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[转载]第一届国际腐蚀防护与应用大会 EFC China 2019第一轮通知

已有 11214 次阅读 2019-2-11 16:58 |个人分类:会议|系统分类:博客资讯| EFC, China, 2019, 重庆 |文章来源:转载

第一届国际腐蚀防护与应用大会 EFC China 2019第一轮通知
中国·重庆 2019.10.9-12

    欧洲腐蚀联盟、重庆市科学技术协会和中国腐蚀与防护学会定于2019.10.9-12在中国重庆召开“第一届国际腐蚀防护与应用大会 EFC China 2019”,旨在加强国际间的技术交流、信息共享,寻求合作机会,共同应对腐蚀问题的挑战。

1. 主办单位:
2. 联合承办单位:
3. 支持媒体:

Journal of Materials Science & Technology (SCI)

Heat Treatment and Surface Engineering (EI)
4. 大会顾问(以姓氏拼音为序):
陈学东 中国工程院院士、程玉峰 欧洲科学院院士、丁文江 中国工程院院士、
侯保荣 中国工程院院士、柯 伟 中国工程院院士、李鹤林 中国工程院院士、
潘复生 中国工程院院士、毛新平 中国工程院院士、孙世刚 中国科学院院士、
王 浚 中国工程院院士、谢建新 中国工程院院士、徐滨士 中国工程院院士、
薛群基 中国工程院院士、张福泽 中国工程院院士、张统一 中国科学院院士、
赵振业 中国工程院院士、周克崧 中国工程院院士
5. 大会主席:
Arjan MOL Professor, Delft University of Technology, President of EFC
潘复生 中国工程院院士,重庆市科学技术协会主席
6. 大会执行主席:
吴护林 西南技术工程研究所所长,中国南方工业集团有限公司首席科技专家,国防科技工
7. 大会副主席:
李晓刚 北京科技大学教授,中国腐蚀与防护学会副理事长,教育部腐蚀与防护重点实验室主任
张伦武 西南技术工程研究所副所长,中国南方工业集团有限公司首席科技专家,国防科技工业自然环境试验研究中心副主任、研究员级高级工程师
8. 学术委员会(以姓氏字母为序):
安茂忠 哈尔滨工业大学教授
陈长风 中国石油大学(北京)教授
Xiaobo Chen Senior Research Fellow, RMIT University
陈跃良 海军航空大学青岛校区教授
陈卓元 中国科学院海洋研究所研究员
储成林 东南大学材料科学与工程学院副院长、教授
Jérome Crouzillac Engineer, BAC Corrosion Control
董闯 国家杰出青年科学基金获得者,大连理工大学教授
杜翠薇 北京科技大学教授,中国腐蚀与防护学会秘书长
Lorenzo Fedrizzi Professor, University of Udine
Damien Ferón Vice-President of World Corrosion Organisation
Wolfram Fürbeth Professor, DECHEMA-Forschungsinstitut
方志刚 海军研究院研究员
高岩 华南理工大学教授
桂泰江 海洋化工研究院有限公司总工程师、教授级高级工程师
顾宝珊 中国钢研科技集团有限公司先进金属材料涂镀国家工程实验室副主任、教授
郭洪波 国家杰出青年科学基金获得者,“长江学者奖励计划”特聘教授,北京航空航天大学材料科学与工程学院副院长、教授
郭兴蓬 广州大学副校长、教授
韩冰 中国钢研科技集团有限公司正高级工程师
胡吉明 浙江大学教授
胡松青 中国石油大学(华东)教授
胡文彬 国家杰出青年科学基金获得者,天津大学材料科学与工程学院院长、教授
旷亚非 湖南大学教授
Hanlin Liao Professor, University of Technology of Belfort-Montbeliard
Christofer Leygraf Professor, KTH Stockholm
李长久 国家杰出青年科学基金获得者,西安交通大学金属材料强度国家重点实验室副主任、教授
李华 中国科学院宁波材料技术与工程研究所研究员
李劲 复旦大学教授
李卫 暨南大学先进耐磨蚀及功能材料研究院院长、教授
李伟华 国家杰出青年科学基金获得者,中山大学化学工程与技术学院院长、教授
李文戈 上海海事大学教授
李辛庚 国网山东省电力公司电力科学研究院首席专家、教授级高级工程师
刘光明 南昌航空大学材料科学与工程学院副院长、教授
刘宏芳 华中科技大学化学与化工学院副院长、教授
刘静 武汉科技大学副校长、教授
刘敏 广东省科学院副院长,现代材料表面工程技术国家工程实验室主任、教授
林昌健 国家杰出青年科学基金获得者,厦门大学教授
林元华 西南石油大学教授
陆峰 中国航发北京航空材料研究院副总工程师、研究员
吕战鹏 上海大学研究员
Bernard Normand Professor, INSA Lyon
彭晓 南昌航空大学教授
Tomáš Prosek Professor, University of Chemistry and Technology Prague
乔利杰 国家杰出青年基金获得者,“长江学者奖励计划”特聘教授,北京科技大学教授
Philippe Refait Professor, University of La Rochelle
宋光铃 厦门大学教授
孙明先 中国船舶重工集团公司第七二五研究所研究员
Yong Sun Reader, De Montfort University, Leicester, UK
孙志华 中国航发北京航空材料研究院研究员
汪的华 国家杰出青年科学基金获得者,武汉大学资源与环境科学学院副院长、教授
王福会 国家杰出青年科学基金获得者,东北大学教授,中国腐蚀与防护学会理事长
王敬丰 重庆大学材料科学与工程学院副院长、教授
王立平 国家杰出青年科学基金获得者,中国科学院宁波材料技术与工程研究所研究员
王新华 北京工业大学教授
王振尧 中国科学院金属研究所研究员
Marc Wilms Engineer, Shell Projects & Technology
吴护林 西南技术工程研究所所长,中国南方工业集团有限公司首席科技专家,国防科技工业自然环境试验研究中心主任、研究员级高级工程师
吴建华 集美大学教授
Ping Xiao Professor, University of Manchester
杨建炜 首钢集团有限公司技术研究院用户技术研究所副所长、高级工程师
杨进 中国石油大学(北京)安全与海洋工程学院副院长、教授
曾荣昌 山东科技大学教授
左禹 北京化工大学教授
张大全 上海电力大学教授
张盾 中国科学院海洋研究所研究员
Jianqiang Zhang Associate Professor, University of New South Wales
张津 北京科技大学教授
张伦武 西南技术工程研究所副所长,中国南方工业集团有限公司首席科技专家,国防科技工业自然环境试验研究中心副主任、研究员级高级工程师
张启富 中国钢研科技集团公司新冶高科技集团有限公司总经理,先进金属材料涂镀国家工程实验室主任、教授
张善勇 西南大学新薄膜材料与器件研究中心主任、教授,国际薄膜学会会长
张忠铧 宝钢股份中央研究院钢管技术中心主任、教授
周勇 西安石油大学教授

