这次, 我要实现这个路程图.
第一: 生成1.txt , 2.txt, 3.txt
第二: 向每个文件中加入”add a”字符, 命名为:1_add_a.txt, 2_add_a.txt, 3_add_a.txt
第三: 向文件中增加”add b”, 命名为:1_add_a_add_b.txt, 2_add_a_add_b.txt, 3_add_a_add_b.txt
第四: 向文件中增加”add c”, 命名为: 1_add_a_add_b_add_c.txt, 2_add_a_add_b_add_c.txt, 3_add_a_add_b_add_c.txt
第五: 将1_add_a_add_b.txt, 2_add_a_add_b.txt, 1_add_a_add_b_add_c.txt, 2_add_a_add_b_add_c.txt, 3_add_a_add_b_add_c.txt 合并为hebing.txt文件
(snake_test) [dengfei@localhost ex4]$ ls *txt 1.txt 2.txt 3.txt (snake_test) [dengfei@localhost ex4]$ cat *txt this is 1.txt this is 2.txt this is 3.txt
rule adda: input: "{file}.txt" output: "{file}_add_a.txt" shell: "cat {input} |xargs echo add a >{output}"
预览一下命令:snakemake -np {1,2,3}_add_a.txt
注意: 这里要把生成的文件{1,2,3}_add_a.txt写出来, 命令才可以运行.
(snake_test) [dengfei@localhost ex4]$ snakemake -np {1,2,3}_add_a.txt Building DAG of jobs... Job counts: count jobs 3 adda 3 [Tue Apr 2 21:09:19 2019] rule adda: input: 3.txt output: 3_add_a.txt jobid: 2 wildcards: file=3 cat 3.txt |xargs echo add a >3_add_a.txt [Tue Apr 2 21:09:19 2019] rule adda: input: 2.txt output: 2_add_a.txt jobid: 0 wildcards: file=2 cat 2.txt |xargs echo add a >2_add_a.txt [Tue Apr 2 21:09:19 2019] rule adda: input: 1.txt output: 1_add_a.txt jobid: 1 wildcards: file=1 cat 1.txt |xargs echo add a >1_add_a.txt Job counts: count jobs 3 adda 3 This was a dry-run (flag -n). The order of jobs does not reflect the order of execution.
snakemake {1,2,3}_add_a.txt
Building DAG of jobs... Using shell: /usr/bin/bash Provided cores: 1 Rules claiming more threads will be scaled down. Job counts: count jobs 3 adda 3 [Tue Apr 2 21:11:09 2019] rule adda: input: 3.txt output: 3_add_a.txt jobid: 0 wildcards: file=3 [Tue Apr 2 21:11:09 2019] Finished job 0. 1 of 3 steps (33%) done [Tue Apr 2 21:11:09 2019] rule adda: input: 1.txt output: 1_add_a.txt jobid: 1 wildcards: file=1 [Tue Apr 2 21:11:09 2019] Finished job 1. 2 of 3 steps (67%) done [Tue Apr 2 21:11:09 2019] rule adda: input: 2.txt output: 2_add_a.txt jobid: 2 wildcards: file=2 [Tue Apr 2 21:11:09 2019] Finished job 2. 3 of 3 steps (100%) done Complete log: /home/dengfei/test/snakemake/ex4/.snakemake/log/2019-04-02T211109.153566.snakemake.log
(snake_test) [dengfei@localhost ex4]$ ls *add_a.txt 1_add_a.txt 2_add_a.txt 3_add_a.txt (snake_test) [dengfei@localhost ex4]$ cat *add_a.txt add a this is 1.txt add a this is 2.txt add a this is 3.txt
rule adda: input: "{file}.txt" output: "{file}_add_a.txt" shell: "cat {input} |xargs echo add a >{output}" rule addb: input: "{file}_add_a.txt" output: "{file}_add_a_add_b.txt" shell: "cat {input} | xargs echo add b >{output}"
预览一下命令:snakemake -np {1,2,3}_add_a_add_b.txt
