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研究论文中如何整理不同部分的内容 精选

已有 15308 次阅读 2015-4-1 08:02 |系统分类:论文交流| 论文, 结论, 部分



  • A:结构简介

  • B:为什么研究论文会有结构


  • A:概述

  • B:方法与结果

  • C:结果与讨论


年轻科学家很快都会熟悉研究论文的各个标准部分,也就是摘要、 介绍、 方法、 结果、 讨论和结论部分。然而,即使是优秀的研究人员偶尔也会对应该把一些内容放到哪一部分感到惑,可能没有意识到我们已经写到了另一个部分,比如说从方法部分写到了结果部分。今天,我想简单地概括一下一篇研究论文的各个部分,并讨论一下那些让我们不知不觉出错的“陷阱”。

也许有人会问,“为什么必须要遵循这种结构呢?为什么我不能直接就开始写,想说什么说什么,然后就行了呢?”答案很简单。第一,“规则”总是在变的。研究论文已经开始出现为作者提供他们所想要的灵活性的趋势。 就在这周,一位某期刊的编辑告诉我,有些期刊允许作者“以你的方式来写你的论文。”然而,标准是经过很长时间才建立起来的,这样读者才可以轻松地在文章中找到所需要的信息。这同样也是我们写摘要的原因:为了方便。

“面对众多的期刊,研究者必须要决定把他/她在图书馆的宝贵时间花在阅读什么上。”这是 1972 年我最喜欢的教授告诉我们的,“通常,我会先看摘要,然后直接看结论。”现今科学家的工作是建立在过去科学家所做的工作和方法之上的。按一种标准格式来排版研究论文能够使读者有章可循。如果是为非科学杂志而写作,作者可能会采取不同的方法,但是科学家喜欢将东西分类,这样就能够很快的在文章中找到特定的部分,节约时间。




简单地说,你得好好想想。结果是什么?草本使用浅层土壤资源。这是什么意思?他们可能与灌木苗竞争,但是无法获得超出自己根部之外的资源。将你的理由、 你的想法、 你的构思、你的意思、你的结论写到讨论和结论部分。








我写的时候可是顺理成章。我不能忍受这些侮辱 !







Temptations for researchers: sorting out what goes where in a research article


I: Introduction

  • A: Brief intro to structure

  • B: Why research articles have structure

II: Body

  • A: Overview

  • B: Methods vs results

  • C: Results vs discussion

III: Conclusions

Young scientists quickly become familiar with the standard parts of a research paper, the abstract, introduction, methods, results, discussion, and conclusion sections.  However, the best of us occasionally feel the temptation to move from one section to another without realizing we’ve made the transition from perhaps methods to results.  Today, I’d like to provide a brief overview of a standard research paper and discuss the pitfalls we sometimes fall into, unwillfully and unwittingly.

One might ask, “Why do what have to live with this structure?  Why can’t I simply start writing, say what I want to say, and be done with it?”  The answers to those questions are quite simple.  First, “the rules” are always changing.  Research papers have started a trend toward providing authors with the flexibility you might desire; journals are, as one journal editor told me this week, allowing authors to “write your paper in your way.”  However, the standards have been developed over time so that a reader can easily find the message within a paper, for much the same reason we write abstracts: convenience.  

“With so many journals, a researcher needs to pick and choose where he [or she] might spend precious time in the library,” my favorite professor told us in 1972.  “Usually, I’ll start with the abstract and then go straight to the conclusions.”  Scientists of today built on the work and methods of scientists in the past.  Formatting a research paper in a standard way gives the reader an idea of what to expect.  A writer for a non-scientific magazine might take a very different approach, but scientists like to classify things and know where to find specific parts of a paper quickly to save time.

The methods section often trips people up.  The temptation when writing your methods section is to move on to the results within the methods section.  You set up your experiment, checked the weather or lab conditions, had everything ready to run, and it seems very natural to move straight to the results.  The problem is that you have not finished describing your methods and the materials you used.  It is natural to move from methods to results, but first you will need to finish describing all the methods.  Perhaps you have described the materials and physical methods but failed to include a description of the model or statistical programs you used.  

One solution might be to make a list of your methods before you start writing.  Some scientists feel like I did as a high school student; I had the naive goal of, “writing it perfectly the first time and never having to revise what I write.”  As an editor, I realize now that rarely, if ever, works.  Writing is not math; there’s not one right answer.  It is more like painting.  So, take the time to outline your thoughts before you start.  For example, in a typical field experiment, you’ll include the “who, what, when, where, how, and even why” that we discussed in an earlier article.  Who did the research and where was it done? What did you use and how did you use it?  Why did you dig 1 meter deep for your soil tests and not 1.5 meters or 0.1 meters?  Try to think of both the physical and the mental methods, such as analysis methods.  The only restriction is to not that that leap from, “Here’s what we did,” to “and here’s the results.”

A finer line can be drawn between results and the discussion and/or conclusions.  In this case, the differences tend to blur a little.  For example, one can easily see that descriptions of soil collection methods are easily distinguished from the results of the chemical soil tests.  In contrast, the results and the discussion (the meaning of the results) may tend to blur a little more.  For example, your soil tests may have shown that shrubs used nutrients from deeper soil layers and grasses relied on the more shallow layers in a shrubby grassland.  How do you differentiate between describing the results and the meaning of those results?

To put it simply, you have to think about it.  What are the results?  The grasses used shallow soil resources.  What does that mean?  They might compete with seedlings of shrubs but cannot gain access to resources that lie beyond the extent of their roots.  Move your reasons, your ideas, your thoughts, your meanings, and your conclusions to the discussion and/or conclusion section.

If you have problems with sorting these out, you may have to write your paper first and then sort out the parts and rearrange them.  These sorts of tasks may seem tedious, similar to making sure all the research papers you cited are in your list of references, and vice versa.  However, it may be worth your time to print out a copy of your paper, and review your paper paragraph by paragraph, or even sentence by sentence, and think, “Is this methods, results, or discussion?”  After all, I’ve been proven wrong in that I can rarely write a poem without any revisions.  I have yet to write a research paper that didn’t see several versions.  Enjoy the slightly revised encouragement below.


There’s a madness to my method, the results are plain to see,

but those monsters at the journal, have just rejected me!

I spent nine months on this baby, and three years in the field.

They refuse to print my paper! Why can’t they simply yield?

They told me that my methods were mixed with my results.

It made sense when I wrote it. I can’t stand all these insults!  

The results and the conclusion seemed to go well hand in hand,

but those monsters at the journal made my writing turn to sand.

I guess I should revisit, rewrite, and then rewind,

rethink and reconsider, and my solution find.

Perhaps I’m not quite perfect, it looked so good you see,

but those monsters at the journal, have just rejected me!

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上一篇:英文写作中"characterization" 和 "characteristic"的区别
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