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嘉道理农场暨植物园诚聘“植物鉴定和记录主任” (已招到)

已有 5279 次阅读 2015-5-26 18:22 |个人分类:未分类|系统分类:博客资讯

道理农场暨植物园 招聘 植物鉴定和记录主任


(2)在野外以及标本馆进行植物的辨认或鉴定, 并保证采集的植物都有完整的采集记录。
(6)进行一般的行政管理, 如管理数据, 以及其他工人等。


- 认同道理农场暨植物园的目标, 远景以及价值观。
- 具有研究生以上的学位(具有博士学位优先), 该学位需要与植物多样性和保护相关。
- 热衷于植物生物多样性的保护。
- 能够在野外鑑定出香港和华南地区的常见植物。
- 具有管理植物数据库和植物图片的经验。
- 具备森林样地或植被数据分析的背景, 至少在以下方面之一有工作经验 (1) 植物系统分类学 (2)群落生态学 (3) 物种分布模型 (4) 宏观生态学。
- 具有良好的沟通能力, 品行端正。
- 具有良好的英文和中文的听说读写能力。
- 有 R, Python, SQL 和 GIS背景的申请人优先考虑。
- 身体情况适合野外工作, 并且有出野外的经验。
- 具有开阔胸襟, 尊重大自然。

条件符合者将会被通知面试, 面试通过后,将以“输入内地人才计划”的方式来港工作。
请注意: 工作语言以及面试, 均为英文.

(1) 英文版个人简历, 附上两位推荐人, 并说明申请的职位, 以及期望的薪水。
(2) 一封申请信 (给出相应的工作经验以及为什麽对该职位感兴趣)。
邮寄到 Human Resources Manager, Kadoorie Farm & Botanic Garden Corporation, Lam Kam Road, Tai Po, New Territories, Hong Kong
或电邮 到 kfjobs@kfbg.org

以下为 英文版招聘广告, 原文链接 http://www.kfbg.org/eng/PIRO-flo.aspx

Plant Identification and Records Officer, FloraConservation Department, Kadoorie Farm and Botanic Garden Corporation, HongKong SAR.


KFBG isseeking a highly motivated ecologist/botanist working on plantbiodiversity conservation and research in the Flora Conservation Department. Thecandidate should be enthusiastic with good communication skills, capable of working in ateam and managing projects under supervision. Daily duties will include(1) to help to curate the KFBG herbarium including the management of theinternal specimen collection database and to conduct plant exploration fieldtrips in Hong Kong and South China, (2) to organise and to participate in thesurvey of forest dynamic plots and ecological forest restoration plantings, and(3) to analyse existing and accumulating forest restoration and forestmonitoring datasets.



 To conduct field trips in countryside of HongKong and in South China for plant conservation and research projects.

 To identify plant specimens both in the fieldand in herbarium to ensure the plant collections are well labelled.

 To establish and manage an inventory databaseof botanical data for KFBG, and to handle the specimen collection records aspart of the mission, activities, and projects of KFBG.

 To organize the (re)-census of forest dynamicand forest restoration plots and to process the dataset based on CTFS standard.

 To provide capacity building and deliverpresentations or guided tours for plant conservation work relevant to themission of the Flora Conservation Department.

 To handle general administrative duties,including but not limited to documentation of various kinds of data andsupervising other workers.



 Commitment to the mission, vision and valuesof KFBGC. Being open minded and recognizes the validity of all spiritual paths.Being passionate about the biodiversity of plants and its conservation.

 Possess a postgraduate degree (preferably PhDDegree) related to Plant Biodiversity and Conservation.

 With field identification skills pertainingto the wild plants of Hong Kong and South China.

 Experience in managing databases for plantinformation, including the living and preserved collections, and plant photos.

 Experience in data analysis for forest plotsor vegetation. Experience either in (1) plant systematics, (2) communityecology, (3) species distribution modelling or (4) macro ecological studies.

 Computer literacy, with experience andknowledge in computer programming using: R, Python, SQL and GIS would be anadvantage.

 Good communication and interpersonal skills,including good command of spoken and written English and Chinese.

 Physically fit for outdoor work andexperience in hiking in countryside.


Further Information isavailable at:  http://www.kfbg.org/eng/PIRO-flo.aspx


How to apply:

Please send a C.V. (withtwo references, interested position and expected salary) and a short essay (onrelevant experience and reasons for interest in the post) to the HumanResources Manager, Kadoorie Farm & Botanic Garden Corporation, Lam KamRoad, Tai Po, New Territories, Hong Kong or email to kfjobs@kfbg.org.



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