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[谁愿给我推荐发表] 引力磁、暗能量、G的变化

已有 13435 次阅读 2014-6-19 14:01 |个人分类:基础数学-逻辑-物理|系统分类:科研笔记| 暗能量, 自然, 前沿科学, 引力磁, G的变化

[谁愿给我推荐发表] 引力磁、暗能量、G的变化













Dark energy could be one of three things. It could simply be a property of empty space itself. Einstein’s theory of gravity, known as general relativity, allows for just such a “cosmological constant” that would be aproperty of the vacuum and would stretch space. Or, in a radically different alternative, dark energy could be a new type of force field that occupies space, much as air fills a balloon. That second alternative is known as “quintessence.” Finally, dark energy could be an illusion, a sign that scientists’ understanding of gravity as encapsulated in general relativity isn’t quite right.

 这里quintessence是一种力场(force field),我坚持的“引力磁”可能是quintessence的部分成分。














Parks HV, Faller J E. Simple pendulum determination of the gravitational constant [J].Physics Review Letters, 2010, 105(11): 110801.》里的图2




2Nature18 June 2014Quantum method closes in on gravitational constant


Published resultsof measurements of the gravitational constant, G, over the past 32years. The solid circles denote measurements that employed torsion balances.The three lower solid squares show results that were obtained using a beambalance or two pendulums. The upper solid square is the result obtained by Rosiand colleagues1 usingthe technique of atom interferometry. The shaded area denotes the one-standard-deviationconfidence interval of the value from the 2010 CODATA compilation of physicalconstants18.





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看来《 Cho A. What is dark energy? [J]. Science, 2012, 336(6085): 1090-1091.》也并不讲迷信:








[1] 苗妮,中国科学报,2014-03-25,《引力波证据引发理论物理“大扫除”


[2] 林小春,新华网 ,2014-03-18,《时评:原初引力波发现的四大意义》


[3] 张章,中国科学报,2014-06-04,《两项研究认为“没有证据支持或反对引力波”》


[4] 蔡东海,中国日报网,2011-09-23,《科学家宣布发现超光速粒子 或重写现代物理学》


[5] 任春晓,科学网,2012-03-31,《中微子超光速实验两位领导者辞职》





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