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已有 4420 次阅读 2014-6-1 12:16 |系统分类:教学心得


朋友推荐过来一首歌End of May,戴上耳机便摘不下来了。幽缓的吉他伴随慵懒的女声,缓缓地,如初夏的柳条摇摆在微风里。

又想起阿甘妈妈的话:“Life was like a box of chocolates. You never know what you're gonna get.”其实没有最好,也不求最好,只为心安。可能是自己比较宿命吧,一直不喜欢鸡血。一辈子得失是平衡的。如果天上真有馅饼掉下来,千万别砸着我。





End of May



Close your eyes androll a dice

Under the board there'sa compromise

If after all we onlylived twice

Which lies the run roadto paradise


Don't say a word, herecomes the break of the day

And wide clouds of sandraised by the wind of the end of May


Close your eyes andmake a bet

Face to the glare ofthe sunset

This is about as far aswe get

You haven't seen medisguised yet


Don't say a word, herecomes the break of the day

And wide clouds of sandraised by the wind of the end of May


Close your eyes andmake a wish

Under the stone there'sa stonefish

Hold your breath thenroll the dice

It might lead the runroad to paradise


Don't say a word, herecomes the break of the day

And wide clouds of sandraised by the wind of the end...


Don't say a word, herecomes the break of the day

And wide clouds of sandraised by the wind of the end of May


下一篇:佛罗伦萨 - 在时光里重逢
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7 庄世宇 曾泳春 余昕 褚昭明 王晓明 刘艳红 杨正瓴

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