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祝贺《青蒿素类抗疟药》英文版出版 -- 纪念中国523项目50周年

已有 3678 次阅读 2017-12-6 13:44 |系统分类:科研笔记| 青蒿素, 疟疾, 中国, 抗疟药, 523项目

由李国桥、李英、李泽琳和曽美怡等编著,2015年9月科学出版社出版的《青蒿素类抗疟药》已由世界上最大 医学与科学文献出版社之一的荷兰爱思唯尔出版集团(ELSEVIER)旗下的科学出版公司(Academic Press)印刷出版。


Artemisinin-Based and OtherAntimalarials

1st Edition

Detailed Account of Studies byChinese Scientists Who Discovered and Developed Them

Authors: Guoqiao Li Ying Li ZelinLiMeiyi Zeng

Paperback ISBN: 9780128131336

Imprint: Academic Press

Published Date: 28th November 2017

Page Count: 736

      Print – Paperback 150.00



Artemisinin-Based and Other Antimalarials: DetailedAccount of Studies by Chinese Scientists Who Discovered and DevelopedThem provides a historical and scientific background of thediscovery and development of artemisinin, artemisinin derivatives, combinationdrugs and related chemicals. It is a historical document, a scientifictreatise, and a fascinating description of innovative research on new drugdevelopment that is carried out under extremely difficult conditions. The bookalso includes detailed experiments, physical-chemical procedures, practicalmethodologies and clinical trials. It is a valuable reference for students andresearchers in the fields of scientific history, medicine, pharmaceuticalscience, chemistry, pharmacology and toxicology.

Key Features

  • Presents details of all stages of drug development, including in     vitroexperiment, animal exploratory studies, animal tests for     toxicity, safety and efficacy followed by stages I, II, III and IV, safety     and efficacy in human volunteers and patients with malaria

  • Provides many physical-chemical laboratory procedures, such as NMR,     MS, HPLC and X-ray diffraction used in drug development

  • Includes practical methodology of clinical trials from many research     centers and countries to demonstrate the importance of this discovery


Historians, drug developers, scientists of manydisciplines, students in pharmacology, medicine and chemistry and interestedgeneral readers but especially anyone interested in malaria

Table of Contents

  1. Discovery of Artemisinin and History of Research and Discovery of     Artemisinin Antimalarials

  2. Biological Research of Artemisia annua L

  3. Chemical Research on Artemisinin

  4. Artemisinin Derivatives and Analogues

  5. Pharmacological Study on Artemisinin and Its Derivatives

  6. Clinical Studies of Artemisinin and its Derivatives

  7. Artemether and Lumefantrine Combination

  8. Artemisinin and Naphthoquine Phosphate Combination

  9. The Combination of Artemisinin Drugs and Pyronaridine

  10. Artemisinins and piperaquine phosphate combinations


No. of pages: 736

Language: English

Copyright: ©Academic Press 2018

Published: 28thNovember 2017

Imprint: AcademicPress

Paperback ISBN: 9780128131336

About the Author

Guoqiao Li

Professor Li graduated from Guangdong College ofTraditional Chinese Medicine in 1955. He has more than 50-years experiences onQinghaosu (artemisinin). He is the first to prove artemisinin’s curative effecton falciparum malaria and severe malaria, and contribute in qinghaosu(artemisinin) research in Project 523. He devised and researched a series ofartemisinin-based combinations: dihydroartemisinin-piperaquinephosphate-primaquine combination (CV8) which was registered and produced inVienam in 1997. It was the first-line treatment drug for malaria and given forfree in Vietnam. Dihydroartemisinin-piperaquine phosphate combination,Artemisinin- piperaquine combination both have been registered and produced inChina. Dihydroartemisinin-piperaquine combination was included in the 2ndedition of “Malaria treatment Guidelines” by WHO in 2010. He has published over50 papers on malaria research and artemisinin derivatives.

Affiliations and Expertise

Professor, Guangdong University of Chinese Medicine,Guangzhou, China

Ying Li

Professor Li graduated from East China College ofChemical Engineering in 1961 and the graduate school of Shanghai Institute ofMateria Medica, Chinese Academy of Sciences in 1966 and worked in theDepartment of Synthetic Chemistry of this Institute for more than 40 years. Sheand her colleagues conducted structure modification of some active principlesof traditional Chinese medicines (such as febrifugine, agrimols, artemisinin).Since 1976, she synthesized artemisinin derivatives among which artemether oilinjection was developed and registered in China as new antimalarial drug in1987 and enrolled in the 9th list of Essential Medicines of WHO for treatmentof severe malaria. Her work in area of artemisinin lasted about 30 years andover 80 papers and some book chapters were published.

Affiliations and Expertise

Professor, Department of Synthetic Chemistry, ChineseAcademy of Sciences

Zelin Li

Professor Li graduated from College of Pharmacology,Shanghai First Medical University in 1953. Li was a specialist dispatched byDivision of Traditional Medicine, West Pacific Regional Office, WHO to givelecture on developing new drugs originating from herbal drugs in Vietnam in1990. She identified the action site of plasmodium with electromicroscopeautoradiography technology. She also identified that artemisinin seriescompounds could inhibit the metabolism of nucleic acid in plasmodium with invitro culture. Li was engaged in studies on the pharmacodynamics,pharmacokinetics and special toxicity, such as teratogenicity and mutagenicityof artemisinim. Ms. Li was one of the main secretaries of the China SteeringCommittee of Qinghaosu, participating the design of the project andcoordinating the work of individual research group to develop new anti-malariadrugs.

Affiliations and Expertise

College of Pharmacology, Shanghai First MedicalUniversity

Meiyi Zeng

Professor Zeng graduated from Faculty of PharmaceuticalSciences, College of Medicine, Beijing University in1954 with diploma,1954-1990 worked in the Department of Analytical Chemistry of Institute ofChinese Materia Medica under Academy of Traditional Chinese Medicine, with morethan 35 years’ experience in chemical analysis. Professor Zeng developed theassay method for quality control of qinghaosu (artemisinin), and method fordetermination of dihydroartemisinin and improving method for assay ofartemether in pharmaceutical substance. In 1986, Zhao Shishan and Zengdeveloped the HPLC method for determination of artemisinin in animal and humanplasma and applied to analysis of plasma samples of falciparum patients afterrectal administration of artemisinin suppositories

Affiliations and Expertise

Department of Analytical Chemistry of Institute ofChinese Materia Medica, Academy of Traditional Chinese Medicine



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