The mature never doubts the past; the wise never minds the present; the open-minded never questions the future; as a boss, treats people equally as human beings; as a servant, holds up your own dignity as human beings; knowing how to judge people from their past actions is a gentleman; making judgment of people behind is a villain; after you made a mistake, the person who scolds you after all people have come is an enemy, and the person who scolds you when all people left is a friend; if a person can grasp himself, he will never lose anything ; getting older does not mean mature, real mature is to see through; the reason why simple life is not easy, it is because living simply means not thinking too much; the biggest mistake people often makes is too polite to strangers and too harsh for intimates, if you can over come this bad habit, you will live in peace and harmony.
虽然文章中一上来就有三个同样的“问”,但是, 在翻译的时候我对这三个“问”用了不同的英语单词。首先对过去的问, 不是Ask,而是doubt。这是因为成熟的人不会怀疑过去的事。 要是用Ask,就不能反映出成熟的意识。比如说, 您是一位成熟的人, 您需要招聘一位助手,您必然会问及应聘人的过去,但是您不会也不应该怀疑应聘人的过去。 是不是?
对于不问现在,那更不应该用ask。我个人的理解是:聪明的人不只是顾及现在,而是把目光放在将来。 所以, 这里的不问现在,应该是mind的意思,也就是”在意”的意思。
对于不问将来,同样的道理, 豁达的人想得开,因为将来有很多不确定因素,所以现在提问将来是多余的事。在这里, 将这个“问”翻成question比较妥当。
对于“在人之上”这样的词语,英文确实很难表达。 有的人翻成: “in people over”, 这样的英语很难被人理解和接受。我认为“在人之上”就是领导和老板的意思。所以我将其翻成“as a boss”。同样的道理,“在人之下”, 翻译成“in people under” 就有点“中英语”的味道。我的理解是, “在人之下”意味着身份低下, 所以,我觉得用“as a servant” 比较合适。
当然,这些是我个人的理解和看法, 可能很片面。 不过,在翻译的时候, 我的一个原则是尽量体现出原文的意思,而不是一个一个词语的翻译。
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