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水4.0:饮用水的过去、现在与未来 (双语Ch 12节选)

已有 3376 次阅读 2015-9-11 03:20 |个人分类:Water 4.0|系统分类:科普集锦| Water, chapter


A Different Tomorrow



Ever since the Romans pioneered Water 1.0, centralization had been the big idea behind urban water systems. In fact, this original design principlehad been so potent that each of the subsequent upgrades was built on this foundation. Starting with the addition of filtration and chlorine disinfectionon the front end of water distribution systems (Water 2.0), and continuing tothe installation of biological wastewater treatment on the sewer end (Water 3.0) and beyond, modern water infrastructure is still guided by its original blueprint of ancient Roman-style aqueducts and cloacae.



(Last four paragraphs of Chapter 12)

If urban runoff is ever going to help cities eliminate the need for imported water, we will have to find a way to put the water from urban runoff back into the local drinking water system. This essential next step in the development of local water supplies could follow two possible paths. The first would be to use advanced treatment technologies such as reverse osmosis and disinfection with ultraviolet light to make urban runoff safe to drink. As we have seen, these technologies can turn sewage effluent or seawater into drinking water. They could also purify urban runoff, but the cost of such projects would be five to ten times higher than it would be for treating wastewater effluent or seawater, because the reuse of urban runoff would require the construction ofnew storage and capture systems.56 The treatment plant would also have to dealwith water of highly variable quality, which complicated treatment and drives up costs. A runoff recycling facility would have the added benefit of addressing urban drainage and might be more acceptable to the public than potable water reuse or seawater desalination, but the economic reality is that it is unlikely to be chosen over less expensive water-supply options.



The other approach would be to keep urban runoff from getting too polluted in the first place and sending the water to urban drinking water reservoirs. This idea is not as out of reach as it might seem. After all, there are plenty of cities that draw their drinking water downstream of the discharges of storm sewers. In essence, they already have urban runoff reservoirs—only they are located outside of the city. For those cities, urban runoff is converted into drinking water through a combination of dilution with water from more pristine sources and conventional drinking water treatment.



Some cities have already built systems to route urban runoff to reservoirs located within the city. In Singapore, urban runoff is piped directly into drinking water reservoirs with little or no dilution with pristine water.57 Through an elaborate system of stormwater interception, nearly all of the rain that falls on the streets and buildings of the city’s populated residential neighborhoods is captured by a network of urban reservoirs. In part, Singapore has been able to achieve this goal because the city and surrounding region receive monsoon rains that dump large quantities of water over a short period of time. The high quality of the city’s runoff is also attributable to the vigilance of the national water utility and cith planning agencies inpreventing sewer leaks and the rigorous enforcement of laws related to landuse, automobile maintenance, and the application of chemicals on buildings and gardens.



Because of differences in climate and political systems, this approach probably would not translate easily to many other developed countries. But contamination of urban runoff could be reduced by a combination of low-impact development and policies designed to minimize further contamination of runoff after it leaves an individual property. With some investment in clean streets and functioning sewer systems, coupled with vigilance about land development and chemical use, urban runoff might someday become an important part of our drinking water supply.


ps. I typed up the English myself, so errors are possible.


[美]戴·塞德拉克 著

徐向荣 等    虞左俊 校





Water 4.0: The Past, Present, and Future of the World's Most Vital Resource

Paperback:March 31, 2015

by David Sedlak (Author)

上一篇:水4.0:饮用水的过去、现在与未来 (双语Ch 11节选)
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