已故美国孢粉学家Jane Gray (1929--2000) 1951年毕业于波士顿的Radcliffe College,获学士学位。该学院曾是美国东北部7所著名的女子文理学院之一,但已被合并到哈佛大学。
1958年,Jane Gray在加州大学伯克利分校(University of California at Berkeley; UCBerkeley)完成博士学位论文,其论文指导老师为著名古植物学家、美国科学院院士Ralph Works Chaney (钱耐,1890—1971)。
Ralph Works Chaney本人主要研究新生代植物大化石,但Jane Gray的博士论文研究俄勒冈哥伦比亚高原中新世的植物孢粉。Jane Gray是20世纪下半叶很活跃的孢粉学家之一,她运用孢粉学手段将她的研究范围拓展到早期陆地植物。
Seven Sisters (colleges)
Radcliffe College
∮1 教育背景
1951: B.S. degree, Radcliffe College;
1958: Ph.D. University of California, Berkeley.
Jane Gray博士学位论文基本信息--
Title: Plant microfossils from the Miocene of the Columbia Plateau, Oregon [microform] / by Jane Gray.
Author:Gray, Jane.
Call No.: CU-T 3054; Location:Master Negatives
Description:iii, 329 leaves (some folded) : ill. ; 28 cm.
Thesis:Thesis (Ph. D. in Paleontology)--University of California, Berkeley, Jan. 1958.
Bibliography:Bibliography: leaves 281-298.
Reproduction:Microfilm. Berkeley, Calif. : University of California, Library PhotographicService, [1958?]. 1 microfilm reel : negative ; 30 ft., 35 mm.
LocalNote: MNEG; CU-T 3054: Original shelved as: 308t.1958.39 MAIN
Subject:Pollen, Fossil.; Paleobotany -- Miocene.;Paleobotany -- Oregon --Columbia Plateau.
∮ 2 研究领域
Palynology, Early land plants (孢粉学、早期陆地植物)
∮3 工作经历
从加州大学伯克利分校获得博士学位后,Jane Gray曾到University of Texas at Austin和University of Arizona at Tucson任教,后来她到University of Oregon (Eugene)工作,直到2000年去世。她的工作经历大致如下:
--Instructor in theDepartment of Geology, University of Texas, Austin, for several years;
--Desert ResearchInstitute, University of Arizona, Tucson for several years;
--Museum of NaturalHistory, University of Oregon, Eugene;
--Department ofBiology at the University of Oregon;
∮4 部分论著
JANE GRAY教授的部分论著目录(由Owen Davis编纂)
· Batten, D.J., Gray, J., and Harland, R., 1999.Palaeoenvironmental significance of a monospecific assemblage ofdirroflagellate cysts from the Miocene Clarkia beds, Idaho, USA.Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology. 153:161-177
· Boucot A.J., Gray, J., and Hoskins, D. M. 1994. Newhughmilleriid (Eurypterida) occurrence from the Tuscarora Formation, centralPennsylvania, and its environmental interpretation. Bulletin New York StateMuseum 481: 21-23.
· Gray. J.. 1993. Major Paleozoic land plant evolutionarybio events. Pal aeog eog rap h y, Pal a eoc Ii m ato logy, Palaeoecology. 104:153-169.
· Gray, J., and Shear, W., 1992. Early life on land.American Scientist. 80: 444-456
· Gray, J., 1991. Tetrahedraletes, Nodospora, and the"cross' tetrad, an accretion of myth. Pages 49 87 In: Pollen and spores,patterns of diversification. Blackmore, S. and Barnes, Susan H. (editors)Systematics Association Special Volume. 44.
· Babcock L.E., Gray, J., Boucot, A. J., Himes, G.T., andSiegele, P.K. 1990. First Silurian conulariids from Paraguay. Journal ofPaleontology. 64: 897-902.
· Gray. J. 1988. Aspects of freshwater paleoecology andbiogeography. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology. 62.(no 1-4).678 p.
· Boucot A.J., and Gray. J.. 1987. The Tethyan conceptduring the Paleozoic. Pages 31-47. In: McKenzie, Kenneth G. (editor) ShallowTethys 2., proceedings of the International Symposium on Shallow Tethys 2,Wagga Wagga, 15-17 September 1986.
· Boucot A.J., Gray, J., and Van Houten, F.B. 1986. Ooliticironstones and contrasting Ordovician and Jurassic paleogeography, discussionand reply. Geology (Boulder). 14: 634-635.
· Boucot A.J., Eldredge, N.., Gray, J., Pojeta, J.Jr., andTheron, J.N. 1986. Devonian invertebrates from the Bokkeveld Group below theKaroo succession near Sutherland. Annals of the Geological Survey, Republic ofSouth Africa 20:119-128.
· Gray, J., Colbath, G. K., de Faria, A., Boucot, A.J.,Bohr, D. M. 1985. Silurian age fossils from the Paleozoic Parana Basin,southern Brazil. Geology (Boulder) 13: 521-525.
