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已有 2858 次阅读 2020-10-1 08:57 |个人分类:生态科普|系统分类:观点评述| 生态农业, 生物质氮, 替代化肥潜力, 中国, 秸秆





摘要】 地球上所有光合产物及其可降解衍生物,如作物秸秆、蔬菜废弃物、畜禽粪便等,均可作为有机肥料替代化学肥料,且其潜力巨大。然而,具体到某一地区或国家的生物质氮库到底有多大尚不清楚。为了探讨生物质氮库及其替代化肥的潜力,本文以中国为例,调查了12种生物质资源并计算了其氮库。研究发现,中国生物量(干重)总量约15.27亿吨/年和动物的尿液(湿重)约为8.7875亿吨/年。两者包含2553万吨纯氮,是全国农业栽培植物实际吸收化学合成氮 (620万吨) 的4.12倍。生物质氮的最大贡献者来自牲畜和家禽粪便和尿液(54.5%),其次是农作物秸秆(22.9%)、蔬菜废弃物(9.4%)、酒糟、醋糟和酱油糟(2.3%)、城市污泥(2.2%)、园林废弃物(2.1%)、城乡生活垃圾(1.8%)、果园废弃物(1.8%)、渔业废弃物(1.6%)、中草药渣 (0.64%)、菌棒(0.63%)、屠宰场废弃物(0.13%)。建议政府高度重视利用生物质氮利用,将废弃生物质资源用于农业生态系统,实现农业可持续发展。






The total biomass nitrogen reservoir and its potential of replacing chemical fertilizers in China


Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews

Available online 25 August 2020 (IF=12.348)


Xiaohui Cui, Liyue Guo, Caihong Li, Meizhen Liu, Guanglei Wu, Gaoming Jiang


Institute of Botany, The Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, 100093, China; University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, 100049, China


ABSTRACT Biomass resources originally produced by photosynthesis and their biodegradable derivatives such as crop straw, vegetable waste, livestock and poultry manure, etc., can be used as organic fertilizers which have huge potentials in replacing chemical ones. However, it is not clear how large the biomass nitrogen reservoir is in a certain region or country. In order to determine the biomass nitrogen reservoir and its potential to replace chemical fertilizers, we took China as a case, investigated 12 kinds of biomass resources and calculated their nitrogen reservoirs. It was found that the total amount of biomass (dry weight) in China was about 1.527 billion t⋅a−1 and the urine of animal (wet weight) was about 878.75 million t⋅a−1 . The sum of them contained 25.53 million t⋅a−1 nitrogen, being 4.12 times that of the amount of agriculture plants actual absorption for synthetic nitrogen fertilizers (6.20 million t⋅a−1) in the country in 2018. For biomass nitrogen, the biggest contributor came from the manure and urine of livestock and poultry (54.5%), followed by crop straw (22.9%), vegetable waste (9.4%), vinasse, vinegar and soy sauce lees (2.3%), municipal sludge (2.2%), garden waste (2.1%), urban and rural household garbage (1.8%), orchard waste (1.8%), fishery waste (1.6%), Chinese herbal dreg (0.64%), mushroom stick (0.63%), with slaughterhouse waste being 0.13%. We suggest the government should pay more attention to the utilization of biomass nitrogen by returning waste biological resources to agricultural ecosystem and achieve sustainable agricultural development in the future.


Keywords: Crop straw Livestock and poultry manure Biomass resources Synthetic nitrogen fertilizer Fertilizer utilization Agricultural sustainable development


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