


已有 5357 次阅读 2016-2-22 22:17 |个人分类:科学正史|系统分类:观点评述| 地图学, 地理大发现, 明代大航海





翻转世界史的古地图(英文原文) 2016-02-19

明代中国测绘世界-西方地图学证伪 2016-02-22


 I read your paper yesterday and have a few comments:

1)     As I said about your previous paper, you are trying to apply 21st C behavior to 17th C behavior and they aren’t even close to the same.



Comparison of the maps of Ricci to contemporaneous maps (Ptolemy 1482, Waldseemueller 1507, Ortelius 1570, Mercator 1569 and 1595,Martino Martini 1655) is the theme of my paper. Any 21st century“behavior” is the application of logic and references we know today。

我比较利玛窦的地图同时代的地图(托勒密1482年,瓦德斯穆勒 1507年,奥特里斯1570年,墨卡托1569/1595年,和卫匡国1655年),这是我论文的主题。任何21世纪的思维逻辑和引用今天我们已知的材料是对照。

2)     Your assumptions that Maps cannot precede exploration/survey is (sic) totally false.  It might be nice if it were true.  It wasn’t true then and actually it isn’t always true today. Often mapmakers of this period, would go as far as the data took them, their sources undoubtedly also had opinions of what they thought was beyond that point, there were various myths, like the Northwest Passage, they subscribed to which they would put in,  the map maker knew it had to complete somewhere,so they just filled it in.  This pretty much discredits most of the conclusions of your paper.


Of course one can draw any map without doing any exploration.  The question is whether the map reflects genuine geography as we know today. Can you envision my house plan without visiting? Can you draw a city map of an African town without being there?  “The map maker knew it had to complete somewhere, so they just filled it in”. Do you ever question why their completion is so accurate without information from somewhere? The 1602 Chinese world map (which is really not a survey by Ricci) accurately names locations by geography of the western part of North America 200 years before Lewis and Clark’s exploration. 哥泥白斯湖 (Lake Conibaz or Hudson Bay) is in better shape on the1602 Chinese world map than Ortelius 1570, yet there is no record of any European exploration between 1570 and 1602. Ricci has never been to America.Year 1610 when Ricci died is the year Henry Hudson found the bay, which is named after the “discoverer”. There are tons of common sense questions like this that should be asked yet no one did.

当然,人们可以没有任何探索的数据支持来绘制地图。问题是地图是否真正反映了今天我们已知的地理。你没有来过我家,能知道我的房子的格局如何?你没有去过,能准确绘制一个非洲小镇的地图?“地图制作者知道它在什么地方完成的,所以他们只是填补它。”你是否曾经质疑为什么他们不需要来源而能完成如此准确的信息? 1602年的《坤輿万国全图》(其实不是利玛窦测绘的),准确地标示北美200年后路易斯和克拉克才探索的北美西部地区。1602年代《坤輿万国全图》有哥泥白斯湖(Conibaz湖或哈得逊湾),比1570年奥特里斯绘制的形状更相似,但是15701602间没有欧洲勘探這里的记录,利玛窦从来没有去过美国。 1610年,当利玛窦去世那年,亨利·哈德逊才发现这海湾,后来以这“发现者”命名这海湾。还有大量这样的问题没人质疑。

3)     Your statement that there was no accurate measurement of longitude prior to 1773 is also false.  There were reasonably accurate astronomical techniques. However they were complicated and not possible generally applicable when at sea.


Yes, measuring longitude on the open ocean is the crucial question. This is clearly shown by the shape of South America in the maps I compared. Why is the Chinese map more accurate than any of the European maps that Ricci had supposedly copied? Could any map copy improve on the accuracy of the original without actual exploration?


4)     You ask how Ptolemy could draw a map of the world without leaving Alexandria? Quite easily. He used paper and pen. Did he take some license and only include what he knew his audience would be most interested in? Yes.  Did he know that there must be something below 180 degrees? Of course, but you are criticizing him for doing what you said you want him to do: He had no data for south of 180 so he didn’t include it. Where did he get his information? Alexandria was a port and there was lots of information flowing in.  Furthermore there were many maps of the Roman Empire that pre-date this.  It is well-known that Columbus cooked his numbers to make them come out right.  Why do you think he had so much trouble getting funded?  Everyone else had good numbers and knew that their ships didn’t have the range to go West.  Columbus had to find someone who wasn’t an expert to fund him. PT Barnum said these were born every minute.  The idea of spherical globe was well understood by the educated population. This is also well-known to any expert in this field.


