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已有 6406 次阅读 2018-12-12 07:31 |个人分类:传数学|系统分类:科普集锦| 数学, 数学都知道, Bridge, Bridge


原文:Bridges 2018


Bridge 2018

Bridges 2018


   作者:The Editors


玛乔丽·赖斯和她的五边形平铺 (Marjorie Rice and Her Pentagonal Tilings)
   作者:Doris Schattschneider

费尔赫夫的一些回忆  (1927 - 2018) (Some Memories of Koos Verhoeff (1927 - 2018))
   作者:Tom Verhoeff

用一盒扑克牌来了解数学魔术的艺术 (A Personal Approach to the Art of Mathemagic with a Deck of Cards)
   作者:Colm Mulcahy


基於风筝形平铺的艺术与趣味数学 (Art and Recreational Math Based on Kite-Tiling Rosettes)
   作者:Robert Fathauer

重新生成连续朗姆花纹的构成 (Re-Generating Continuous Rumi Compositions)
   作者:Nadide Ebru Yazar and Tugrul Yazar

4-3 解剖平铺系统 (4-3 Dissection Tiling System)
   作者:Andrew Sniderman

多尺度特吕谢模式 (Multi-Scale Truchet Patterns)
   作者:Christopher Carlson

用特吕谢类瓷砖编织的单色地图 (Monochrome Map Weaving with Truchet-Like Tiles)
   作者:Abdalla G.M. Ahmed and Oliver Deussen

凤凰 - 数学的象征 (Phoenix - Symbol of Mathematics)
   作者:Tuomas Nurmi

一个穷人的双曲正方形映射 (A Poor Man's Hyperbolic Square Mapping)
   作者:Chamberlain Fong and Douglas Dunham

非欧几里德空间的万花筒 (Kaleidoscopes for Non-Euclidean Space)
   作者:Peter Stampfli

新变形模式 (New Metamorphosis Patterns)
   作者:Douglas Dunham and John Shier

具有四个著名神话般面孔的极简艺术品 (A Minimal Art Object with Four Famous Fabulous Faces)
   作者:Walt van Ballegooijen and Hans Kuiper

用表面投影构造三维透视变形 (Constructing 3D Perspective Anamorphosis via Surface Projection)
   作者:Tiffany Inglis

蒙德里安再访:窥探第三维度 (Mondrian Revisited: A Peek Into The Third Dimension)
   作者:Martin Skrodzki and Konrad Polthier

自锁SL块的艺术与数学 (The Art and Mathematics of Self-Interlocking SL Blocks)
   作者:Shen-Guan Shih

单一千鸟格纹的圆环和克莱因瓶(Torus and Klein Bottle Tessellations with a Single Tile of Pied de Poule (Houndstooth))
   作者:Loe M.G. Feijs

向查理·佩里致敬 (Homage to Charles O. Perry)
   作者:Carlo H. Sequin

由九面体构造的模块化环形线圈 (Modular Toroids Constructed from Nonahedra)
   作者:Yifat Amir and Carlo H. S□uin

编织双层多面体 (Weaving Double-Layered Polyhedra)
   作者:Rinus Roelofs

具有平面表面的双层编织曲面 (Two-Layer Woven Surfaces with Planar Faces)
   作者:Ulrich Reitebuch, Eric Zimmermann and Konrad Polthier

层状互补结构 (Laminar Reciprocal Structures)
   作者:Javier Barrallo, Francisco Gonzalez-Quintial and Antonio Sanchez-Parandiet

对称谢尔宾斯基族之美 (The Beauty of the Symmetric Sierpinski Relatives)
   作者:Tara Taylor

球面体和三维分形 (Sphairahedra and Three-Dimensional Fractals)
   作者:Kento Nakamura and Kazushi Ahara

方形网格上的平面填充折叠曲线 (Plane-Filling Folding Curves on the Square Grid)
   作者:Jorg Arndt and Julia Handl

关于一个更好的黄金矩形 (On a Better Golden Rectangle (That is Not 61.8033...% Useless!))
   作者:Douglas McKenna

