolkan CecenYudong HuangNicholas A. Kotov. Multifactorial engineering of biomimetic membranes for batteries with multiple high-performance parameters. Nature Communications, Published: 12 January 2022, Volume 13, Article number: 278. DOI: 10.1038/s41467-021-27861-w. https://www.nature.com/articles/s41467-021-27861-w.

参与此项研究的有来自中国哈尔滨工业大学(Harbin Institute of Technology)和美国密歇根大学的研究人员,他们合作研究发现,从凯夫拉尔(Kevlar)纤维中回收的芳纶纳米纤维(aramid nanofibers)网络,可以使锂-硫电池克服其循环寿命的致命弱点——充电和放电的次数。本研究论文的通讯作者、密歇根大学的欧文·朗缪尔杰出大学化学科学与工程教授(Irving Langmuir Distinguished University Professor of Chemical Sciences and Engineering)尼古拉斯·科托夫(Nicholas A. Kotov)说:“有很多报道称,锂-硫电池可以循环使用几百次,但这是以牺牲容量、充电率、弹性和安全性等其他参数为代价的。如今的挑战是,如何制造出一种电池,使其循环频率从以前的10次提高到数百次,并满足包括成本在内的多种其他要求。”

“这些电池的仿生工程(Biomimetic engineering)集成了分子和纳米两种尺度。我们首次将细胞膜的离子选择性与软骨的韧性相结合。我们的集成系统方法使我们能够解决锂-硫电池的主要挑战。




“受生物离子通道的启发,我们为锂离子设计了高速公路,而锂多硫化物无法通过,”化学工程博士后研究员、《自然通讯》论文的第一作者之一艾哈迈德·埃姆雷(Ahmet Emre)说。




随着容量的提高,锂-硫电池比其他锂离子电池具有可持续性优势。硫比锂离子电极中的钴含量要丰富得多。此外,电池膜的芳纶纤维可以从旧的防弹衣(bulletproof vests)中回收。这些都是其优势所在。



Lithium–sulfur (Li–S) batteries have a high specific capacity, but lithium polysulfide (LPS) diffusion and lithium dendrite growth drastically reduce their cycle life. High discharge rates also necessitate their resilience to high temperature. Here we show that biomimetic self-assembled membranes from aramid nanofibers (ANFs) address these challenges. Replicating the fibrous structure of cartilage, multifactorial engineering of ion-selective mechanical, and thermal properties becomes possible. LPS adsorption on ANF surface creates a layer of negative charge on nanoscale pores blocking LPS transport. The batteries using cartilage-like bioinspired ANF membranes exhibited a close-to-theoretical-maximum capacity of 1268 mAh g−1, up to 3500+ cycle life, and up to 3C discharge rates. Essential for safety, the high thermal resilience of ANFs enables operation at temperatures up to 80 . The simplicity of synthesis and recyclability of ANFs open the door for engineering high-performance materials for numerous energy technologies.


下一篇:研究人员发明了一种分子装置, 可以记录和改变细胞的生物电场而不造成损害
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