Something below 180 degrees”?“south of 180”? This is the most fatally comment I have seen from anyone who has studied geography. There is never 180 degrees for latitude. The 180 degrees I refer to is longitude, not latitude. I am talking about the distance between China and Europe separated by an entire half of the earth, which did not seem to bother Columbus or any of the people who received his proposal. If Greeks did know that a spherical earth has 360 degrees for the circumference, why didn’t Ptolemy address that an entire hemisphere is missing in Geographia? Anyone knowledgeable of the land distance between Europe and China would not have taken a trip as ill-prepared as Columbus did. This common-sense question has been ignored.

“低于180度”?南纬180度”?这是我见过的地理学者最要命的评论。纬度是没有180度的。我指的是 180度经度,不是纬度。我说的是整个地球的一半,似乎并没有引起对哥伦布或资助人的关心。如果希腊人也知道地球有360度,为什么托勒密在他的《地理学》一书没有提醒哥伦布,他的地图缺掉半个地球?任何有常识的人都知道欧洲和中国之间的陆地距离那么远,不会像哥伦布设备如此差劲去冒险,这样做是忽略常识。

5)     Waldseemueller map. Your interpretation that they knew that Florida, the East Coast of North American are on the map is not viable.  They may have known there was some sort of land there, but even the map shows that they didn’t know the extent of it, and to say that it Florida and the East Coast is to impose a modern interpretation to what is on the map.  It could well have been reported that there was land at such a position without anyone actually going ashore. As for knowing about the Gulf.You are assuming what you know as the Gulf is what is they thought of as the Gulf.  They had a pretty good idea that there was land to the west and so it had to be somewhere there.


It is exactly the reason I question the source of knowledge of Florida and east coast before the area was explored. How could one have any idea to draw such a map without being there?  Imaginary and “mental discovery” is beyond the realm of scientific discussion.  Themajor question is why the great ocean west of America is shown before it was known 6 years later. Why did Waldseemueller hide it again in his Carta Marina 1516?Why is this new continent not part of Asia as it was always thought?

这正是我质疑佛罗里达知识和东海岸的认知先于勘探的原因。一个人没有到过一个地方,如何凭空画出这样的地图?想象和“心灵发现”不是科学讨论的范畴。主要问题是,为什么美国的西边的海洋为什么在被发现之前六年出现在地图上。为什么瓦德斯穆勒的 1516年地图,再次隐藏这海洋?为什么美洲新大陆不是如以往一样绘成与亚洲连成一片?

6)     Ortelius. Again, it is *your* conjecture, your modern interpretation, that Hudson Bay is on the Ortelius Map.  Ortelius does not claim it is Hudson Bay.  Ortelius and others did believe there should be a Northwest Passage.  And there is. Similarly, Ortelius justfilled in a West Coast of the New World even though he didn’t have data for it. The reference to Lewis and Clark is just ludicrous.


The bay (Gulf) is clearly there on Ortelius 1570 map as anyone with eyes can see, although it is not labeled so by Ortelius. Of course he had no idea of Henry Hudson. How did a bay (gulf) appear in the correct location of what we call Hudson Bay today? Could Ortelius’s imagination be accurate enough to foresee the geography only known 140 years later? That is my question. Ortelius must have copied it from another map by someone who did the survey. This bay labeled as Lago Conibaz (or Conibas) also appears in other maps. As Bancroft says, there is no reason to believe that any European explorer had surveyed that part of the world (Bancroft 1886).[1]


7)     Matteo Ricci.  You say that until there was a high resolution scan of the map available, only the outline and a few large place names are readable. This is wrong. Any reasonable library had a copy of D’Elia’s Il mappamundi with a complete half size reproduction of the map. Heck,even I have a copy. Furthermore, I don’t find the inaccuracies in Europe allthat disturbing. First of all, Figure 6 is much larger than it is on the map.What copy did this figure come from?  It isn’t the Vatican Map or the Bell Map. Ricci was working through the wood-carvers, and I am sure that it was much more important to him to get China closer to right than Europe. We know the wood-blocks were not done by the Jesuits. I am sure there were some inaccuracies introduced in that process. Also, the area of Europe is quite small and so there were a limited number of legends that could be included.Certainly not all he knew.  Since there are no country boundaries on the map, why should the Papal States be there. Actually, recognizing the Papal States would have indicated that the Pope’s sovereignty was limited and would have undermined the Pope in the eyes of the Emperor. Ricci would be admitting that Pope really ruled a very small area.  Good thing, you weren’t doing his PR.

