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Another paper of mine made the 50 year reference mark

已有 3357 次阅读 2022-8-13 21:06 |个人分类:S and T|系统分类:海外观察

During the past month, both the reference sites "Research Gate" and "Academia" informed me that my paper "Nonzero Sum Differential Games" and related Nash Equillibria articles published in the early 1970s were referenced by a group of recent papers published all over the world. Thus, I can add to my collection of works  that has made the "50 years of being continuously referenced" mark. My prediction in an early article has come true https://blog.sciencenet.cn/blog-1565-1302122.html  . 


上一篇:Two famous “dropouts” from Harvard and MIT respectively
下一篇:Comment on my old blogs
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