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做一个出版品牌? 2022-05-11
很多领域,包括控制,可能单就理论而言,其大多数的资料和信息都可在英文中找到吧?但就工程而言,当然也包括理论在工程中的应用,却是不尽然。以日文为例,而 ...
重拍《西游记》? 2021-12-18
一方面。 《流浪地球》导演郭帆毕业于海南大学法学院,《哪吒之魔童降世》导演饺子毕业于四川大学华西药学院,《大圣归来》导演田晓鹏毕业于北京工业大学软 ...
[转载]Probability in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science 2021-07-14
Probability in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science: An Application-Driven Course 链接: https://www.springer.com/gp/book/9783030499945
[转载]一本关于 No-Free Lunch Theorem 的新书 2021-07-08
Black Box Optimization, Machine Learning, and No-Free Lunch Theorems https://www.springer.com/gp/book/9783030665142
One adapted quote on prediction and control 2021-07-03
All predictable processes we shall predict. All unpredictable processes we shall control.  — Adapted from John von Neumann: “All stable proce ...
[转载]关于 No Free Lunch Theorems 2021-05-12
一个专门的网站: http://www.no-free-lunch.org/ 一篇相关的博文: https://machinelearningmastery.com/no-free-lunch-theorem-for-machine-learning/ ...
[转载]当爱因斯坦遇到维纳 2021-05-01
两篇关于“相对论遇到控制论”的 note: Relativistic Control: Feedback Control of Relativistic Dynamics https://arxiv.org/abs/1912.03367 ...
[转载]一篇关于 Prediction、Generalization 与 Recursion 的性能极限 Limits 的论文 2021-04-27
Fundamental Limits of Prediction, Generalization, and Recursion: An Entropic-Innovations Perspective 链接: https://arxiv.org/abs/2001.03813



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