循环形式:从构造到构图 (Loop-Forms: From Construction to Composition)
   作者:James Mai

阿尔马达·内格雷鲁斯的壁画“Comecar”中德五角星和黄金角度 (The Pentagram and the Golden Angle in Almada Negreiros' Mural "Comecar")
   作者:Pedro J. Freitas and Sim□ Palmeirim

数论的说明 (Illustrating the Theory of Numbers)
   作者:Martin Weissman

围绕树木的散步:一个带把手的篮子的6个字母的‘NDA’ (Walking Around Trees: A 6-Letter 'DNA' for Baskets with Handles)
   作者:James Mallos

新的满足交点图猜想的一个新族 (A New Family Satisfying the Intersection Graph Conjecture)
   作者:Ally Stacey

生物细胞生长模拟中的纹理 (Textures in Simulations of Biological Cell Growth)
   作者:David Chappell

一种球形彭罗斯式平铺及其与病毒蛋白模式和模块化雕塑的联系 (A Class of Spherical Penrose-Like Tilings with Connections to Virus Protein Patterns and Modular Sculpture)
   作者:Hamish Todd

六角混沌组合和包装问题的等价类 (Hex-Chaos Compositions and Equivalence Classes of Packing Problems)
   作者:Gary Greenfield

乔治·佩雷克的组合问候 (Combinatorial Greetings from Georges Perec)
   作者:Tatiana Bonch-Osmolovskaya

超空间,诗体科幻小说和代数拓扑 (Hyperspace, Poetic Science Fiction and Algebraic Topology)
   作者:Emily Grosholz

阿尔姆奎斯特的女王的头饰中四边形的几何形状 (Geometry of Quadrangles in Almqvist's The Queen's Tiara)
   作者:Tiina Katriina Kukkonen

舞蹈编排中的注意数学中心及其属性和运动分析 (The Mathematical Center of Attention, its Attributes and Motion Analyses in Dance Choreography)
   作者:Karl Schaffer, Joseph Thie and Kasia Williams

数学马戏团项目 (The Mathematical Circus Project)
   作者:Andreia Hall and Sonia Pais

来自振动壁纸的音乐 (Music from Vibrating Wallpaper)
   作者:Frank Farris

曲调棋盘 (The Checkerboard of Tunes)
   作者:Andrew Crompton

第七和弦调性网络的广义对偶:数学,计算和成分方面 (A Generalized Dual of the Tonnetz for Seventh Chords: Mathematical, Computational and Compositional Aspects)
   作者:Sonia Cannas and Moreno Andreatta

从利德贺大楼r到帕台农神庙:音乐奥德赛 (From the Cheesegrater to the Parthenon: A Musical Odyssey)
   作者:Terry Trickett

工作室中的数学 (Math in the Studio)
   作者:Judy Holdener and Karen Snouffer

悬链线拱构造 (Catenary Arch Constructions)
   作者:George Hart and Elisabeth Heathfield

动画加工中的数学和物理教学 (Teaching Mathematics and Physics for Animation in Processing)
   作者:Lali Barriere

当数学遇见艺术:艺术可能如何有助于理解数学概念? (When Mathematics Meets Art: How Might Art Contribute to the Understanding of Mathematical Concepts?)
   作者:Liora Nutov


舞蹈艺术,数学,教育 - 永恒的三角形 (Dance Art, Math, Education - an Eternal Triangle)
   作者:Paul Moerman

把数学变成舞蹈:跳着舞拿到博士的经验教训 (Turning Math into Dance: Lessons from Dancing My PhD)
   作者:Nancy Scherich

维诺图:教学和艺术应用 (Voronoi Diagrams: Didactical and Artistic Applications)
   作者:Sandra Bento, Helena Ferreira and Andreia Hall

玩特吕谢:使用特吕谢平铺让公众参与数学 (Play Truchet:  Using the Truchet Tiling to Engage the Public with Mathematics)
   作者:Cindy Lawrence

使用简单图案可视化对称子组结构 (Visualizing Symmetry Subgroup Structures Using Simple Motifs)
   作者:David Reimann

