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Follow me:每天冥想12 分钟(第五周/结束篇)

已有 2122 次阅读 2022-9-29 10:25 |个人分类:Health & Health-Care System|系统分类:科普集锦


每天冥想12 分钟,可以改变你的人生(观)。


每天冥想12 分钟(第一周):


每天冥想12 分钟(第二周):


每天冥想12 分钟(第三周):


每天冥想12 分钟(第四周):




Keep going.


From here on out, the schedule is up to you! You know by now that you’ll need to practice for a minimum of twelve minutes, aiming for five times per week, in order to see benefits in your attention system. But the combination of practices is completely customizable. Most people report that they have a practice they particularly like. Remember: They are all mutually reinforcing, and they each incorporate components of the others. They are all part of the core workout. So choose what works for you. 


从现在开始,每周的训练时间表由你来决定! 你现在知道,需要至少练习 12 分钟,最好每周 5 次,才能得益于注意力系统的提高。 但是,训练的组合是完全可以自己制定的。 大多数人说,他们有一个自己特别喜欢的冥想练习组合法。 请记住:这些练习都是相辅相成的,并且都包含其他的练习。 它们都是核心锻炼的一部分。 所以选择适合你自己的练习组合。


You can select a different practice each day. You can combine the practices to equal twelve minutes. I like to do Find Your Flashlight or River of Thought for the first twelve minutes, then finish with a shorter Connection Practice. 


你可以每天选择不同的练习。 你也可以将这些练习组合一下,“凑成”12分钟。 我喜欢在前12分钟做“集中注意力焦点”(第一周的练习)或“思想之河”(第三周的练习),然后以较短的“沟通练习”(Connection Practice;第四周的练习)结束。


As you practice these skills for twelve minutes, in a chair in your living room (or wherever you do this attentional workout), they’re going to start showing up for you: in your work, in your relationships, in the arc of your life as you meet challenges and try to hold to your goals and dreams. If those twelve minutes feel too hard, remind yourself: You’re not doing this to be an Olympic-level breath follower! You’re doing it to strengthen your mental core, to power up your attentional stability and agility. 


当你每天用12分钟练习这些冥想技能后,虽然练习是在客厅的椅子上进行(或任何做冥想练习的地方),它们会开始出现在你的日常生活中:在你的工作中;在你的人际关系中;在你生活的分分秒秒中,当你需要面对挑战并努力坚持自己的目标和梦想时。 如果每天做12分钟冥想,让你感觉太难了,请提醒自己:你这样做不是为了成为奥运会级别的呼吸“健将”! 你这样做是为了加强你的思维核心,增强你的注意力的稳定性和敏捷性。


With mindfulness training, you can use your attention to disrupt old, ineffective ways of navigating the world. When you have a peak mind, you have the power to flip the script. 
通过正念(冥想)训练,你可以用你的注意力来打破旧的、低效率的“习惯”。 当你有了巅峰思维时,你就有能力改变你的困境。


The Peak Mind Pivot

There’s the standard way of thinking, and then there’s the Peak Mind Pivot. It’s not that the standard way of thinking isn’t valuable—it’s that the Peak Mind Pivot greatly expands your options.



现实中,有一般的思维方式,还有巅峰思维方式。 并不是说一般思维没有价值;而是巅峰思维可以极大地扩展了你的选择范围。


·      Standard view: To think better, practice thinking. 

·      Peak Mind Pivot: Practice being aware that you are thinking. 


·      一般思维:为了更好地思考,练习如何思考。

·      巅峰思维·(Peak Mind Pivot):通过练习,使自己意识到正在思考着。


·      Standard view: To focus better, practice directing your attention.

·      Peak Mind Pivot: Practice noticing and monitoring when you are not focused. 

·      一般思维:为了更好地集中注意力,练习引导你的注意力。

·      巅峰思维:每当你走神时,练习自己的注意力和感受。


·      Standard view: To communicate better, get clear on what you want to say. 

·      Peak Mind Pivot: Get better at listening. 

·      一般思维:为了更好地沟通,先想清楚你想说什么。

·      巅峰思维:更好地倾听。


·      Standard view: To understand yourself, identify qualities of who you are. 

·      Peak Mind Pivot: Disidentify and unyoke your perspective from me/I so you can see yourself and the situation more clearly. 

·      一般思维:为了明了自己的感受,努力解剖自己的品行。

·      巅峰思维:消除对自我的认同、并摆脱你自己的观点,这样你就可以更清楚地看清自己和自己的处境。


·      Standard view: To feel less pain, distract yourself from it. 

·      Peak Mind Pivot: Practice focusing on it non-elaboratively. Don’t make up a story about it—simply observe it, and notice how it changes over time. 

·      一般思维:为了减轻疼痛,分散对疼痛的注意力。

·      巅峰思维:练习接受疼痛的存在,但是不夸张它的影响。不要让疼痛控制你的情绪——只需要观察它,并注意它是如何随时间变化的。


·      Standard view: To know your mind and emotional disturbances, analyze them. 

·      Peak Mind Pivot: Focus on the body when you are experiencing strong emotion to gain more data and greater insight into what is arising.

·      一般思维:为了解你的思维和情绪障碍,开始对其进行分析。

·      巅峰思维:当你经历强烈情绪时,将注意力集中在身体反应上,以获得更多数据,并更深入地了解正在发生的身体反应。



·      Standard view: If something is intolerable, reject and suppress it. 

·      Peak Mind Pivot: Accept and allow it. 

·      一般思维:如果某件事是不能容忍的,拒绝并压制它。

·      巅峰思维:接受、并允许它出现。


·      Standard view: To show your power, be aggressive. 

·      Peak Mind Pivot: Extend kindness and show compassion. 

·      一般思维:为了展示你的力量,随时随地准备主动出击。

·      巅峰思维:分享你的善意,并表现出同情心。


·      Standard view: To help others regulate, control them. 

·      Peak Mind Pivot: Regulate yourself (first). Be calm to get calm. 

·      一般思维:帮助他人“守规矩”,以便控制他们。

·      巅峰思维:(首先)管理好自己。 以冷静,赢得冷静。


·      Standard view: To be less distracted, remove all distractions. 

·      Peak Mind Pivot: Accept that distractions will arise. Notice them, and practice coming back.

·      一般思维:为了减少分心,事先消除所有引起分心的可能。

·      巅峰思维:接受会出现的干扰。 注意到它们的出现,并练习找回自己的注意力焦点。




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