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Follow me:每天冥想12 分钟(第四周)

已有 2055 次阅读 2022-9-29 04:00 |个人分类:Health & Health-Care System|系统分类:科普集锦

每天冥想12 分钟(第一周):


每天冥想12 分钟(第二周):


每天冥想12 分钟(第三周):



The flashlight of your attention moves outward, toward others.



What to Focus On This Week 

This week’s new practice is not only about directing your flashlight toward other people, but also about having well-wishes for yourself, even and perhaps especially when you mind-wander or end up in the loop of doom. Big parts of this practice involve remembering that the human brain works this way by default, and then having kindness for yourself as you begin again. 



本周的练习,不仅是把你的注意力焦点指向其他人,还包括对自己的祝福,尤其是当你走神、或陷入烦恼时。 这一冥想练习的很大一部分,是需要记住人类大脑默认这些“旧”方式(走神、产生烦恼);记住要对自己好一点(别让烦恼一直跟随者你)。【译者注:心理学上,mind-wandering(心智游移)通常是指思想偏离了手头任务,与当下所处的环境不相干。也就是“走神”。】


Notice that Find Your Flashlight is still interleaved: this foundational practice is now reinforcing all three of the other practices. You draw on this key skill as you focus on body sensations, notice what arises in your mind, and practice directing well-wishes to yourself and others. Find Your Flashlight is the lifelong work of attention training: it reinforces all the other practices. 

请注意,你依然需要交错练习注意力焦点(即第一周的练习):这个冥想的基本练习,会加强所有其他三种练习(即后面三周的练习)。 当你专注于身体感觉时,你会利用这一关键技能(即注意力焦点),注意到脑海中出现了什么,并练习向自己和他人祝福。 注意力焦点是冥想不可缺的:它强化了所有其他的练习。



What Week Four Might Feel Like 

You might notice that spending twelve minutes each day making well-wishes makes you more likely to be supportive instead of punitive, curious instead of righteous, hoping for the best instead of expecting the worst. You may find yourself more easily able to “see it from someone else’s eyes” during a disagreement. This is what reappraisal and perspective-taking look like in our lived experience.



你可能会注意到,每天花 12 分钟表达美好愿望,会让你更有可能支持一个人(包括你自己)而不是惩罚这个人(包括你自己);你会变得好奇而不是自以为是;你会希望得到最好的结果而不是期待最坏的结果。 在发生分歧时,你可能会发现自己更容易“从别人的角度看问题”。 这就是我们生活经历中的重新评估和换位思考。



Frequently Experienced Challenges 

You may find that sometimes the phrases feel empty, as if you’re merely reciting a word salad, or the words lose their meaning. If this happens, remind yourself that this is a concentrative practice. You want to use each phrase as the complete focus of your attention. Slow it down. Understand each word. Fully comprehend its meaning. And if the phrases feel too prone to elaboration and mind-wandering, try to just use your inner speech to say the words, one by one. The key is to comprehend and extend the well-wishes, without checking out or diving into the story of each. 



你可能会发现,有时这些冥想练习短语让你感到空洞,好像你只是在背一些单词,或者这些单词失去了它们的意义。 如果发生这种情况,请提醒自己:这是一种集中注意力的练习。 你要把每个短语作为你注意力的焦点。 别急。 设法理解每个单词。 完全理解其含义。 如果这些短语容易造成联想和走神,试着用你内心的语言来一个一个地念。关键是理解和应用这些祝福,避免走神、或纠缠不清。


If you experience discomfort with directing phrases with well-wishes toward yourself, remember that this is part of the workout: we are intentionally practicing this new perspective. Notice this discomfort, but continue. 

如果你不喜欢把祝福语用于自己,请记住这是冥想训练的一部分:我们是有意练习这种新的视角。 你注意到这种不喜欢的存在,但你需要继续练习下去。


You may also feel nothing at all—this is normal! And it’s still doing the work—so keep going. The effects of the workout can show up much later. Here’s an example: You’re saying these things for a week or two, and you feel as if there’s nothing really going on. Then all of a sudden you’re about to raise your voice or snap at your spouse or child and you catch yourself, realizing that your intention is for them to be happy, and there might be a better way to say this. You can shift from reacting to responding. You end up communicating the same message, but without the reactive tone.


你也可能一点感觉都没有——这很正常! 训练在继续着——所以你应该继续努力练习。 训练的效果可能在很久以后才会显现出来。 看看下面这个例子:你练习了两个星期,你觉得好像什么都没有发生。然后,突然间,有一天你想对你的配偶或孩子大吼大叫;但是,你立马意识到你本意是想让他们快乐,所以,应该有更好的表达方式和他们沟通。 你可以从“条件反射”(跳脚)转为“心平气和”(好好说话)。你最终传达了相同的信息(你想说的东西),但不带有令人不快的语气。


How Week Four Skills Will Show Up in Your Life 

And finally—as always—integrate this into your day. You don’t have to be sitting with your eyes closed to extend well-wishes toward others, or even toward yourself. Again, layer this into your routine. Try it as you’re walking: With the cadence of your steps, say silently to yourself, May I be happy, may I be healthy. . . . Wish it for yourself or someone you know, or extend it toward any living thing that you see. Have you ever been in a store or other public setting and become annoyed with a person you don’t know? May you be happy! No reason to waste time occupying your thoughts with anger. You may notice that you are more easily able to “get on the same page” with people as you tune in to their mental models, or that interpersonal conflicts are more easily resolved, or that people you previously looked past come alive to you.



最后——和前面几周一样——把学到的东西融入你的日常生活中。 你不必闭着眼睛坐着向他人、甚至自己表达良好的祝愿。 把它应用到你的日常生活中。 走路时试试看:随着脚步的节奏,默默对自己说,愿我快乐,愿我健康。 . . . 为自己或你认识的人祝福,或将其扩展到你看到的任何动物、植物。 你是否曾经在商店或其他公共场所,被一个陌生人惹得不开心? 现在,你可以祝这些陌生人快乐! 没有理由浪费时间,让愤怒占据你的思想。 你可能会注意到,当你调整心态后,你更容易与周围的人“合拍”;或者人际冲突更容易解决;或者你以前不曾关注这个人,现在她在你的眼里变得活生生的了(可爱)。

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