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三个诺奖一台戏 精选

已有 9689 次阅读 2007-9-13 22:45 |个人分类:科学人文|系统分类:人物纪事




今天上午,“鲁道夫•马库斯教授、哈罗德•克罗托教授和理查德•施罗克教授三位诺贝尔奖获得者于9月13日上午来化学所参观访问。上午10:00,三位诺贝尔奖获得者在化学所礼堂向全所师生分别做了题为“Green Chemistry and Organic Reaction 'on water catalysis'”、“Architecture in NanoSpace”和“The Role of Inorganic Chemistry in the Energy Problem”的学术报告,并同与会师生进行了深入探讨,”为时约一个半小时多一点。




Marcus教授是以电子转移理论获得1992年的Nobel化学奖。他早就是化学所的名誉教授。他的报告中有提到沈元壤先生用和频光谱测量界面水分子的结构的开创性工作,那是1993年发生的事情。目前在这方面是本研究组的工作进展最好,我在上个月Boston美国化学会上的邀请报告题目就是Some New Experimental Findings of Aqueous Interfaces with Nonlinear Spectroscopy。他没有听过我的报告,也还不会有机会读我们最近的文章,所以最近这方面的进展应该是不熟悉。

本重点实验室以前的硕士生,现在Texas A&M 大学化学系的高毅勤教授是Marcus教授在加州理工学院的关门弟子,Marcus先生对毅勤是钟爱有加。据说有一次毅勤以前的一位老师到CalTech访问Marcus,谦虚说上大学时没有看出毅勤这这么优秀,意思是老先生教得好。老先生不太明白中国式的谦虚,生气地说了句:Shame on you! What kind of professor you were! 弄得这位老师很是尴尬。上个月我在Boston开会时还和毅勤聊了半天。毅勤每次见到我,都说羡慕我能在自己的国家做研究,而他却在国内找不到一个理想的地方回来立足。我只好说爱国不分先后,羡慕彼此彼此,现实是还常有人嫌我不够爱国呢。



Kroto教授算是老相识,上次他在北京人民大会堂作报告和去北京四中访问,由我给他做翻译,在一起有很长时间。虽然他以发现碳60于1996年分获Nobel化学奖,但其实他最好的和最熟悉的还是小分子转动光谱。大概由于英国的大学现在对于化学不够重视及其它原因,Harry已经到美国Florida State University去做教授。我这次没有去凑热闹叙旧,一是因为刚从美国回来时差还没完全倒过来。再说好几个诺奖凑在一起,领导为了应付他们已经很忙了,再去添乱肯定不是个事儿。


博文《货真价实的科普(二):Harold Kroto》链接:http://www.sciencenet.cn/blog/user_content.aspx?id=575


Harry Kroto的Nobel自传:http://nobelprize.org/nobel_prizes/chemistry/laureates/1996/kroto-autobio.html


三个人中Schrock我最不熟悉,可能因为他不是物理化学家。他上大学时在University of California Riverside跟James Pitts做过些大气化学的研究。上礼拜我在UCR化学系访问时还和劲松兄谈到不少Pitts的大气化学工作。Schrock应该是UCR于1954年建校正式以来的第一个Nobel奖校友。


Schrock他们的这个Nobel奖中关于谁应该获奖有一些争议。因为Columbia大学化学系的Tom Katz教授应该是该领域无可争议的开创者,却没有一起获得Nobel奖。这从Columbia大学报道2005年Nobel奖的新闻中Ronald Breslow教授的谈话中即可见端倪。与Schrock一起获奖的Robert Grubbs于1968年获得Columbia大学化学系的博士学位,所以学校还是非常高兴。Breslow的评价是这样的:

“While Katz was not included in the trio of Novel Laureates, most chemists recognize his work as absolutely fundamental to the field that was recognized by the Nobel Prize this year. The work of Grubbs is also universally hailed for producing great practical and theoretical advances in what has emerged as a powerful new way to assemble useful chemical compounds.”

我理解Breslow言下之意是Grubbs该得Nobel得了,Tom Katz该得Nobel没得,其它的就随大家去猜了。这种话既然Breslow这种化学和科学界举足轻重的人敢说,当然不是空穴来风。


2006年9月1日,Science杂志上有一封Tom Katz的读者来信,题目是Propagation of Errors in Review Articles,主要是抱怨该领域的工作在后来的文献中没有得到正确的认可。该来信的参考文献2,是Katz教授在2005年Nobel奖之前几个月对该获奖领域的综述。估计Nobel奖委员会事前已经有了主意,并没有完全采信Tom Katz这篇文章的内容。欲知内部真实情况,得等到48年后Nobel委员会的文件解密时才有可能。


我9月4日在Columbia大学化学系门口碰见Tom Katz教授,和他打了个招呼。我原来在Columbia时,对他的工作其实没有多少了解。虽然他曾经找我测一个新合成的有机分子的非线性光学系数,我也知道他在有机合成领域有过重要的贡献,但也当时也没有工夫对他的工作感兴趣。因为有了这个争议,我反而更敬重他一些。



不过正如Harry Kroto所说,要是能够见到这些人年轻时候意气风发的样子,恐怕更妙。


Tom Katz给Science的信:

Science 1 September 2006:
Vol. 313. no. 5791, p. 1236
DOI: 10.1126/science.313.5791.1236a
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Propagation of Errors in Review Articles

Science has done an excellent job of sensitizing us to issues of fabricated data. Nevertheless, there is a related issue that also deserves discussion: sham publication in the secondary literature. It is important because scientists rely on the authors of reviews to gather and analyze the unwieldy primary literature. Inasmuch as the secondary literature is a major driver of science, propagation of errors in it should elicit concern. Often it doesn't.

The following example epitomizes the issue: An article in a recent issue of a chemical education journal (1) described a metalcarbene-initiated olefin metathesis reported in 1980 as the first example of its kind and a major breakthrough. Indeed, olefin metathesis is a significant chemical transformation, whose development was recognized by the latest Nobel Prize in Chemistry, but this experiment could not have been a major breakthrough because no such experiment has ever been published (2). This and other information in the article appears to have been taken from an earlier review, which, in turn, seemingly contained information from seven previous erroneous reviews by others (2), but cited as a source an article in which the experiment cannot be found.

Frequent repetition can turn fictional breakthroughs into common lore. The one above is well on its way and, after its appearance as fact in a journal directed toward teachers, could move to textbooks and chemistry courses. Corrections might lead readers to examine the original literature, but journals are sometimes reluctant to publicize mistakes (3). The fact is that science does not always self-correct; it has to be corrected. And for that to happen, the principles of accountability that apply to fabrication in experiments should apply to fabrication in reviews.

Thomas J. Katz
Department of Chemistry
Columbia University
New York, NY 10027, USA
E-mail: tjk1@columbia.edu

References :
1. C. P. Casey, J. Chem. Educ. 83, 192 (2006).
2. Summarized in T. J. Katz, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 44, 3010 (2005).
3. J. Couzin, K. Unger, Science 312, 38 (2006)


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