据瑞士苏黎世联邦理工学院(Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zürich简称ETH Zurich)2021年9月9日提供的信息,研究人员报告了一种由两个导体制成的绝缘体(Researchers report an insulator made of two conductors)。
Fig. 1 In two graphene double layers twisted relative to each other (red and blue), insulating states consisting of electron-hole pairs (‘-‘ and ‘+’) can form. Credit: Peter Rickhaus / ETH Zurich
例如,几年前发现的“扭曲双分子层石墨烯(Twisted Bilayer Graphene)”就是这样。这种材料由两层极薄的石墨烯层组成,每层由一层碳原子组成。如果相邻的两层稍微相互扭曲,电子就会受到影响,从而相互之间产生强烈的相互作用。因此,例如,这种材料可以成为超导材料,从而在没有任何损耗的情况下传导电流。
由瑞士苏黎世联邦理工学院(ETH Zurich)固体物理实验室的克劳斯·恩斯林(Klaus Ensslin)和托马斯·伊(Thomas Ihn)领导的研究小组,与美国德克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校(University of Texas in Austin)的同事们一起,他们现在已经观察到了石墨烯扭曲双层中的一种新状态。在这种状态下,带负电荷的电子和带正电荷的所谓空穴(材料中缺失的电子)之间的联系非常紧密,以至于此材料再也无法导电。相关研究结果于2021年9月10日已经在《科学》(Science)网站发表——Peter Rickhaus, Folkert K. De Vries, Jihang Zhu, Elías Portoles, Giulia Zheng, Michele Masseroni, Annika Kurzmann, Takashi Taniguchi, Kenji Watanabe, Allan H. MacDonald, Thomas Ihn, Klaus Ensslin. Correlated electron-hole state in twisted double-bilayer graphene.
Science, 10 Sep 2021, Vol 373, Issue 6560, pp. 1257-1260. DOI: 10.1126/science.abc3534
扭曲的石墨烯层(Twisted graphene layers)
上述论文的第一作者、博士后Peter Rickhaus解释道:“在传统实验中,石墨烯层相互扭曲约一度,层间的量子力学隧道会影响电子的迁移。相比之下,在我们的新实验中,我们将两层石墨烯相对扭曲超过2度,这样电子基本上就不会再在两层石墨烯之间隧穿。
图2是扭曲的石墨烯(Twisted graphene,左图)夹在二维绝缘体之间,并附着在触点上以测量电流(中图)。通过对栅极电极施加较大的电压,就会产生一个电子空穴状态(右图)。
Fig. 2 Twisted graphene (left) is sandwiched between two-dimensional insulators and attached to contacts in order to measure electric current (center). An electron-hole state is then created by applying a large voltage to the gate electrodes (right). Credit: Peter Rickhaus / ETH Zurich
通过耦合增加电阻(Increased resistance through coupling)
然而,在某些情况下,恰恰相反的情况会发生,正如克劳斯·恩斯林团队的博士后福克特·德·弗里斯(Folkert de Vries)解释的那样:“如果我们调整电场,使双层结构中有相同数量的电子和空穴,电阻会突然急剧增加。”几个星期以来,克劳斯·恩斯林和他的合作者都无法解释这个令人惊讶的结果,但最终他们的理论同事,来自奥斯汀分校的艾伦·麦克唐纳(Allan H. MacDonald)给了他们一个决定性的提示: 艾伦·麦克唐纳说,他们观察到了一种新的密度波(density wave)。
新的相关状态(New correlated state)
克劳斯·恩斯林说:“这是一种全新的电子和空穴的相关状态,其总电荷为零。然而,这种中性状态可以传递信息或导热。此外,它的特别之处在于,我们可以通过扭转角度和施加电压来完全控制它。”在其他材料中也观察到类似的状态,其中电子-空穴对(也称为激子,excitons)是通过激光激发产生的。然而,在ETH的实验中,电子和空穴处于基态,即能量最低的状态,这意味着它们的寿命不受自发衰变(spontaneous decay)的限制。
在量子技术上的可能应用(Possible application in quantum technologies)
Correlated states have been shown to emerge in bilayer and trilayer graphene with the two-dimensional layers at just the right angle with respect to each other. Key to the enhanced importance of interactions are the so-called moiré electronic bands that form in such systems. Rickhaus et al. explored a related system of two graphene bilayers twisted with respect to each other. The twist angle was set so that the layer coupling was strong enough to form moiré bands but weak enough for the carrier concentration in the top and bottom bilayer to be controlled separately. Doping the top bilayer with electrons and the bottom bilayer with holes, the researchers created a correlated state with nested Fermi surfaces. —JS
When twisted to angles near 1°, graphene multilayers provide a window on electron correlation physics. Here, we report the discovery of a correlated electron-hole state in double-bilayer graphene twisted to 2.37°. At this angle, the moiré states retain much of their isolated bilayer character, allowing their bilayer projections to be separately controlled by gates. We use this property to generate an energetic overlap between narrow isolated electron and hole bands with good nesting properties. Our measurements reveal the formation of ordered states with reconstructed Fermi surfaces, consistent with a density-wave state. This state can be tuned without introducing chemical dopants, enabling studies of correlated electron-hole states and their interplay with superconductivity.
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