7)利玛窦。你说,直到有地图的高分辨率扫描,只有轮廓和一些较大的地名可读,这是错的。任何比较好的图书馆都有德礼贤的Il Mappamundi的地图副本,原大一半。哎呀,连我也有一个副本。此外,我不认为在欧洲部分不准确有什么不妥。首先,图6是远远大于地图所示。这部分从何而来?它不是梵蒂冈版本或贝尔图书馆的版本(按:指《坤輿万国全图》的版本)。利玛窦是通过刻工完成地图的。我相信,他认为更重要的是把中国弄得准确,比欧洲的准确度更重要。我们知道刻板不是耶稣会士做的。我相信,在这个过程中会引进一些误差。另外,欧洲的面积相当小,所以能被列入的地名数量有限,当然不是他所知的全部。由于有在地图上没有国界,为什么要标注教皇领地。其实,标示教皇领地,表明教皇的主权是有限的,会削弱教皇的地位。还好,你没有做他的公关。

If you do have a copy of  the 1602 map, read it, carefully. If you can’t understand Chinese, find someone to translate for you. Those who have the luxury of accessing the map are often overwhelmed by the massive information in Chinese that they cannot interpret. You are clearly avoiding Tuscany and Florence, which are prominently shown on any European maps after1400 up to now. The Vatican’s Gallery of Maps (painted 1580-1585) has a very accurate map of Italy.  Ricci just visited Vatican before he left for China. He should have seen at least a sketch of Italy. Even a Vatican visitor like me, or any primary student today, or any European intellect in the sixteen century, would not have mistaken the boot for a stump, let alone Ricci the Jesuit.  Ricci’s purpose is to evangelize China, why should he not present the most advanced and up to date geography of the Holy Land?


8)     In general, you make some unfounded assumptions about what Ricci knew and didn’t know.  Your assumption of what he could know of European discoveries was limited to what he knew when he left Europe is silly.  New information, books, globes arrived with every ship.


There is no assumption when Ricci drew an ill-shaped Italy that he should not. There is no assumption that Ricci could not have known the western part of North America, north of Baja California. It shows what the map maker knew at that time.  Are you saying “new information, books, globes arrived with every ship”, providing Ricci with information of America 200 years after Ricci’s death?


9)     Aleni.  Since when is Aleni’s map attributed to Ricci.  Did Aleni draw on Ricci’s map and other data? Of course. But that doesn’t mean the map was done by Ricci. What does this sentence mean:  “Apparently, the correction of the world map has something to do with Ricci’s opportunity in Beijing.”?


The Vatican attributes Aleni’s map to Ricci by displaying it front and center in an official video (still available) on Youtube made for the Vatican exhibit in memory of Matteo Ricci (400 years after his death). Strangely the famous 1602 map by Ricci is installed at an inconspicuous corner at the bottom of a staircase, showing two and a half panels of the total six at an angle. No one would be able to tell this was the most famous world map by Ricci. If Aleni drew the map on Ricci’s data, why was Ricci’s map more correct and detailed than Aleni’s? The difference is Aleni came at the most turbulent years of Ming-Qing transition.  Died in Hangzhou in 1649, Aleni never had the chance to access the Imperial archive in Beijing.

认为艾儒略的地图与利玛窦有关是梵蒂冈,可见于纪念利玛窦逝世400年的官方视频,现在还留在Youtube上,用当中的位置展览了艾儒略的地图。奇怪的是,著名的《坤輿万国全图》却被安放在一个不显眼的楼梯角落,六面的地图,只出现两面半,没有人能认出这是利玛窦最有名的世界地图。如果艾儒略的地图是根据利玛窦地图的数据,为什么利玛窦的地图更正确,更详细?所不同的是艾儒略来中国是在最动荡的明清过渡时期。 1649年,他在杭州逝世,艾儒略从来没有机会参考北京故宫档案。

10)  North Ocean and South Ocean.  Good grief. I can tell you have not spent anytime  at sea sailing or around people who have. Balboa would not have to have gone far to realize that what he was seeing was no lake.  The nature of currents, tides, even the flora and fauna,etc.  People who spend years at sea learn quite a bit about it.  He did call it a sea. Of course he had no idea how big it was, or if there was yet another continent between there and China. There is certainly room for one.


What Balboa saw is limited. What Balboa saw should not be bigger than Salt Lake. It is not how big he saw that matters.  It is how accurate the Pacific maps are drawn right after his discovery (or rediscovery) and before extensive exploration of the Pacific by Captain Cook (between1766 and 1779) that amazes me. How did Ortelius come up with a map of the Pacific in 1589? One cannot assume Magellan had surveyed the entire ocean while most of the people were dying suffering from scurvy and starvation. By the way, why did Magellan head directly northwest without hugging the shoreline of Chile, as what an explorer would normally do in a strange land (Battista Agnese 1544)? What gives Magellan the confidence to cross the vast ocean? That also is question for Battista Agnese.What gives Battista Agnese the confidence to draw an empty ocean right after Magellan’s trip?


