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已有 4717 次阅读 2009-5-4 18:38 |个人分类:学术交流|系统分类:观点评述| 流感疫情, 美国胸科学会, 2009年会

美国胸科学会国际大会(American Thoracic Society International Conference)是全球呼吸疾病及相关领域学术水平最高、规模最大的年度盛会。今年的大会将于515日~20日在San Diego召开。

不料,突如其来的人感染猪流感疫情给ATS2009年会带来了一些不确定因素。然而又不出所料的是,ATS主席前两天来信称,大会将如期举行,而且为了应对当前疫情,ATS将考虑临时增加有关流感和公共卫生的学术内容。又过了几天,执行理事又发来信息,称ATS年会还是要办的,但到目前为止,已经有3位讲者和10来位论文报告人因疫情取消了此次行程。大会组织者的及时表态并公开有关信息,确实值得称道。另一个值得称赞的举措是,ATS迅速安排了关于H1N1病毒的会议专场,由环境和职业健康委员会恐怖主义和吸入性灾害分会的共同主席 Lewis RubinsonM.D., M.P.H.)担任主持,议题包括H1N1病毒的遗传学及其在病毒传播和临床处理中的意义、政府在疫情应急中的作用等。值得临床大夫特别期待的是,大会还将邀请一位在墨西哥城工作的医生介绍收住重症监护病房的流感患者的诊治资料,这样的经验分享是十分宝贵的。




2009/4/28 American Thoracic Society atsinformation@thoracic.org


Message from the President

April 28, 2009


To ATS Members and International Conference Registrants:

Many of you have inquired about our plans for the International Conference. Based on available current data from WHO and CDC, we still are planning to hold the International Conference in San Diego, from May 15 to 20. If the situation changes and we need to modify these plans, we will notify you as quickly as possible.

The ATS is planning to add a special session with experts in influenza and public health to the International Conference Program. With thousands of clinicians and scientists who are experts in respiratory health gathered from around the world, the International Conference is the ideal venue for presenting the latest information about this public health challenge.

We also have posted some resources that you may wish to consult over the course of the next few days at the ATS 2009 * San Diego website.

Like you, the ATS is monitoring very closely the developments concerning the swine flu outbreak. Not only is this an important public health and medical care issue, but this outbreak underscores the importance of having and maintaining resources for research into respiratory illnesses.

Please check the ATS website for the most up to date information on the meeting and other resources of potential use to you. Thank you for your continued support and participation in our meeting.




Jo Rae Wright, PhD

President, ATS

61 Broadway · New York, NY 10006-2755 · Voice: 212-315-8600 · Fax: 212-315-6498


Update on the ATS International Conference in San Diego, May 15 to 20


Dear ATS Members and International Conference Registrants,

I write to tell you that the 2009 International Conference is still on. To date, three speakers and about 10 abstract presenters have cancelled because of the outbreak of H1N1 virus. 

We are expecting that this year’s conference will continue our tradition of presenting the best and latest science in pulmonary, critical care and sleep medicine. More than 800 speakers will be at the conference and more than 5300 research abstracts will be presented during the ATS 2009 International Conference.

In addition, we have added a special session on the H1N1 virus, Tuesday morning, May 19. The session will be chaired by Lewis Rubinson, M.D., M.P.H., co-chair of the Terrorism and Inhalation Disaster Section of the Environmental and Occupational Health Assembly.

Among the topics that will be covered in the special session are the genetics of the H1N1 virus and the implications for transmission, clinical management of H1N1, and the role of government in responding to a pandemic. In addition, a physician working in Mexico City will provide clinical data from patients admitted to the ICU with the virus.

This is a challenging time for the world health community. The leadership of the ATS believes that the ATS International Conference can help address this challenge by bringing together influenza experts with other healthcare professionals responsible for treating patients with respiratory diseases and are leaders in educating their medical colleagues and their communities about the prevention of respiratory disease.

I look forward to meeting you in San Diego and wish you safe travels.


Stephen C. Crane, Ph.D, M.P.H.

Executive Director

61 Broadway · New York, NY 10006-2755 · Voice: 212-315-8600 · Fax: 212-315-6498

Copyright  2009 American Thoracic Society





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