数学与艺术教育的奇妙衔接及其与认知和情感发展的关系 (The Marvellous Bridging of Maths and Art Education  and its Relation to Cognitive and Emotional Development)
   作者:Gunnel Berlin

不要传播事实,而是激起行动 (Don't Preach Facts - Stimulate Acts)
   作者:Peter Baptist and Carsten Miller

通过几何与折纸来分享文化遗产:维纳里亚皇家住所的“国王与折纸”实验结果 (Geometry and Origami to Share Cultural Heritage: Results of the Experimentation "The King and the Origami" at the Royal Residence of Venaria)
   作者:Paolo Armand, Caterina Cumino, Martino Pavignano, Maria Luisa Spreafico and Ursula Zich

通过改造游戏和平铺培养学生的数学和技术能力 (Developing Mathematical and Technological Competencies of Students Through Remodeling Games and Puzzles)
   作者:Diego Lieban, Marina Menna Barreto, Sandra Reichenberger, Zsolt Lavicza and Ruana M. Schneider

科学空间:创建科学展览的开放式研讨会概念 (Science Spaces: An Open Workshop Concept to Create Science Exhibits)
   作者:Bianca Violet and Milena Damrau

音乐中的音阶和乘法群 (Musical Scales and Multiplicative Groups)
   作者:Donald Spector

斐波那契的摇滚:使用递归关系和状态转移矩阵来计算岩鼓填充模式 (Rock Me Fibonacci: Using Recurrence Relations and State-Transition Matrices to Count Rock Drum Fill Patterns)
   作者:Joshua Holden

音乐作曲中的组合,概率与选择:走向非音乐家构成系统的美学 (Combinatorics, Probability and Choice in Music Composition: Towards an Aesthetics of Composing Systems for Non-Musicians)
   作者:Giovanni Albini

'梦想链接':理论与音乐创作的链接。 与关键链接相关的组合方法简介 ('Dreamlinks': Link Theory Meets Music Composition. An Introduction to Compositional Methods Related to Primary Links)
   作者:Saverio Tesolato

唯语调键盘:重新构想的同构键盘 (Just Intonation Keyboard: Isomorphic Keyboard Reimagined)
   作者:Marek Zabka

无调性音乐中的区域集价值关系 (The Area Set Value Relationships in Atonal Music)
   作者:Nikita Mamedov

代数被子的地标 (Landmarks in Algebra Quilt)
   作者:Elaine Ellison

Algoritmisch Ritme:算法艺术作为交互式舞蹈投影中的素材 (Algoritmisch Ritme: Algorithmic Art as Material in an Interactive Dance-Projection)
   作者:Daphne Muller and Loe M.G. Feijs

跳跃迭代绘图的一种方法论 (A Methodology of Leaping Iteration for Drawing)
   作者:Ming Jang Chen

冲浪莫比乌斯乐队:艺术与数学联盟的典范 (Surfing the Mobius Band: An Example of the Union of Art and Mathematics)
   作者:Francisco Saez de Adana

捕捉数学家的视觉特徵 - 论安德斯·约翰·莱克塞尔在面相学中的徒劳研究 (Capturing the Visual Traits of a Mathematician - On Anders Johan Lexell's Futile Studies in Physiognomy)
   作者:Johan Sten and Martina Reuter

表现不可判定性 (Representing the Undecidable)
   作者:Michel Tombroff

对凹面透视的观察 (Observations on Concave Perspective)
   作者:Stephen Campbell

哪个整数是最神秘的? (Which Integer Is the Most Mysterious?)
   作者:Osmo Pekonen

从e到隐喻的映射 (Mapping frometo Metaphor)
   作者:Alice Major

德布鲁因序列的艺术 (Art of de Bruijn Sequences)
   作者:Karl Kattchee

扑克牌洗牌可视化 (Card Shuffling Visualizations)
   作者:Roger Antonsen

自行车的艺术与数学:用旧自行车绘制螺旋形图案 (The Art and Mathematics of Cycling: Using Old Bicycles to Draw Spirograph Patterns)
   作者:Nick Sayers

