I work in the sciences. I've seen some professors steer away from taking on Chinese students just because of the language barrier. Other professors just said if you want to work in my lab, you must enroll in English classes and that seemed to work out. So, there was variability depending on the niceness of the professors. There are educational differences that lead the Chinese to be memorizing more, and lacking in creative thinking than the typical American. That doesn't mean they aren't knowledgeable. They ARE knowledgeable, but sometimes out of the box thinking is required. Sometimes as sad as it is the American may group all Asians into one group and just think Asian vs. Caucasian. Some of the Asian groups also were not taught analytical thinking as much as Americans. I think that may be more so for the Koreans than the Chinese or Japanese. I think overall, the American scientists view the Chinese as great to work with and formidable competitors. Yes, there is a clear work ethic and great competence.
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