召集人:Ph.D. Jérome Crouzillac, BAC Corrosion Control
王新华教授 北京工业大学
Ph.D. Marc Wilms, Shell Projects & Technology

1) 管道内外腐蚀与控制
2) 杂散电流腐蚀与防护
3) 力化学腐蚀与防护(应力腐蚀/腐蚀疲劳/氢脆)
4) 多相流腐蚀与防护
5) 微生物腐蚀
6) H2S/CO2腐蚀
7) 海洋管道腐蚀控制

召集人:Professor Damien Ferón, Vice-President of World Corrosion Organisation
张大全教授 上海电力大学
1) 电力设备腐蚀与防护
2) 电厂水化学与腐蚀控制
3) 绿色能源防护技术
4) 核电站腐蚀与防护
5) 电网腐蚀控制技术

召集人:Professor Wolfram Fürbeth, DECHEMA-Forschungsinstitut
李华研究员 中国科学院宁波材料技术与工程研究所
李文戈教授 上海海事大学
Professor Philippe Refait, University of La Rochelle
1) 腐蚀防护涂层材料
2) 腐蚀防护涂层工程应用实践
3) 新型腐蚀防护热喷涂技术
4) 海洋防护涂层技术
5) 大气污染区防护涂层技术
6) 抗高温氧化热喷涂技术

