(For new reader and those who request 好友请求, please read my 公告栏 first).
I first indirectly reported the problem of toxic food and medicine from China in my blog
concerning Sunday New York Times on (May 7, 2007). Now the American media has
pick this topic up as a hot subject. The NYTimes on 6/27/07 reported that the US has
banned import of certain shrimp and fish product from China. TV channels have also been
reporting on this topic. Toothpaste and other health product imported from China and
used in US hospital are reported to contain unhealthy ingredients. Chinese Americans
here feel certain amount of discomfort just like Arab Americans feel after 9/11.
However, the bigger impact must be on the majority of decent and law abiding Chinese
exporters who had nothing whatsoever to do with these toxic exports. All of a sudden,
their livelihood is adversely affected. For example, my wife has already decided to buy
only soy sauce and canned Chinese foods that are produced here in the US or Canada.
And I don't blame her since she says how can one trust Chinese products when the health
of ones family is concerned. Once again, this illustrates the importance of "TRUST" in
all personal and societal dealings.
Of course, some would argue that if the US is so concerned with import from China, why
don't they test every import product. It is their responsibility to protect their population
and not China's responsibility. True, if Chinese products has certain monopolistic power.
But the economical fact is that very few things manufactured in China are unique and not
available elsewhere; nor are these products life sustaining necessities. Thus, "don't buy
Chinese product" becomes the operating policy as in the case of shrimp and fish. It is
China and the Chinese merchants will pay the penalty for the unethical behavior of a few
rogue exporters. I am curious to know to what extent is this news reported in China and
what the Chinese government are doing about this.
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