(snake_test) [dengfei@localhost ex4]$ snakemake {1,2,3}_add_a_add_b.txt Building DAG of jobs... Using shell: /usr/bin/bash Provided cores: 1 Rules claiming more threads will be scaled down. Job counts: count jobs 3 addb 3 [Tue Apr 2 21:13:57 2019] rule addb: input: 2_add_a.txt output: 2_add_a_add_b.txt jobid: 0 wildcards: file=2 [Tue Apr 2 21:13:57 2019] Finished job 0. 1 of 3 steps (33%) done [Tue Apr 2 21:13:57 2019] rule addb: input: 1_add_a.txt output: 1_add_a_add_b.txt jobid: 1 wildcards: file=1 [Tue Apr 2 21:13:57 2019] Finished job 1. 2 of 3 steps (67%) done [Tue Apr 2 21:13:57 2019] rule addb: input: 3_add_a.txt output: 3_add_a_add_b.txt jobid: 2 wildcards: file=3 [Tue Apr 2 21:13:57 2019] Finished job 2. 3 of 3 steps (100%) done Complete log: /home/dengfei/test/snakemake/ex4/.snakemake/log/2019-04-02T211357.666661.snakemake.log
snakemake {1,2,3}_add_a_add_b.txt
snakemake --dag {1,2,3}_add_a_add_b.txt |dot -Tpdf >a.pdf
rule adda: input: "{file}.txt" output: "{file}_add_a.txt" shell: "cat {input} |xargs echo add a >{output}" rule addb: input: "{file}_add_a.txt" output: "{file}_add_a_add_b.txt" shell: "cat {input} | xargs echo add b >{output}" rule addc: input: "{file}_add_a_add_b.txt" output: "{file}_add_a_add_b_add_c.txt" shell: "cat {input} | xargs echo add c >{output}"
snakemake --dag {1,2,3}_add_a_add_b_add_c.txt |dot -Tpdf >a1.pdf
rule adda: input: "{file}.txt" output: "{file}_add_a.txt" shell: "cat {input} |xargs echo add a >{output}" rule addb: input: "{file}_add_a.txt" output: "{file}_add_a_add_b.txt" shell: "cat {input} | xargs echo add b >{output}" rule addc: input: "{file}_add_a_add_b.txt" output: "{file}_add_a_add_b_add_c.txt" shell: "cat {input} | xargs echo add c >{output}" rule hebing: input: a=expand("{file}_add_a_add_b_add_c.txt",file=["1","2","3"]), b=expand("{file}_add_a_add_b.txt",file=["1","2"]) output:"hebing.txt" shell:"cat {input.a} {input.b} >{output}"
snakemake hebing.txt
Building DAG of jobs... Using shell: /usr/bin/bash Provided cores: 1 Rules claiming more threads will be scaled down. Job counts: count jobs 3 addc 1 hebing 4 [Tue Apr 2 21:21:04 2019] rule addc: input: 1_add_a_add_b.txt output: 1_add_a_add_b_add_c.txt jobid: 1 wildcards: file=1 [Tue Apr 2 21:21:04 2019] Finished job 1. 1 of 4 steps (25%) done [Tue Apr 2 21:21:04 2019] rule addc: input: 3_add_a_add_b.txt output: 3_add_a_add_b_add_c.txt jobid: 3 wildcards: file=3 [Tue Apr 2 21:21:04 2019] Finished job 3. 2 of 4 steps (50%) done [Tue Apr 2 21:21:04 2019] rule addc: input: 2_add_a_add_b.txt output: 2_add_a_add_b_add_c.txt jobid: 2 wildcards: file=2 [Tue Apr 2 21:21:04 2019] Finished job 2. 3 of 4 steps (75%) done [Tue Apr 2 21:21:04 2019] rule hebing: input: 1_add_a_add_b_add_c.txt, 2_add_a_add_b_add_c.txt, 3_add_a_add_b_add_c.txt, 1_add_a_add_b.txt, 2_add_a_add_b.txt output: hebing.txt jobid: 0 [Tue Apr 2 21:21:04 2019] Finished job 0. 4 of 4 steps (100%) done Complete log: /home/dengfei/test/snakemake/ex4/.snakemake/log/2019-04-02T212104.719887.snakemake.log
shiny学习笔记2-下载数据 - CSDN博客
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