11)  Good grief again.  “Pacific”?  Again, you aren’t much of a marketer. ;-) If you are trying to encourage people to come, you don’t call “the sea from hell”.  Are you sure these maps are attributed to Ricci? I have never seen that done. Have people suggested that Ricci or his map influenced those maps?Yes. That I have seen.

11)又来了,“太平洋”?同样,你不是很好的营销人员。 ;-) 如果你想鼓励人们航海,你不会命名这为“地狱海”。你确定这些地图都归功于利玛窦?我从来没有见过。有人提出过利玛窦对这些地图有影响吗?那我倒是看过的。

This is again a total misunderstanding of my paper. The other Chinese map Shan Hai YuDi Quan Tu is printed in a pictorial encyclopedia (published in 1607 with voluminous information of many disciplines). The name Ning Hai (Pacific Sea) labels a localized area west of Chile, which is a comparatively calm area of the ocean exactly as what NOAA’s wave height chart depicts today. Wave height as a function of physical geography has changed little over the past millions of years. Without being there, no one could have imagined such a name. The other European maps, having misnamed the entire ocean for “South Sea” (including north of equator) for a long time finally replaces (in 18th century) SouthSea with Pacific Ocean, much less appropriate than the Chinese name Cang Ming Zong (the ancestor of all oceans), meaning the biggest ocean of all. The equivalent of this Chinese name never appears in any European map.  


12)  If you are right and this map was drawn in 1430.  Where was it for the intervening 200 years? You argument that the maritime ban effects the interchange of information and “diplomatic relations” makes too many assumptions. There was still overland trade and people moving back and forth.


The original map, before Matteo Ricci filled in a few names, was apparently kept in the imperial archive. It was hidden by court officials who were against the maritime expeditions. The emperor Cheng Hua (reign1465-1487) wanted to resume maritime exploration but was told that all of Zheng He’s documents were destroyed. To legitimize the presence the map, the courtiers in Wanli era (1573-1620) pretended that it was brought by Matteo Ricci. This only possible explanation is of course never recorded in history. However,this was done in a hurry, leaving too many flaws that expose the true authorship and timing. The secret is finally exposed in my presentation at the International Zheng He Conference, Melaka, 2010.


One could go on and on.  This paper is deeply flawed as are its conclusions. But I don’t expect you to care since it is clear that this has more to do with what you want to believe than what the facts support.


I could not have put it better as you said to describe your attitude, evading scientific evidence of the discrepancies of world maps by Ortelius, Mercator, Waldseemueller, and Martino Martini, which is the core idea of this paper. The 1602 Chinese world map is called Impossible Black Tulip for a good reason (in fact, many good reasons). It shows an outdated Europe 200 years before Ricci, and an America that is only known to Europeans 200 years later.  Overlooking the geographically accurate Chinese names of western North America is a clear elusion from the truth, a good excuse for most cartographers who don’t read Chinese and know little about Chinese history. Failure to accept the many facts I laid out reveals academic hypocrisy and lack of objectivity. What I have included in this paper is merely a small fraction of all the evidence, which continues to surface.Besides the 1602 world map, the fact that Ming Chinese were in America is supported by plenty of evidence in relics and sites, which won’t be discussed here.  

The review I received does not reflect a knowledgeable cartography researcher. I am disappointed that my high expectation for scientific and unbiased critique is answered with preconceived opinion and elusive comments that adds nothing to academic pursuit of truth.

I still have to thank you for spending the little time to go over my paper.  Three other potential reviewers I contacted just excuse themselves to avoid facing the facts in fear of political incorrectness. I would include in my paper your comments verbatim and my response without disclosing your identity.

我不能更好用你的话来形容你的态度。你回避奥特里斯,墨卡托,瓦德斯穆勒和卫匡国地图的科学证据和矛盾,这是本文的核心理念。 1602年的《坤輿万国全图》被称为“不可能的黑郁金香”是有很好的理由(其实有很多很好的理由)。它显示了一个利玛窦200年前的欧洲,和欧洲人200年后才知道的美洲西部。你忽略北美西部的中文准确标志的地名。一般地图学家很好的借口是不懂中文和中国历史。您回避我摆开的许多事实,只表明学术伪善和缺乏客观性。我在本文的列举的仅仅是所有证据的一小部分。除了《坤輿万国全图》,还有大量中国文物古迹证据在美国,这里不在讨论范围。



[1]The works of Hubert Howe Bancroft: History of the northwest coast. 1886



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