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已有 6223 次阅读 2018-4-24 12:12 |系统分类:论文交流






在信息全球化的今天,网络空间也在不断发展演化,下一代互联网、移动互联网、物联网、5G网络等新型网络以及云计算、大数据、社交网络等众多新型服务模式不断涌现,网络空间已成为继陆、海、空、天之后的第五大战略空间,是影响国家安全、社会稳定、经济发展和文化传播的核心、关键和基础。在信息技术变革式和爆炸式发展趋势下,信息技术与传统行业深度融合成为大势所趋。随着信息技术发展与应用,信息安全内涵在不断延伸,从最初信息机密性发展到信息完整性、可用性、可控性和不可否认性,进而又发展为“攻(攻击)、防(防范)、测(检测)、控(控制)、管(管理)、评(评估)”等多方面基础理论和实施技术。传统安全防护主要依靠外挂式防火墙、入侵检测系统(intrusion detection system, IDS)和入侵防御系统(intrusion prevention system, IPS)等,实行以特征检测为主的网络安全监控,并基于预置规则匹配产生告警信息,这种被动式防御在应对高级持续威胁(advanced persistent threat, APT)、0-day攻击等新型网络安全威胁方面遇到极大挑战。发展新型内生安全主动防御技术,对国家关键信息基础设施和各类信息资产实施有效防护,是学术界和工业界亟需解决的问题。










Jie Wu教授,美国Temple UniversityIEEE Fellow

任奎教授,浙江大学(IEEE Fellow


Mohammad S. Obaidat教授,美国Fordham UniversityIEEE Fellow


Shiyan Hu教授,美国Michigan Technological University




专题学科范畴、文章类型、投稿要求、期刊简介等,请见下方Call for Papers。



FITEE Special Issue on Cyberspace Security 

Call for Papers

Submission Deadline: August 31, 2018

Cyberspace security has tremendous impacts on various critical infrastructures. The traditional security relies on a static control of security devices deployed on special edges or nodes, such as firewalls, intrusion detection systems (IDS), and intrusion prevention systems (IPS), for network security monitoring according to pre-specified rules. However, this passive defense methodology is no longer applicable to the protection against new cyberspace security threats, such as advanced persistent threats and 0-day attacks. Moreover, as the cyber threats become ubiquitous and persistent, the diverse attack entry points, high-level intrusion mode, and systematic attack tools make cyber threat deployment less costly. To maximize the security level of core system assets, it is urgent to develop innovative security defense methodologies that can cope with diversified and persistent threats. First, it is necessary to study security approaches to realize active defenses against various complex threats. Second, the networks of critical infrastructures (such as industrial control, smart grid, and transportation systems) have significant vulnerabilities, which are not seen in the traditional Internet security context. Third, communication networks are the backbone of cyberspace, and there are many emerging communication infrastructures, such as software-defined networks and information-centric networks, which can be the subject to threats.


This special issue is aimed to provide timely and comprehensive discussions of the current development in cyberspace security, addressing both theoretical and technological advances. Authors are encouraged to submit different types of articles, e.g., perspective articles, communications articles, review articles, and research articles, on topics including but not limited to the following:


Mimic security

  • Analysis for attack chain mechanisms of network attacks

  • Mimic defense mechanisms

  • Modelling of highly robust control

  • Strategy algorithms for mimic security

  • Software automation diversification

  • Efficiency evaluation for mimic defense

  • Test-bed for mimic defense

  • Standardization for mimic security


Network security for critical infrastructure

  • Analysis for advanced persistent threats (APTs) in critical infrastructure systems (CISs)

  • Security protocols for CISs

  • Security isolation technologies for CISs

  • Security situational awareness for CISs

  • Security evaluation technologies for CISs

  • Embedded security for CISs

  • Big data security for CISs

  • Service security of CISs


Novel communication network security

  • Physical layer security for 5G

  • Security protocol for 5G

  • Security based edge computing

  • Security for software-defined networks (SDN)

  • Security for information-centric networks (ICN)

  • Security for Internet of vehicle (IoV)

  • Security for fog computing

  • Security for mobile big data


Hardware security

  • Vulnerability analysis for CPU

  • Hardware Trojan discovery

  • Side-channel attacks and defense

  • Advances of cryptographic chip

  • Security for electromagnetic leakage

  • Security for circuit design

  • Advances of physical layer security


We also highly recommend the submission of multimedia with each article as it may significantly increase the visibility, downloads, and citations.

All submitted manuscripts must be written in English and must not be under consideration 

elsewhere for publication.The authors must follow the FITEE guidelines (http://www.jzus.zju.edu.cn/manuscript.php) for preparation of their manuscripts. Either Word or LaTex format is acceptable. When Word is used, please keep the layout of the text as simple as possible, e.g., single column, 1.5 lines spacing, 10.5 pt font size, Times New Roman font. When LaTex is used, a template is available at http://www.jzus.zju.edu.cn/download/FITEE_LaTex_template.zip

Templates for accepted papers:

Word: http://www.jzus.zju.edu.cn/download/FITEE_sample.doc

LaTex: http://www.jzus.zju.edu.cn/download/FITEE_LaTex_template.zip

(At the initial submission stage, authors do not need to use these templates. Only when asked to revisemanuscripts after peer reviews, these templates should be used.)

FITEE is an international peer-reviewed journal launched by the Chinese Academy of Engineering (CAE) and Zhejiang University, and co-published by Springer & Zhejiang University Press. FITEE aims to publish the latest implementation of applications, principles, and algorithms in the broad area of Electrical and Electronic Engineering.

All articles published in this special issue will be indexed by SCI-E and will be available from Springerlink (http://www.springer.com/computer/journal/11714), www.jzus.zju.edu.cn, as well as http://engineering.cae.cn/fitee. Please note that all articles must undergo international peer review and Crosscheck processes before acceptance, to ensure that the special issue is of high quality, original, and thought-provoking.

We look forward to your contribution to this special issue. Please send your manuscript via http://www.editorialmanager.com/zusc/. Remember to choose article type “S.I.-CyberSecur”.

Manuscript submission by 

Aug. 31, 2018

Acceptance notification by 

Nov. 15, 2018

Publication date: 

Dec. 31, 2018


Editorial Board: 


Jiangxing Wu, Professor and Director, National Digital Switching System Engineering & Technological R & D Center, China

Academician, Chinese Academy of Engineering


Executive Lead Editors:

Jianhua Li, Professor, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China

Xinsheng Ji, Professor, National Digital Switching System Engineering & Technological R & D Center, China



1. Jie Wu, Laura H. Carnell Professor, IEEE Fellow, Temple University, USA

2. Kui Ren, Professor, IEEE Fellow, Zhejiang University, China

3. Julong Lan, Professor, National Digital Switching System Engineering &Technological R & D Center, China

4. Mohammad S. Obaidat, Professor, IEEE Fellow, Fordham University, USA

5. Qiang Wei, Professor, National Digital Switching System Engineering &Technological R & D Center, China

6. Shiyan Hu, Professor, Michigan Technological University, USA


For inquiries regarding this special issue, please contact:

Dr. Jun Wu:

Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China

E-mail: junwuhn@sjtu.edu.cn

Editorial Office:

Ziyang Zhai (Managing Editor)








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