· Gray, J.. 1985. The microfossil record of early landplants, advances in understanding of early terrestrialization, In: Evolutionand environment in the Late Silurian and Early Devonian, Chaloner, W. G. andLawson, J. D. (editors). Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society ofLondon, Series B: Biological Sciences. 309: 167-195
· Sherwood, P., Martha, A., and Gray, J., 1985. Silurianfungal remains, probable records of the class Ascomycetes Lethaia. 18: 1-20
· Gray, J., 1985. Interpretation of co occurringmegafossils and pollen, a comparative study with Clarkia as an example. Pages185 244. In: Smiley, Charles J (editor) Late Cenozoic history of the PacificNorthwest, interdisciplinary studies on the Clarkia fossil beds of northernIdaho.
· Gray, J., 1985. Ralph Works Chaney. Biographical Memoirs55, Pages 135-161. National Academy of Sciences.
· Gray, J., Beeunas, Mark A., and Knauth, L. Paul. 1985.Preserved stable isotopic signature of subaerial diagenesis in the 1.2 b.y.Mescal Limestone, central Arizona, implications for the timing and developmentof a terrestrial plant cover, discussion and reply. Geological Society ofAmerica Bulletin. 96: 1594-1595.
· Gray. J., 1984. Ordovician Silurian land plants, theinterdependence of ecology and evolution. In: Autecology of Silurian organisms.Bassett Michael G., and Lawson J D (editors). Special Papers in Palaeontology.32.
· Strother, P.K. Traverse, A., Gray, J., Massa, D., andBoucot, A.J. 1983. Caradocian land plant microfossils from Libya, discussionand reply. Geology (Boulder). 11:316-318.
· Boucot A.J., and Gray, J., 1983. A Paleozoic Pangaea.Science. 222: 571-581.
· Boucot A.J., Gray. J., Fang Run shen, Yang Xue chang, LiZai ping, and Zhang Ning, 1982. Devonian calcrete from China, its significanceas the first Devonian calcrete from Asia. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences.19: 1532-1534.
· Gray, J., Massa, D., and Boucot, A.J., 1982. Caradocianland plant microfossils from Libya. Geology (Boulder) 10: 197-201.
· Boucot, A.J., and Gray, J., 1982. Paleozoic data ofclimatological significance and their use for interpreting Silurian Devonianclimate. In: Climate in Earth history. Pages 189 198. NatI. Acad. Press.
· Boucot, A.J., and Gray. J.,1980. A Cambro Permian Pangaeicmodel consistent with lithofacies and biogeographic data. Pages 389-419, In:The continental crust and its mineral deposits. Strangway, D.W. (editor)Special Paper Geological Association of Canada. 20,
· Gray, J., and Boucot, A.J., 1980. Microfossils andevidence of land plant evolution. Lethaia. 13: 174.
· Boucot A.J., and Gray, J., 1979. Epilogue. Pages 465 482.In: Historical biogeography, plate tectonics, and the changing environment.Jane Gray and Boucot, Arthur J. (editors). Proceedings of the Annual BiologyColloquium and Selected Papers. 37,
· Smiley, C.J., Gray, J., and Huggins, L.M., 1975~Preservation of Miocene fossils in unoxidized lake deposits, Clarkia, Idaho,with a section on fossil Insecta by W. F. Barr and J. M. Gillespie. Journal ofPaleontology. 49' 833-844.
· Gray, J., and BoucotA.J. 1975. Color changes in pollenand spores, a review. Geological Society of America Bulletin, 86' 1019- 1033,
· Gray, J., Laufeld, S., and Boucot, A.J. 1974 SilurianTrilete Spores and Spore Tetrads from Gotland, Their Implications for LandPlant Evolution. Science. 185: 260-263.
· Gray, J., and Axelrod, D. I. 1974. Memorial to RalphWorks Chaney, 1890 - 1971. Memorials Geological Society of America, 3, Pages 6068.
· Gray, J., Boucot A.J. 1971. Early Silurian spore tetradsfrom New York, earliest New World evidence for vascular plants9. Science 173:918-921.
· Gray, J., Kittleman, L. R. 1967. Geochronometry of theColumbia River basalt and associated floras of eastern Washington and westernIdaho. American Journal of Science, 265: 257-291.
· Gray. J., 1965. Palynological techniques. Pages 530-587. IN. Kummel, B. and Raup, D. (editors) Handbook ofpaleontological techniques. W.H. Freeman Co., San Francisco.
· Gray, J., Sohma, K., 1964. Fossil Pachysandra fromWestern America with a comparative study of pollen in Pachysandra andSarcococca. American Journal of Science 262: 1159-1197
· Gray. J., 1964. Northwest American Tertiary palynology,the emerging picture. Pages 21-30. In: Ancient Pacific floras The pollen story.Honolulu, Univ. of Hawaii Press.