名誉主席:李晓刚教授 北京科技大学
召集人: 王振尧研究员 中国科学院金属研究所

召集人:顾宝珊教授 中国钢研科技集团有限公司
Professor Tomáš Prosek, University of Chemistry and Technology Prague
1) 耐蚀钢铁材料设计与耐蚀机理
2) 先进钢铁材料表面处理技术(绿色制造、环境保护与回收)
3) 防腐涂料与涂装(如纳米涂料、石墨烯涂料、智能涂料等)
4) 缓蚀剂与转化膜
5) 新型金属镀层与涂装技术(如连续PVD、ZnAlMg镀层等)


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2) 邮箱投稿:wjqkbm@163.com
联系人1:张营营 18580504768
联系人2:李继红 18623455949
电话: 023-68792193

EFC-China 2019
1st International Conference on Corrosion Protection and Application(ICCPA)
Oct. 9-12, 2019
Chongqing, China
Conference Theme: Technology sharing, coordinated development, jointly building a beautiful home
Corrosion of metals is ubiquitous and harmful for almost all industries, such as oil, electricity, steel, ocean and so on. Its damage to the national economy is very serious, according to statistics, the direct economic loss caused by metal corrosion annually is about 700 billion~1 trillion dollars. Baorong Hou, an academician of Chinese Academy of Engineering, and his team estimate that China's corrosion losses in 2014 were as high as 2 trillion yuan, which was about 3% of the country's GDP. Corrosion is a common problem facing all mankind, and at least 30% of corrosion can be controlled through popularization of science, research and technology application. In order to reduce the loss caused by corrosion, related researchers at home and abroad have made continuous efforts to innovate and obtained a large number of excellent work results.
European Federation of Corrosion (EFC), Chongqing Association for Science and Technology and Chinese Society for Corrosion and Protection will hold "1st International Conference on Corrosion Protection and Application (ICCPA), EFC China 2019" in Chongqing, China on Oct. 9-12, 2019, which aims at strengthening international technical exchanges and information sharing, seeking cooperation opportunities, and jointly addressing the challenges of corrosion problems.
The conference will invite academicians of Chinese Academy of Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences, EU Academy of Sciences and well-known experts and scholars at home and abroad to make special reports, and also invite Chinese and foreign scholars and industry leaders to gather together, and conduct extensive and in-depth exchange and discussion on the latest research results and industry trends in the field of corrosion protection and application. Welcome the domestic and foreign related workers contribute papers enthusiastically, at then participate in the conference to exhibit the elegant demeanour.
 Organizations
Hosted by organizers:European Federation of Corrosion (EFC)
Chongqing Association for Science and Technology
Chinese Society for Corrosion and Protection
Organizers:Southwest Technology and Engineering Research Institute
National Engineering Lab of Advanced Coating Technology for Metals
Key Laboratory for Corrosion and Protection, Ministry of Education
Natural Environmental Test and Research Center of Science Media Support: Journal of Materials Science & Technology (SCI), Heat Treatment and Surface Engineering (EI), Surface Technology (EI), Equipment Environmental Engineering
Adviser (sort alphabetically by the last name):
Xuedong Chen, Academician of Chinese Academy of Engineering
Yufeng Cheng, Academician of EU Academy of Sciences
Wenjiang Ding, Academician of Chinese Academy of Engineering
Baorong Hou, Academician of Chinese Academy of Engineering
Wei Ke, Academician of Chinese Academy of Engineering
Helin Li, Academician of Chinese Academy of Engineering
Fusheng Pan, Academician of Chinese Academy of Engineering
Xinping Mao, Academician of Chinese Academy of Engineering
Shigang Sun, Academician of Chinese Academy of Sciences
Jun Wang, Academician of Chinese Academy of Engineering
Jianxin Xie, Academician of Chinese Academy of Engineering
Binshi Xu, Academician of Chinese Academy of Engineering
Qunji Xue, Academician of Chinese Academy of Engineering
Fuze Zhang, Academician of Chinese Academy of Engineering
Tongyi Zhang, Academician of Chinese Academy of Sciences
Zhenye Zhao, Academician of Chinese Academy of Engineering
Kesong Zhou, Academician of Chinese Academy of Engineering
