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The fifth day in Glamorgan University

已有 3169 次阅读 2009-1-27 07:51 |个人分类:英国留学|系统分类:人物纪事

23 Jan. 2009


Today is the final day of my first week staying here. MMc ,who is a very kind director of us, asked us to fill in the enrollment form firstly. And I know Family name could be called Last name and Surname. At the same time First name could be spelled as Forename and Chrisline name. And then she gave us the Week 2 programme. In U.K., everything will be programmed early. I will plan my everything in the future week when I come back to our campus.

In the afternoon, MMc took us to the Cardiff by train. We really spent a fantastic afternoon. Firstly, we walked acroos the Cardiff university, and then we went to the Nation Musem.It’s very lucky we can go into the City Wall and walk around. Then we visited the Chuch. Finaly, we came into the most chepest market here to buy some pork mince by which we can make dumpling on Spring Eve. I must say that they are all free. Several beautiful photoes as follows:

MMc and me on the gate of Cardiff University

Nationl Musem, a poor photo

Inside of the City Hall  where pricess Dinell often came here


上一篇:The fourth day in Glamorgan University
下一篇:The weekend
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