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Before I arrived at Tsinghua this time, I proposed to have two sessions of free wheeling question-and-answer sessions with graduate students here on education, research, and life experiences. The price for admission to these sessions are reading beforehand a series of 31 of my blog articles on the same subjects published on ScienceNet for the past 2.5 years. The purpose is such that everyone attending will have a common basis of understanding and can use the opportunity to ask more in-depth questions. The first session is one hour long to set the stage and to warm up. The second session followed in a week and is two hours long . At the conclusion, I ask if some student are willing to write something about their experience in attending these sessions both as feedback to myself and to share what they learned with a wider audience of ScienceNet readers. The following eight short articles are the result after a 10 day interval. I publish them below unedited and unchanged
First article
By 曾嘉炜
A1:我这个问题提的太泛了。但可能正因为这样,何老师给出了一个他认为最重要的国外教育强于国内的地方:国外的每个研究生每周都能从导师那得到1.5-2个小时单独的指导。而国内很多大学的情况是一个博导带4,50个研究生。这种环境下,国内的学生是不可能像国外学生那样每周都有足够的指导时间的。但如果这种情况在短期内没办法改变,那我们应该怎么办?何老师推荐我们看他blog里面一个处于这种环境下的博士生题为《How to Supervise Yourself》的文章。后来看完之后觉得讲得很有道理,虽然在清华我们每周都有固定和导师讨论的时间,但如果同时我们能学习这位博士“自导”,在科研上我们可以做的更独立,更有自己的想法,与导师讨论的时候能更加有底气,更有收获。
A2:当别人问何老师:“you only have one piece of advice to give, what would you say to a young student starting out”他回答“marry a good woman”。太感人了。的确,何老师和他夫人已经过携手迈过了人生50多年了,依然恩爱如初。何老师在学术上能有现在的成就,我觉得,他自己也说,是和她夫人在他的背后默默支持是分不开的。我问了那如何才能找到一个good woman呢,何老师说那是缘分。对啊,如果恋爱像科学问题那样是有algorithm的话,那一切都是那么的确定,再也没有令人心跳的爱情了。当然,贾老师也分享了一下的新婚之初的心情,看的出来他目前真的很幸福,呵呵。我还问了如果我期望中的伴侣跟我不是一个工作领域的,会怎样?何老师说很好啊,因为他和他夫人就不是。而且他还主张尽量不要从自己的领域去选伴侣,比如学工科的可以找艺术的。
I have attended Prof. Ho’s special sessions. Although for a new beginner of scientific
research, two sessions might be too short, I can feel the direction, methodology of research, the goal I should fight for, and even the life style good researchers should have. It is more like experience which inspires me that how to do a good research. I am lucky I might be the one who asked the most questions during the two special sessions, and Prof. Ho asked them in detail. I would like to share them with all PhD students who aim to be good researchers.
Q: Suppose I have little knowledge of a certain research field. There are piles of papers related to it, reading all of them is time consuming. What can I do?
A: Finding a relative new research subject may be the best and most direct way to solve this problem. There won’t be too many papers published, so reading them won’t be a tough task. Prof. Ho told us he preferred solving new problems, proposing new research subjects which saved his time so that he had never got drawn in the endless sea of books. Mr. Jia supplemented his answer. If there are piles of papers published in a research field, reading survey papers and some of classic papers may be a good way to know what has been done in this field.
Q: For a five-year doctoral student, do you think "depth" is more important for him or"breath"?
A: It depends on the process of your research. If you have already come up with a certain subject and proposed one or several problems about it, you should go “depth” to solve the problems. Otherwise, “breath” is a good way to open your mind and for you to learn new knowledge and skills. “breath” and “depth” may be two different stages, “breath” is preparing stage in which forming an idea is more important so you have to find out more related information, while “depth” is solving stage in which solving the problems you have proposed is the final goal.
Q: Research in engineering uses lots of mathematics. They are more tricky than
conventional math. Even you know mathematics, you may not bring it to mind or use it very well. How can we deal with this problem?
A: An idea is more important than the mathematical derivation. A good model is the fundamental base of a good research. More detailed mathematical work can be done with the help of others, and mathematical derivation is more natural when you model the problems properly.
Q: PhD students always feel frustrated that they don't know what to do with their subjects, or they think the subjects leave nothing to be done. How to deal with this kind of feelings?
A: Prof. Ho does not believe research subject is a problem one should worry about. Actually, no matter what subject you take research on, you can do a significant work and get a PhD degree. When you feel frustrated, you can resort to your directors, or you can just leave your research temporarily, have some relax and entertain yourself. Once a year “aha moment” is enough and satisfactory.
Q: For PhD students, is it wise for them to change fields during the five or six years? If it is, how many times do you suggest?
A: If you have already focused on a certain subject, you should work on it during the five or six years unless you have no clue about this subject any more. For a researcher who has already got a PhD degree, you should change subject every five or more years, since research directions will also change with time, if you do not follow them, you will fall behind. Like Prof. Ho has said, it is impossible for anyone to understand how to do a good research during such a short time. It needs communications with your directors for 5 or more years, and more training time. I believe that with more time and practice, I can understand what I have learnt from Prof. Ho’s sessions better. Thanks him for such a wonderful session.
在座谈中引起我思考的另外一件事是,何老师说他最想教会学生的是”How to learn by yourself”(这也正是他希望我们能从他博文中学到的)。何老师提到他通常会和他的学生每周面对面交谈一两个小时,交谈的重点不是告诉他应该怎么做,而是指出学生目前工作的不足之处,对他的工作提出质疑,引导他去思考如何去做研究,一步一步推着学生前进,等到某一天学生可以反驳何老师的意见,那么这位学生也就可以出师了,并且何老师带的学生很少,同时带的不会超过10个,这样他才能够在每个学生身上投入足够多的时间。对此我主要有以下几点思考。
1.虽然平时我经常看何老师的博文,但很少时候是以学会“how to learn by myself”为目的去看,更多的是为了学习英语和拓宽知识面,或者不带任何目的。座谈会上何老师的话点醒了我,我看博文的方式实在是对何老师50多年来的宝贵经验财富的浪费。何老师花费如此多的时间和精力来写博文,必定是想对我辈有所帮助,有所教诲。
何教授的博文我几乎都读过,读完不禁因其为人为学的魅力而深深折服。何教授在博文中将其几十年的人生经验和盘托出,循循善诱,唯恐遗漏,这对我们的学习和科研来说实在是一笔宝贵的财富。在我们学生之间所达成的共识是,何教授的博文可以一次读遍,但不能一次读罢,必须时常温习,才能有更多的领悟。改用何教授的一句话,“you can say aufwiederzhen but not goodbye to the articles”。我们学生刚步入或还未算步入学术界,或许还不够资格这样说,但CFINS的老师们告诉我们,他们在不同阶段来阅读何教授的博文,也会有不同的体会和收获。我相信这一点。
如果再进一步浓缩上面的总结,就回到何教授的所强调的话:There is no royal road to research success except focused hard work。没有独门诀窍,唯有苦心修炼才能达成绝技。也许读者会问,我们自然也都知道这些道理,何教授再讲这些,又有什么用呢?我想,最重要的作用就是言传身教。最好的老师并不愿强加,但长于启发。何教授本人已经是集大成者,他再以其毕生亲身经历,告诉我们在科研学术的道路上如何前行,这扮演着灯塔与导航仪的双重作用。对我自己来说,大到明理立志,小到除却陋习,我都已经受益匪浅。