Credit: American Chemical Society
据美国化学学会主辦的《农业和食品化学杂志》(Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry)2019年5月8日提供的消息,德國研究人員揭開了巧克力香味和風味的神秘面紗,相關研究結果5月8日已經在《农业和食品化学杂志》網站發表——Carolin Seyfried,Michael Granvogl. Characterization of the Key Aroma Compounds in Two Commercial Dark Chocolates with High Cocoa Contents by Means of the Sensomics Approach. J. Agric. Food Chem., 2019, DOI: 10.1021/acs.jafc.8b06183. Publication Date (Web): May 8, 2019.
味道不仅仅是舌头的味道——气味也起着关键作用,许多化合物共同作用创造了一种独特的感官体验。尽管20世纪在巧克力中就已經发现了近600种化合物,但只有一小部分已知对巧克力的香味有贡献。之前的研究已经确定了牛奶和黑巧克力气味的主要成分,但目前还不清楚每种成分需要多少才能使某种东西闻起来像黑巧克力。为了揭开这个嗅觉之谜,卡洛琳·塞弗里德(Carolin Seyfried),和迈克尔·格兰沃格尔(Michael Granvogl)决定用最先进的方法从头开始制造气味。
研究人员从当地的杂货店购买了两种黑巧克力,每种都有明显的香味。通过香味提取液稀释分析,他们鉴别出了可能导致酒吧气味的挥发性化合物。接下来,他们用稳定同位素稀释分析方法测量了化合物的含量。其中的一些物质,比如釋放紫羅蘭氣味的β-紫羅蘭酮(ionone violet-scented β-ionone), 在巧克力中的含量首次被量化。最后,利用这些数据,研究小组根据一个训练有素的感官小组,重现了两种黑巧克力的香味。研究人员表示,这一发现表明,巧克力中的基本香气化合物得到了正确的识别和定量。更多信息請注意瀏覽原文或者相關報道。
The overall aroma of two orthonasally distinguishable dark chocolates with high cocoa content (90% CC and 99% CC) was decoded using the systematic sensomics approach, including solvent extraction, separation of the volatiles, identification using aroma extract dilution analysis (AEDA) based on gas chromatography–olfactometry (GC-O) combined with gas chromatography–mass spectrometry (GC-MS), quantitation by stable isotope dilution analysis (SIDA), calculation of odor activity values (OAVs), and recombination experiments. Sixty-nine aroma-active compounds were identified and quantitation of 49 compounds revealed 28 odorants in 90% CC and 30 aroma-active compounds in 99% CC with OAVs ≥ 1. Among them, dimethyl trisulfide, acetic acid, 2-methoxyphenol, 3-methylbutanoic acid, phenylacetic acid, vanillin, and linalool showed the highest OAVs. Subsequently, very high similarities of the reconstitution models, containing all odorants with OAVs ≥ 1 in their naturally occurring concentrations in odorless sunflower oil as matrix, proved the correct identification and quantitation of all key odorants in both dark chocolates.
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