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NetCDF格式转换TIFF-以全球GIMMS3g NDVI数据为例

已有 10064 次阅读 2017-10-17 22:24 |系统分类:科研笔记

改编自Matlab中文论坛https://ilovematlab.cn/thread-498179-1-1.html by 'rainbowag'.

提取netcdf数据中的NDVI,并写入geotiff文件,文件名为201401a.tif, 201401b.tif, ...

% ------------ four files in the directory to process ---------------

% ndvi3g_geo_v1_2014_0106.nc4

% ndvi3g_geo_v1_2014_0712.nc4

% ndvi3g_geo_v1_2015_0106.nc4

% ndvi3g_geo_v1_2015_0712.nc4

% ---------------- the code ----------------

clc; clear; close all

%% set the input path forcontaining inputdata

% read the nerCDF4 file

% initial image lat [-90 90] lon[-180 180]

filename = 'ndvi3g*2015*.nc4';

Ifiles = dir(filename);

nIfiles = length(Ifiles);

%% add the referenceinformation

% set the maximum andminimun latitude and longitude

latlim = [-90 90];

lonlim = [-180 180];

% define the geo-reference

R = georefcells(latlim,lonlim,[2160 4320],'ColumnsStartFrom','north');

for nf = 1:nIfiles

   Ifilename = Ifiles(nf).name;

   Ifiletime = Ifilename(end-6);

   year = Ifilename(end-12:end-9);

   year = str2double(year);

   IData = ncread(Ifilename,'ndvi');

   % each.nc4 file contain 12 NDVI images in half year

   if str2double(Ifiletime)==1

       Imonth = 1;


       Imonth = 7;


   if Imonth==1

       for i = 1:2:12

           ndvidata = IData(:,:,i);

           ndvidata = ndvidata';

           % name the files as yyyymma.tif or yyyymmb.tif

           ndviname = [num2str(year),num2str((i+1)/2,'%02d'),'a.tif'];

           % save a TIFF image



       for i=2:2:12

           ndvidata = IData(:,:,i);

           ndvidata = ndvidata';

           % name the files as yyyymma.tif or yyyymmb.tif

           ndviname = [num2str(year),num2str(i/2,'%02d'),'b.tif'];

           % save a TIFF image



   elseif Imonth==7

       for i = 1:2:12

           ndvidata = IData(:,:,i);

           ndvidata = ndvidata';

           % name the files as yyyymma.tif or yyyymmb.tif

           ndviname = [num2str(year),num2str((i+1)/2+6,'%02d'),'a.tif'];

           % save a TIFF image



       for i=2:2:12

           ndvidata = IData(:,:,i);

           ndvidata = ndvidata';

           % name the files as yyyymma.tif or yyyymmb.tif

           ndviname = [num2str(year),num2str(i/2+6,'%02d'),'b.tif'];

           % save a TIFF image







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