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  • 香港中文大学,教授

    • 医学科学->影像医学与生物医学工程->影像医学与生物医学工程其他科学问题

WANG Yi-Xiang J'shiang
I am a tenured staff at the Chinese University of Hong Kong. I think and research a wide range topic of areas covering sciences and humanities. On the practical aspects, I research on magnetic resonance imaging, spine degeneration, aging related bone fractures, diffused liver diseases early imaging detection, and a number of neuro-anatomical issues. On more theoretical issues, I think on the biological forces on human society evolution. I also think and research on balanced interests between patients, doctors, as well as the government. I am passionate in educating healthcare knowledge to the general public. On political stance, I favor W. Europe socialism, and consider myself a follower of Marxist-Leninist. I practice relative frugal living. I can always find time to read history, listen to modern music (certain selected types) and listen to debates on current political affairs via television or internet. I enjoy walking and hiking which ...
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lifeng9038 2024-2-8 10:52
zlyang 2024-1-1 19:37
lisw05 2023-3-12 10:42

并请指教:科学网—关于参考文献管理软件 - 李升伟的博文  https://blog.sciencenet.cn/home.php?mod=space&uid=2636671&do=blog&id=1380020
ghzcljz 2020-7-17 18:15
zlyang 2020-1-1 13:57
lifeng9038 2019-2-4 21:26
zlyang 2018-12-30 18:03
qims 2018-5-14 12:19
yellowluck 2017-9-9 00:07
qims 2017-7-21 15:53
Denk nogmaals
wqhwqh333 2017-1-1 10:33
zlyang 2016-12-31 18:46
祝王老师 2017 新年快乐!  
qims 2016-6-17 02:48
kuishitianji 2016-2-13 20:47
qims 2016-1-18 12:30
华人腰椎QCT骨密度诊断骨质疏松症临界点值应该在45-50 mg/ml左右, 远低于低于欧裔临界点值 2024-07-02
华人腰椎 QCT 骨密度诊断骨质疏松症临界点值应该在 45-50 mg/ml 左右 , 远低于低于欧裔临界点值   王毅翔 香港中文大学 ...
Quant Imaging Med Surg 2023 Oct, Nov, Dec issues 文章选 2023-11-29
Vol 13, No 12 (December 01, 2023): Quantitative Imaging in Medicine and Surgery https://qims.amegroups.org/issue/view/1365 Vol 13, No 11 ( ...
2023 QIMS Sep issues部分文章选 2023-09-12
Home / Archives / Vol 13, No 9 (September 01, 2023) https://qims.amegroups.org/issue/view/1342 Vol 13, No 9 (September 01, 2023): Quantitative I ...
2023 QIMS July, august issues 部分文章选 2023-08-24
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2023 QIMS March, April issues 部分文章选 2023-03-29
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2022 QIMS Oct, Nov, and Dec issues 部分文章选 2022-10-31
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这个世界上,一般医生高薪的国家,医疗服务就比较差 2022-09-05
这个世界上,一般医生高薪的国家,医疗服务就比较差。 我一直是这样的观点,但是这个贴也是因为湖南 的刘 XF 事件有感而 发   这个世界上 ...
Quantitative Imaging Medicine and Surgery (IF4.6) 9月刊部分文章 2022-07-23
https://qims.amegroups.com/issue/view/1206 Vol 12, No 9 (September 2022): Quantitative Imaging in Medicine and Surgery Editorial Estimation ...
华人脆性骨折风险远低于高加索人的循证医学依据及因此对华人基于骨密度诊断骨质疏松症诊断标准的思考 2022-07-04
本研究估计了年龄≥50 岁的中国女性和中国男性骨密度(BMD)诊断的骨质疏松症患病率。该估计基于 1994 年 WHO 对骨质疏松症的定义和两个假设: (I) 华人老年人 ...
Quantitative Imaging Medicine and Surgery (IF4.6) 8月刊部分文章 2022-06-29
Vol 12, No 8 (August 2022): Quantitative Imaging in Medicine and Surgery https://qims.amegroups.com/issue/view/1200  Deep learning for predi ...
Quantitative Imaging Medicine and Surgery (IF3.8) 1月刊部分文章 2022-06-11
Vol 12, No 1 (January 2022): Quantitative Imaging in Medicine and Surgery https://qims.amegroups.com/issue/view/1128   The synthesis ...
Quantitative Imaging Medicine and Surgery (IF3.8) 2月刊部分文章 2022-06-11
Vol 12, No 2 (February 2022): Quantitative Imaging in Medicine and Surgery https://qims.amegroups.com/issue/view/1135   Fragility fracture ...
Quantitative Imaging Medicine and Surgery (IF3.8) 3月刊部分文章 2022-06-06
Vol 12, No 3 (March 2022): Quantitative Imaging in Medicine and Surgery Website: https://qims.amegroups.com/issue/view/1146 Volumetric analys ...
Quantitative Imaging Medicine and Surgery (IF3.8) 4月刊部分文章 2022-06-06
Website: https://qims.amegroups.com/issue/view/1158 Vol 12, No 4 (April 2022): Quantitative Imaging in Medicine and Surgery Quantification of 3/4D ...
Quantitative Imaging Medicine and Surgery (IF3.8) 5月刊部分文章 2022-06-04
Vol 12, No 5 (May 2022): Quantitative Imaging in Medicine and Surgery Website: https://qims.amegroups.com/issue/view/1167   Automated knee ca ...
Quantitative Imaging in Medicine and Surgery 7 月刊部分文章 2022-06-01
An update of our understanding of radiographic diagnostics for prevalent osteoporotic vertebral fracture in elderly women Yì Xiáng J. Wa ...
Quant Imaging Med Surg 2022 6月份刊 部分文章 2022-05-30
Age-related focal thinning of the ganglion cell-inner plexiform layer in a healthy population Yuqing Deng, Huijuan Wang, Ava-Gaye Simms, Huiling ...
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MrOS(Hong Kong) 与 MsOS(Hong Kong) 研究结果显示老年华人的脊柱更加健康 王毅翔 * 、梁志信、 郭志銳 香港中文大学医学院 ...



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