Arjan MOL, Professor, Delft University of Technology, President of EFC
Fusheng Pan, Academician of Chinese Academy of Engineering, President of Chongqing Association for Science and Technology
Executive Chairman:
Hulin Wu, Professor, Manager of Southwest Technology and Engineering Research Institute, Chief Expert of China South Industries Group Co., Ltd., Director of Natural Environmental Test and Research Center of Science
Xiaogang Li, Professor, University of Science and Technology Beijing, Vice-Chairman of Chinese Society for Corrosion and Protection, Director of Key Laboratory for Corrosion and Protection, Ministry of Education
Lunwu Zhang, Professor, Vice-Manager of Southwest Technology and Engineering Research Institute, Chief Expert of China South Industries Group Co., Ltd., Vice Director of Natural Environmental Test and Research Center of Science
Academic Committee (sort alphabetically by the last name):
Maozhong An, Professor, Harbin Institute of Technology
Changfeng Chen, Professor, China University of Petroleum
Xiaobo Chen, Senior Research Fellow, RMIT University
Yueliang Chen, Professor, Naval Aviation University Qingdao Campus
Zhuoyuan Chen, Professor, Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Chenglin Chu, Professor, Vice Dean of School of Materials Science and Engineering, Southeast University
Jérome Crouzillac, Engineer, BAC Corrosion Control
Chuang Dong, Winner of the National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars of China, Professor, Dalian University of Technology
Cuiwei Du, Professor, University of Science and Technology Beijing, Secretary General of Chinese Society for Corrosion and Protection
Lorenzo Fedrizzi, Professor, University of Udine
Damien Ferón, Vice-President of World Corrosion Organisation
Wolfram Fürbeth, Professor, DECHEMA-Forschungsinstitut
Zhigang Fang, Researcher, Naval Research Academy
Yan Gao, Professor, South China University of Technology
Taijiang Gui, Professor-Level Senior Engineer, Chief Engineer of Marine Chemical Research Institute Co., Ltd.
Baoshan Gu, Professor, Vice Director of National Engineering Lab of Advanced Coating Technology for Metal Material, China Iron and Steel Research Institute Group
Hongbo Guo, Winner of the National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars of China, Distinguished Professor of Chang Jiang Scholars Program, Professor, Vice Dean of School of Materials Science and Engineering, Beihang University
Xingpeng Guo, Professor, Vice President of Guangzhou University
Bing Han, Senior Engineer, China Iron & Steel Research Institute Group
Jiming Hu, Professor, Zhejiang University
Songqing Hu, Professor, China University of Petroleum
Wenbin Hu, Winner of the National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars of China, Professor, Dean of School of Materials Science and Engineering, Tianjin University
Yafei Kuang, Professor, Hunan University
Hanlin Liao, Professor, University of Technology of Belfort-Montbeliard
Christofer Leygraf, Professor, KTH Stockholm
Changjiu Li, Winner of the National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars of China, Professor, Vice Director of State Key Laboratory for Mechanical Behavior of Materials, Xi’an Jiaotong University
Hua Li, Professor, Ningbo Institute of Industrial Technology, CAS
Jin Li, Professor, Fudan University
Wei Li, Professor, Dean of Institute of Advanced Wear & Corrosion Resistant and Functional Materials, Jinan University
Weihua Li, Winner of the National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars of China, Professor, Dean of School of Chemical Engineering and Technology, Sun Yat-sen University
Wenge Li, Professor, Shanghai Maritime University
Xingeng Li, Professor-Level Senior Engineer, Chief Expert of State Grid Shandong Electric Power Research Institute
Guangming Liu, Professor, Vice Dean of School of Materials Science and Engineering, Nanchang Hangkong University
Hongfang Liu, Professor, Vice Dean of School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Huazhong University of Science and Technology
Jing Liu, Professor, Vice President of Wuhan University of Science and Technology