· Martin, P.S. and Gray, J., 1962. Pollen analysis and theCenozoic. Science. 137: 103-111.
· Gray, J., 1961. The emerging pollen picture in theAmerican Northwest. Proceedings of the Pacific Science Congress.
· Gray, J., 1961. Early Pleistocene paleoclimatic recordfrom Sorioran Desert, Arizona. Science. 133: 38-39.
· Smiley, C.J., and Gray, J., 1960. Cretaceous amber fromthe Arctic Coastal Plain of Alaska. Langeriheim Ralph Louis Jr., GeologicalSociety of America Bulletin. 71: 1345-1356.
· Gray, J.,1960. Micropaleobotanical research on the lateTertiary sediments of Arizona. Arizona Geological Society Digest. 3: 145-149.
· Gray, J., 1960. Fossil chlorophycean algae from theMiocene of Oregon. Journal of Paleontology, 34: 453-463.
· Gray, J., 1960. Temperate pollen genera in the Eocene(Claiborne) flora, Alabama. Science. 132: 808-810.
· Gray. J., 1960. Late Tertiary microflora from the Basinand Range Province, Arizona. Science. 132: 147-148.
Story of Palaeobotany Series (No.342)[The 343rd issue in total]
Umbrella of American palaeobotany—100
美国孢粉学家—Jane Gray (1929--2000)
American palynologist—Jane Gray (1929--2000)
2015-4-28 04:08
Jane Gray (1929--2000)
Story of Palaeobotany Series (No.228) [The 229thissue in total]
Umbrella of American palaeobotany--1: An unfinished list of American palaeobotanists
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Story of Palaeobotany Series (No.262) [The 263rdissue in total]
Umbrella of American palaeobotany—68:
James Morton Schopf(1911--1978) : 开启美国古生物学的“Schopf王朝”
American palaebotanist and palynologist-- James MortonSchopf(1911--1978)
2015-1-2 23:36
美国地质学家和古植物学家AurealTheophilus Cross (1916--2013)
Storyof Palaeobotany Series (169)
American geologist and palaeobotanist—Aureal Theophilus Cross (1916--2013) [In Chinese]
Story of Palaeobotany Series (No.263) [The 264thissue in total]
Umbrella of American palaeobotany—69:
美国科学院院士、古孢粉学家EstellaB. Leopold(1927--)
American palynologist-- Estella B. Leopold(1927--)
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Story of Palaeobotany Series (No.317) [The 318th issue intotal]
Umbrella of American palaeobotany—82: Alfred Traverse(1925--)
游走于科学与神学之间的美国孢粉学家--Alfred Traverse (1925--)
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Story of Palaeobotany Series (No.335)[The 336th issue in total]
Umbrella of American palaeobotany—93
美国科学院院士、第四纪孢粉学家Margaret Bryan Davis (1931--)
American palynologist-- Margaret BryanDavis (1931--)
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Story of Palaeobotany Series (No.336)[The 337th issue in total]
Umbrella of American palaeobotany—94
美国科学院院士、地质学家和孢粉学家Herbert E. Wright, Jr.(1917--)
American geologist and palynologist-- HerbertE. Wright, Jr. (1917--)
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Story of Palaeobotany Series (No.337)[The 338th issue in total]
Umbrella of American palaeobotany—95
美国科学院院士、生态学家和孢粉学家--Stanley Adair Cain(1902--1995)
American ecologist and palynologist— Stanley Adair Cain (1902--1995)
2015-4-25 00:36
Story of Palaeobotany Series (No.338)[The 339th issue in total]
Umbrella of American palaeobotany—96
美国德裔孢粉学家--Gerhard Otto Wilhelm Kremp(1913—1994)
American palynologist— Gerhard Otto Wilhelm Kremp(1913—1994)
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Story of Palaeobotany Series (No.339)[The 340th issue in total]
Umbrella of American palaeobotany—97
美国孢粉学家-- Leonard R. Wilson (1906--1998)
American palynologist--Leonard R. Wilson (1906--1998)
2015-4-27 02:32
Story of Palaeobotany Series (No.340)[The 341st issue in total]
Umbrella of American palaeobotany—98
美国孢粉学家--Robert M. Kosanke (1917--1996)
American palynologist--Robert M. Kosanke (1917--1996)
2015-4-27 03:44
Story of Palaeobotany Series (No.341)[The 342nd issue in total]
Umbrella of American palaeobotany—99
美国孢粉学家-- James E.Canright (1920--2008)
American palynologist-- James E.Canright (1920--2008)
2015-4-28 03:50
Story of Palaeobotany Series (No.254) [The 255thissue in total]
Umbrella of American palaeobotany—62:
我所知道的 UC Berkeley(加州大学伯克利分校)
A historical perspective of the palaeobotany of theUniversity of California at Berkeley
2014-12-10 01:52
Ralph Works Chaney (1890--1971)—20世纪国际古植物学的著名学术领袖
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