Reaching out across the Web .. ...分享 Zuojun Yu, physical oceanographer, freelance English editor


水4.0:饮用水的过去、现在与未来 (双语Ch 13节选)

已有 3171 次阅读 2015-9-11 03:29 |个人分类:Water 4.0|系统分类:科普集锦| Water, chapter




反  思

Modern urban water systems are unobtrusive by design. The pipes tha tbring water to our homes, drain our streets, and transport our wastes are hidden underground. Treatment plants are tucked away on the water’s edge or are located on a side street in an obscure part of the city that almost nobody visits. Even the huge reservoirs that hold our drinking water are usually locked behind fences in protected watersheds. By handing the management of water over to the professionals, we have reduced out daily encounters with the water cycle to the turning of a faucet and the flushing of a toilet. That’s exactly the way we have wanted it since the days of the first Roman aqueduct.



When we absentmindedly pay the monthly water bill, we are not onlybuying water, pipes, and treatment plants, but also hiring someone to sweat the details for us. There is nothing unique about this behavior. We act the same way when it comes to many other elements of modern life—food, electricity, cellphone, and cable television bills—as well as toward the countless day-to-day decisions that need to be made about the infrastructure that supports our daily lives and life styles. As long as our bills are paid and the service continues, we assume that the people who provide the service and the government officials responsible for overseeing their activities will make sure that we are safe. For people in a complex, modern world, it’s difficult to imagine living any other way.



(Last three paragraphs of Chapter 13)

Modest behavioral changes also can protect aquatic ecosystems and downstream water supplies from pollution. If you are concerned about the effects of organic compounds in sewage effluent on rivers and drinking water aquifers you can make a difference by paying attention to the household products that you use and ultimately put down the drain. Reduce the impacts of pesticides and nutrients in urban runoff by using only what is needed to maintain your property or by changing your expectations about the urban landscape. If it makes sense for your location, rethink the ways that rainwater moves across your property by directing water away from impervious surface. Think about the storm sewer as if it were connected to your faucet (which in away, it is): don’t wash your car in the street and don’t pour used oil, unwanted coffee, and rinse water from dirty paint brushes into the gutter.



Most importantly from the standpoint of bring about lasting change, raise awareness within your community about the importance of figuring out the right path for a local version of Water 4.0. Your water utility and the government that regulates its actions pay attention to public opinion. Until now, members of the public who worry about excessive spending on water projects have often dominated the dialogue. Make sure your opinions are heard: when decisions are being made about water infrastructure investments, speak up about the need to consider both climate change and chemicals that pose risks to human health and the environment.



Ultimately, no one person or small group of people will determine the path that urban water systems will follow. The map to our future will be drawn collectively by the thousands of small decisions made in our homes, at community meetings, and in the voting booth. We all have a role to play indetermining when Water 4.0 will become a reality and what it will look like when we build it. Once we better understand the costs and benefits of different approaches, we can make informed choices supporting or opposing investments in desalination plants, potable reuse systems, graywater recycling systems, and other new forms of infrastructure. We need to start learning and working on Water 4.0 now because the simple and inexpensive responses that have helped usin the past are not going to be enough to get us through future challenges. The time has come to secure the water future we want before a crisis forces it upon us.


ps. I typed up the English myself, so errors are possible.


[美]戴·塞德拉克 著

徐向荣 等    虞左俊 校





Water 4.0: The Past, Present, and Future of the World's Most Vital Resource

Paperback:March 31, 2015

by David Sedlak (Author)

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