Min Liu, Professor, Vice Dean of Guangdong Academy of Sciences, Director of National Engineering Laboratory for Modern Materials Surface Engineering Technology
Changjian Lin, Winner of the National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars of China, Professor, Xiamen University
Yuanhua Lin, Professor, Southwest Petroleum University
Feng Lu, Researcher, Vice Chief Engineer of AECC Beijing Institute of Aeronautical Materials
Zhanpeng Lyu, Researcher, Shanghai University
Bernard Normand, Professor, INSA Lyon
Xiao Peng, Professor, Nanchang Hangkong University
Tomáš Prosek, Professor, University of Chemistry and Technology Prague
Lijie Qiao, Winner of the National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars of China, Distinguished Professor of Chang Jiang Scholars Program, Professor, University of Science & Technology Beijing
Philippe Refait, Professor, University of La Rochelle
Guangling Song, Professor, Xiamen University
Mingxian Sun, Researcher, Luoyang Ship Material Research Institute
Yong Sun, Reader, De Montfort University, Leicester, UK
Zhihua Sun, Professor, AECC Beijing Institute of Aeronautical Materials
Dihua Wang, Winner of the National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars of China, Professor, Vice Dean of School of Resource and Environmental Sciences, Wuhan University
Fuhui Wang, Winner of the National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars of China, Professor, Northeastern University, President of Chinese Society for Corrosion and Protection
Jingfeng Wang, Professor, Vice Dean of College of Materials Science and Engineering, Chongqing University
Liping Wang, Winner of the National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars of China, Professor, Ningbo Institute of Industrial Technology, CAS
Xinhua Wang, Professor, Beijing University of Technology
Zhenyao Wang, Researcher, Institute of Metal Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Marc Wilms, Engineer, Shell Projects & Technology
Hulin Wu, Professor, Manager of Southwest Technology and Engineering Research Institute, Chief Expert of China South Industries Group Co., Ltd., Director of Natural Environmental Test and Research Center of Science
Jianhua Wu, Professor, JiMei University
Ping Xiao, Professor, University of Manchester
Jianwei Yang, Senior Engineer, Deputy Director of Application Technology Department, R&D of Shougang Group Co., Ltd.
Jin Yang, Professor, Vice Dean of School of Safety and Marine Engineering, China University of Petroleum
Rongchang Zeng, Professor, Shandong University of Science and Technology
Yu Zuo, Professor, Beijing University of Chemical Technology
Daquan Zhang, Professor, Shanghai University of Electric Power
Dun Zhang, Researcher, Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Jianqiang Zhang, Associate Professor, University of New South Wales
Jin Zhang, Professor, University of Science & Technology Beijing
Lunwu Zhang, Professor, Vice-Manager of Southwest Technology and Engineering Research Institute, Chief Expert of China South Industries Group Co., Ltd., Vice Director of Natural Environmental Test and Research Center of Science
Qifu Zhang, Professor, General Manager of New Metallurgy Hi-tech Group Co., Ltd., China Iron and Steel Research Institute Group, Director of National Engineering Lab of Advanced Coating Technology for Metal Material
Sam Zhang, Professor, Director of Center for Advanced Thin Films and Devices, Southwest
University, President of Thin Films Society
Zhonghua Zhang, Professor, Director of Steel Pipe Technology Center, Baosteel Central Research Institute
Yong Zhou, Professor, Xi’an Shiyou University
 Special Topic Forum
Forum 1: Corrosion Control, Failure Analysis and Protection Technology for Oil and Gas Pipelines
Honorary President:Academician Xuedong Chen
Convenors:Ph.D. Jérome Crouzillac, BAC Corrosion Control
Professor Xinhua Wang, Beijing University of Technology
Ph.D. Marc Wilms, Shell Projects & Technology
Main topics:
1) Internal and external corrosion control of pipelines
2) Stray current corrosion and protection
3) Mechanochemical corrosion and protection (stress corrosion/corrosion fatigue/hydrogen embrittlement)
4) Multiphase flow corrosion and protection
