Dear Dr. Ning,
Unfortunately I cannot give you a date nor a promise of a date when this paper will be out for review. Summer is a difficult time to find editors and reviewers, as many of them are on vacation or not in their offices and consequently take longer to get back to us than usual. If you wish to withdraw your manuscript, please let me know and I can notify the appropriate staff contact.
连我是Dr Yan还是Dr Ning都没搞清楚,这种糊涂Journal,撤就撤吧。盛名之下其实难副!哈哈,能猜出是哪个Journal吗?反正以后尽量不投它了,就凭orginal submission时那么复杂的quality check及格式要求就不该投它,后悔莫及!7月29日-8月22日,浪费了我三个多礼拜,我勒个去!
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