原文的题目是:The futures of the Healthy Cities and Communities movement, 由Bezold and Hancock 发表在National Civic Review, 2014, DOI: 10.1002/ncr.21182.
In the face of multiple challenges and crises, cities struggle to maintain even basic services—and many
do not succeed. In the face of this declining capacity, the city fractures into well-off, walled-off
communities and the rest; the middle class is essentially hollowed out, and society becomes quite polar-
ized. The poor and the underemployed are kept dependent and subservient and distracted with social
media and other means of entertainment (a classic bread-and-circuses approach first perfected by the
Romans two thousand years ago). This approach is complemented by a strong authoritarian and repres-
sive regime, including the extensive use of electronic surveillance, that keeps the lid on most social un-
rest most of the time.
文中标红的地方我试着翻译一下:“穷人和失业者被迫保持依赖性和服从性,社会媒体或其它的娱乐方式被用来转移他们的注意力(一个2000年前被罗马人首先完善的经典的面包-马戏团的手段)”。 剩下的文字大家自己看吧。我没想到一篇谈公共卫生政策的文章能这么犀利地揭示了当前全球都面临的社会过度娱乐化的根源。
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