胡安·桑切斯·科坦:看数学 (Juan Sanchez Cotan: Seeing Mathematically)
   作者:Paul Zorn

起草日本佳洁士设计的数学 (Mathematics in Drafting Japanese Crest Designs)
   作者:Felicia Tabing

使用直角三角细分的玻璃马赛克 (Glass Mosaics Using Right-Triangle Subdivision)
   作者:Thomas Denker

离散螺旋序列的多种模式 (A Plethora of Patterns from Discrete Spiraled Sequences)
   作者:Tom Bates

具有比喻子图的计算密集型双关语 (Computationally Intensive Puns with Figurative Subgraphs)
   作者:Robert Bosch

到世界的尽头/一个圆圈上的圈族 (To the World's End/ A Circle Bundle Over a Circle)
   作者:Zachary Treisman and Lun-Yi Tsai

用于大型艺术装置的折叠空间填充双对称十字面体 (Folding Space-Filling Bisymmetric Hendecahedron for a Large-Scale Art Installation)
   作者:Jiangmei Wu and Guy Inchbald

具有恒定扭曲和最小弯曲的三重莫比乌斯带作为四面体环的极限 (A Threefold Mobius Band with Constant Twist and Minimal Bending as the Limit of Tetrahedral Rings)
   作者:Johannes Schonke, Michael Grunwald and Eliot Fried

3D打印混乱 (3D Printing Chaos)
   作者:Michael Gagliardo

具有生物形态的复合平行多面体构件块 (Compound Parallelohedra Building Blocks with Creature-Like Morphologies)
   作者:Akihiro Matsuura

设计铰接立方体平铺的谜题 (Method for Designing a Hinged Cube Puzzle)
   作者:Chirag Mehta

一种基於闭包装圈和多尺寸球的设计师和建筑师设计方法 (A Design Method Based on Close-Packing Circles and Spheres of Multiple Sizes for Designers and Architects)
   作者:Roger Burrows

基於菱形平铺符号的结设计 (Knot Designs Based on Rhombille Tiling Notations)
   作者:Nithikul Nimkulrat and Tuomas Nurmi

3D的吉利赫镶嵌 (Girih Tiles in 3D)
   作者:Ulrich Reitebuch, Henriette-Sophie Lipschutz and Konrad Polthier

通过罗恩·雷施的线性花的镜头对凸形均匀天花的折纸探索 (Origami Explorations of Convex Uniform Tilings Through the Lens of Ron Resch's Linear Flower)
   作者:Uyen Nguyen and Ben Fritzson

自绘花边 (Self-Diagramming Lace)
   作者:Susan Goldstine

莫比乌斯 细胞自动机围巾 (Mobius Cellular Automata Scarves)
   作者:Elisabetta Matsumoto, Henry Segerman and Fabienne Serriere

蜥蜴回路:圆形扇区蜿蜒序列的精致选择 (Lizardy Loops: The Savvy Selection of Sinuous Sequences of Circular Sectors)
   作者:Phil Webster

极限球面,圆纹面和3D双曲线镶嵌 (Horosphere, Cyclide and 3d Hyperbolic Tilings)
   作者:Vladimir Bulatov

折叠鱼形椭圆 (Folding the Vesica Piscis)
   作者:Klara Mundilova and Tony Wills

最小刚性图的实现与构造 (Realizations and Constructions of Minimally Rigid Graphs)
   作者:Georg Grasegger

射影平面的多面体模型 (Polyhedral Models of the Projective Plane)
   作者:Paul Gailiunas

使用形状反转扩展曼德尔盒分形 (Extending Mandelbox Fractals with Shape Inversions)
   作者:Gregg Helt

3-球面中欧几里德平面的虚拟钩针 (Virtual Crocheting of Euclidean Planes in a 3-Sphere)
   作者:Eryk Kopczynski and Dorota Celinska

设计由包合水合物启发的串珠雕塑 (Designing Beaded Sculptures Inspired by Clathrate Hydrates)
   作者:Yuan-Jia Fan, Bih-Yaw Jin and Chia-Chin Tsoo

