
Computing on reconstructable abundance of linear continuous-
赵明旺 2017-11-5 17:09
Computing on the reconstructable abundance of the linear continuous-time systems with the different real roots In my blog article “Reconstructable abundance of the linear continuous-time systems”(http://blog.sciencenet.cn/blog-3343777-1083864.html), the reconstructable ab ...
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Reconstructable abundance of linear continuous-time systems
赵明旺 2017-11-5 11:25
Reconstructable abundance of the linear continuous-time systems In my paper arXiv1705.08064(On Controllable Abundance Of Saturated-input Linear Discrete Systems), the controllable abundance as a new measure for metering the control ability is defined and discussed in detail ...
个人分类: 能观丰富性|2228 次阅读|没有评论
Observable abundance of linear continuous-time systems
赵明旺 2017-8-17 15:10
The observable abundance of the linear continuous-time systems In my paper arXiv1705.08064(On Controllable Abundance Of Saturated-input Linear Discrete Systems), a new measure on the control ability of the linear discrete-time systems(LDTS), named as the controllable abund ...
个人分类: 能观丰富性|1698 次阅读|没有评论
Shape and volume computing of observable region of LDTS
赵明旺 2017-8-16 10:43
The geometric shape and the volume computing of the observable region of the linear discrete-time systems In my blog article “Observable abundance of linear discrete-time systems” (http://blog.sciencenet.cn/blog-3343777-1071227.html), the -steps observable abundance of ...
个人分类: 能观丰富性|2108 次阅读|没有评论
Observable abundance of linear discrete-time systems
赵明旺 2017-8-15 16:02
Observable abundance of linear discrete-time systems In my paper arXiv1705.08064(On Controllable Abundance Of Saturated-input Linear Discrete Systems), a new measure on the control ability of the linear discrete-time systems(LDTS), named as the controllable abundance, is defined ...
个人分类: 能观丰富性|1835 次阅读|没有评论
赵明旺 2017-8-1 07:49
决定离散系统能观丰富性大小(能观性强否)的主要因素(整理中) 在本人博文“能观/能重构丰富性解读”(http://blog.sciencenet.cn/home.php?mod=spaceuid=3343777do=blogid=1068811)中,解读了能观丰富性值(能观域的体积)的大小与观测能力强弱的关系,即能观丰富性的值越小,则系统的状态 ...
个人分类: 能观丰富性|2049 次阅读|没有评论
赵明旺 2017-7-31 09:09
能观/能重构丰富性解读 在我的新工作中,将单位输入下状态空间能控/能达范围定义为单位能控/能达域,将单位输出量程下的能观/能重构的范围定义为单位能观/能重构域,即后将单位能控/能达/能观/能重构域的体积定义为能控/能达/能观/能重构丰富性,并通过计算这些体积来计算这些丰富性,但如何解读这些丰富性 ...
个人分类: 能观丰富性|2142 次阅读|没有评论
赵明旺 2017-7-30 10:32
线性离散系统的能重构丰富性 在我的文章arXiv1705.08064(On Controllable Abundance Of Saturated-input Linear Discrete Systems)中,定义了Controllable Abundance(能控丰富性,能控充裕性)这一关于系统控制能力的新测度。该测度也可以推广至对系统状态的观测能力和重构能力(reconstructability) ...
个人分类: 能观丰富性|2102 次阅读|没有评论
赵明旺 2017-7-30 08:59
特征根为单实根的连续系统的能重构丰富性计算 在博文“线性连续系统的能重构丰富性”(http://blog.sciencenet.cn/blog-3343777-1068621.html)中,定义了能重构丰富性并给出了其计算式如下 当系统为SISO时,系统矩阵为 为对角阵且特征值 都为单实根, ,则有 &nbs ...
个人分类: 能观丰富性|3445 次阅读|没有评论
赵明旺 2017-7-29 16:15
线性连续系统的能重构丰富性 在我的文章arXiv1705.08064(On Controllable Abundance Of Saturated-input Linear Discrete Systems)中,定义了Controllable Abundance(能控丰富性,能控充裕性)这一关于系统控制能力的新测度。该测度也可以推广至对系统状态的观测能力和重构能力的研究,定义reconstru ...
个人分类: 能观丰富性|2023 次阅读|没有评论

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