5) Microbial corrosion
6) H2S/CO2 corrosion
7) Marine pipeline corrosion control
Forum 2:Anti-corrosion Technology of Green Power
Honorary President:Academician Shigang Sun
Convenors:Professor Damien Ferón, Vice-President of World Corrosion Organisation
Professor Daquan Zhang, Shanghai University of Electric Power
Main topics:
1) Corrosion and protection of power equipment
2) Hydrochemistry and corrosion control of power plant
3) Green energy protection technology
4) Corrosion and protection of nuclear power plants
5) Grid corrosion control technology
Forum 3: Research and Application of Thermal Spraying Technology in Corrosion Protection
Honorary Presidents:Academician Kesong Zhou
Convenors:Professor Wolfram Fürbeth, DECHEMA-Forschungsinstitut
Professor Hua Li, Ningbo Institute of Materials Technology & Engineering, CAS
Professor Wenge Li, Shanghai Maritime University
Professor Philippe Refait, University of La Rochelle
Main topics:
1) Corrosion protection coating materials
2) Corrosion protection coating engineering application practice
3) New corrosion protection thermal spraying technology
4) Marine protective coating technology
5) Protective coating technology for air pollution areas
6) High temperature oxidation resistance thermal spraying technology.
Forum 4: Atmospheric Corrosion and Protection
Honorary President:Professor Xiaogang Li, University of Science and Technology Beijing
Convenors:Researcher Zhenyao Wang, Institute of Metal Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Support units:Key Laboratory for Corrosion and Protection, Ministry of Education
Natural Environmental Test and Research Center of Science
Main topics:
1) Corrosion behavior and corrosion mechanism
2) Indoor and outdoor test evaluation and correlation
3) Influence and role of environmental factors
4) Surface coating and plating protection technology
5) Corrosion inhibitor and conversion film protection technology
Forum 5: Corrosion and Protection of Advanced Steel Materials
Honorary President:Academician Xinping Mao
Convenors:Professor Baoshan Gu, China Iron and Steel Research Institute Group
Professor Tomáš Prosek, University of Chemistry and Technology Prague
Support unit:National Engineering Laboratory for Advanced Coatings Technology of Metal Materials
Main topics:
1) Corrosion resistant steel material design and corrosion resistant mechanism
2) Advanced surface treatment technology for advanced steel materials (green manufacturing, environmental protection and recycling)
3) Anticorrosive paint and coating (such as nano coating, graphene coating, intelligent coating, etc.)
4) Corrosion inhibitor and conversion film
5) New metal coating and coating technology (such as continuous PVD, ZnAlMg coating, etc.)
 Conference Language
 Call for Papers
Research achievements, academic views and engineering applications related to corrosion, protection and application can be submitted in the form of papers or abstract. The conference proceedings will be printed before the conference, outstanding unpublished papers will be recommended to the supporting media and published after passing the normal review process (the author is responsible for the page charges).
Requirements: innovative, scientific, practical, credible data and conclusions; the abstract should not be less than 500 words; paper does not cover state secrets.
Submission of Papers:
1. Electronic files of MS Word is acceptable, name as "author + unit + forum number". Please note if oral presentation is required.
2. Submit by e-mail: wjqkbm@163.com
3. Submit online: see round-2 conference notice for details
Submission time:
Deadline of abstract: Jun.30, 2019
Deadline of article: Aug.31, 2019
Welcome science researcher related to corrosion, protection and application to submit articles!
 Important Dates
Deadline of 1st notice: Jan.31, 2019
Deadline of 2nd notice: Mar.31, 2019
Deadline of 3rd notice: Jun.30, 2019
Deadline of 4th notice: Aug.31, 2019
Deadline of abstract: Jun.30, 2019
Deadline of article: Aug.31, 2019
 Contact us
Name: Yingying Zhang、Jihong Li
Tel: 18580504768/18623455949/023-68792193
Email: wjqkbm@163.com


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