作为一个知识分子,其最亲密的伙伴可能就是书籍了。作为爱书之人,其所能享受的喜悦瞬间,就是那在书摊前流连忘返而淘得自己钟爱阅读的书籍的时刻了。生活在荷兰阿姆斯特丹,我常常能够享受着那种只有读书人才能体会的极大乐趣。这个于2008年被联合国科教文组织选为世界书都( World Book Capital)的城市,以那独特的文化魅力和世界一流的出版服务吸引着全世界许多爱书之人。如果你也是爱书之人,有机会来阿姆斯特丹,请一定来找我呀!我非常喜欢结识那些喜欢安心读书做学问的朋友。
1) Emanuel Rubin et al., Pathology, 4th edition, 2005. 2) Leslie Gartner et al., Color textbook of Histology, second edition, 2001. 3) A Crossman et al., Neuroanatomy, third edition, 2005. 4) Griffiths, et al., Introduction to Genetic Analysis, eighth edition, 2005. 5) Alberts,et al., Molecular Biology of The Cell, fourth edition, 2002. 6) Campbell and Reece, Biology, sixth edition, 2002. 7) John Baynes et al,Medical Biochemistry, second edition, 2005. 8) Underwood, Pathology, fourth edition,2004. 9) Janeway et al., Immunobiology, 6th edition, 2005. 10) Souhami and Moxham, Textbook of Medicine, 4th edition, 2004. 11) Mark Ashcraft, Cognition, 3rd edition, 2002. 12) Juval Portugali,The construction of Cognitive maps, 1996. 13)Wolfgang Beck, et al., Social Quality: A vision for Europe, 2001. 14) Nitin Nohria, Networks and Organization, 1992.