日晷投影的笛沙格配置 (Desargues Configuration as a Gnomonic Projection)
   作者:Taneli Luotoniemi

动作模块化折纸 (Action Modular Origami)
   作者:Tung Ken Lam


七循环和九循环莫比乌斯折 (Sevenfold and Ninefold Mobius Kaleidocycles)
   作者:Michael Grunwald, Johannes Schonke and Eliot Fried

自我相似与翻滚广场 (Self-Similarity and the Tumbling Square)
   作者:Susan Happersett

采用一个多面体 - 数学公民艺术项目 (Adopt a Polyhedron -- A Citizen Art Project in Mathematics)
   作者:Anna Maria Hartkopf and G□ter M. Ziegler

折叠花饰及其数学性质探讨 (Folding Curlicue and Exploring Its Mathematical Properties)
   作者:Natalija Budinski

用几何与折纸来制作动态街头艺术 (Geometry and Origami to Make Dynamic Street Art)
   作者:Sara De Grandis, Silvia Fiore, Maria Luisa Spreafico, Marco Torredimare, Margherita Truffa and Ursula Zich

设计思维的几何对象制作 (Geometrical Object Making For Design Thinking)
   作者:Gizem Aytac

开放的Geoboard - 艺术,数学和灵感的平台 (Open Geoboard - a Platform for Art, Math and Inspiration)
   作者:Yordan Hodzhev and Nikola Chernev

创作绘画平铺:数学,艺术,游戏和技术 (Creating Painting Puzzles: Math, Art, Games and Technology)
   作者:Marina Menna Barreto, Diego Lieban and Barbara Kimeswenger

构建绘制曲线的连接 (Constructing Linkages for Drawing Curves)
   作者:Barbara Kimeswenger, Georg Grasegger and Sandra Reichenberger

数学机械制图机的动手实验室 (A Hands-on Laboratory with Mathematical Mechanical Drawing Machines)
   作者:Laura Farroni and Paola Magrone

数学学习的可再生能源:数学课上的风车和水车 (Renewable Energy Resources for Mathematics Learning: Windmills and Water Wheels at the Math Class)
   作者:Kristio Fenyvesi, Ho-Gul Park, Kwang-Cheol Song, Zsolt Lavicza and Mariana Back

通过艺术与数学的整合参与社区 (Engaging Community Through the Integration of Art and Mathematics)
   作者:Ellie Balk and Tricia Stanley

让我们在360o中绘制草图:虚拟现实全景的球形视角 (Let's Sketch in 360o: Spherical Perspectives for Virtual Reality Panoramas)
   作者:Antonio Araujo

诗词猜谜 (Poetry Puzzles)
   作者:Lisa Lajeunesse

理论引领诗歌 (The Theory Headed Poem)
   作者:Carol Dorf

重新构想数学论文 (Reimagining the Mathematical Paper)
   作者:Katie McCallum

体验群结构:通过音乐,诗歌,视觉和烹饪艺术来观察,创造和表演Plain Hunt on 4 (Experiencing Group Structure: Observing, Creating and Performing the Plain Hunt on 4 via Music, Poetry, Visual and Culinary Arts)
   作者:Susan Gerofsky, Eva Knoll, Tara Taylor and Avalon Campbell-Cousins

用技术探索音乐的几何:通过Geogebra的节奏,音阶和气质 (Exploring the Geometry of Music with Technology: Rhythm, Scales and Temperament via Geogebra)
   作者:Steven Bleiler, Ewan Kummel and Michael Wells

用数学创建一个音乐沙盒 (Using Math to Create a Musical Sandbox)
   作者:Esmee Verschoor, Alyssa Eggersgluss, Collin Goldbach, Annmarie Thomas and Allison Knoph

人类可加密的视觉密码学 (Human Encryptable Visual Cryptography)
   作者:Andrea Hawksley and Andrew Lutomirski

一盒扑克牌的数学魔术 (Mathematical Magic With a Deck of Cards)
   作者:Jorge Nuno Silva, Pedro J. Freitas and Tiago Hirth)


上一篇:数学漫画 (廿三) 这些卡通画的作者是Desmos
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