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Follow me:每天冥想12 分钟(第三周)

已有 1659 次阅读 2022-9-28 03:02 |个人分类:Health & Health-Care System|系统分类:科普集锦


每天冥想12 分钟,可以改变你的人生(观)。


每天冥想12 分钟(第一周):


每天冥想12 分钟(第二周):


This week, your focus becomes attention itself.



What to Focus On This Week 

This week, Find Your Flashlight is still your touchstone practice. But as we shift into River of Thought, the focus of your attention is now your own mind. Remember: with River of Thought, you visualize your own mind as a moving river. All kinds of stuff is going to float by in that moving water—your job is to observe it and let it go. Don’t reach down to grab any of those thoughts or worries or memories—simply notice them and let them float on by. Draw on the decentering and Watch Your Whiteboard mini-practices offered to exercise your capacity to step back and observe the mind. If you do find yourself wrapped up in something, go back to your breath—think of it as a boulder in that river that you can rest your attention on and regain your stability. Then begin observing the moving water again.




本周,找到你的注意力焦点仍然是试金石。但是当我们转移到思想之河(River of Thought)的练习时,你的注意力焦点是你自己的思想(your own mind)。记住:通过思想之河,你把自己的思想,想象成一条河流。各种各样的东西都会在那流动的水上漂浮——你的任务是观察它,然后让它顺水流走(let it go)。不要试想抓住任何想法、担忧、或记忆——你只需要注意到它的出现,然后让它飘过脑海。利用“去中心化” 迷你练习(decentering mini-practice)和“观察你的黑板” 迷你练习(Watch Your Whiteboard mini-practice),来锻炼你退后一步、观察自我思想的能力。【译者注:“去中心化” 迷你练习(decentering mini-practice),简单地说,就是不“以我为中心”,相当于把自己设想为“旁观者”。“观察你的黑板” 迷你练习(Watch Your Whiteboard mini-practice),简单地说,就是假设你面前有一块小黑板,你可以在上面写下你的思想、担忧、等等。】如果你确实发现自己被某件事缠住了,让注意力回到你的呼吸——把这件事想象成河流中的一块巨石,它吸引了你的注意力、给你一个歇脚的机会;现在,你可以再次开始观察流动的水。


What Week Three Might Feel Like

Not engaging and not elaborating are active attentional skills that require core strength to perform. You will build this capacity over time, but doing this for the first time in a twelve-minute formal practice can feel as hard as trying to hold a plank when you can’t yet do a push-up. You’ll get better at this. If you find yourself engaged with thoughts, worries, or memories that have floated up, remember: that realization is a win. That’s meta-awareness—you just did it. Reclaim your flashlight, redirect it to the breath to anchor yourself for a bit, and then move back into observing the River of Thought again.



不参与(not engaging)和不详细作说明(not elaborating)是主动式注意力技能(active attentional skills),需要有核心力量才能做到。你会随着时间的推移建立这种能力,但在 12 分钟的冥想练习中第一次就尝试这样做,会感觉像在你还不能做俯卧撑时,试图做“平板支撑”(plank)一样困难。慢慢练习,你会做得更好。如果你发现自己沉浸在浮现的想法、忧虑、或记忆中,请记住:能够意识到这一点(走神),就是进步。这就是元意识(meta-awareness)——你刚刚做到了。收回你的注意力焦点,将其重新引导到呼吸上,让自己“定心”一会儿,然后再重新观察思想之河。


Frequently Experienced Challenges 

You’ll start to become more aware of how much your mind is wandering. This can feel uncomfortable, or make you wonder if you’re getting worse instead of better. You’re not! You’re simply growing more aware. Remember: your mind has always been wandering, but you’re just catching yourself more. Again: success point. 





You may start noticing what’s arising in your mind more and more (both during formal practice and throughout the day), and it might not always be nice. You may find yourself realizing, Man, I get angry a lot. Or: I’m obsessing over food (or sex or video games) and can’t stop. These are not fun things to realize. Reframe it: this is information you can use. It’s like getting to know a new friend. You are supportive yet firm, befriending yourself, quirks and all. 



How Week Three Skills Will Show Up in Your Life 

You grow the capacity to reflexively ask yourself, What’s happening right now? What’s my mind doing? What am I really upset about? Why am I consumed by this? 





You’ll notice that you start defaulting to taking a more observational stance toward your own thought processes; you get in the habit of checking with yourself to see if you have a story, and how it might be affecting your interpretation of events or feelings. This is an important part of what having a peak mind means, and you’re starting to get there: you are able take a broad, receptive, observational stance. 




You can “monitor” your mind in this way, outside of formal practice. Try this: While driving, walking, or riding the subway, don’t listen to music or a podcast; don’t take a phone call. Just sit and let your mind roam. Notice where it goes and what comes up.


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